“We gave her some more money”
Damn you got extorted by the waitress
Real s***! We overtipped her ass
i aint going to play the "dont go out if you dont got bread" card cause that's a lame one, but you def should get ya bread up just so you dont gotta go through something like this again
i work in hospitality rule 101 never ask about tip you get what you get, and no boss will ever ask about tip like that she either 1 lied to you and said that and for you to believe the story so she can get more money from you or 2, she really meant that but again i think its 120% bs
the boss is using the tip money to pay a lower wage. if the tips she earns are below a threshold, the boss has to pay out from restaurant profits.
Job f***ed up payroll this week. Not my fault. Also I have to get my money up to donate money for ppl with JOBS??
that second sentance is literally how work like this gets paid out. the owner gets to legally pay below minimum wage unless tips dont make it at least equal to minimum wage
I worked for one where we were made to claim only enough to cover that, then the rest we took under the table (v illegal)
hilarious post
bf skinner reference 👏
lowkey a pretty sloppy reference that is basically saying multiple schedules are best without specifying just one. what hes explaining is variable ratio/vr anyways (technically might be mixed most likely too, meaning it's not a singular schedule at all), it could actually be variable interval/vi in this instance, and gets a million times more complex if you get into post-skinner research, and especially if youre looking at humans instead of skinner boxed rats looking into reinforcement theory. behaviorism is a lot more than entry pavlov and skinner stuff. cooper 2020 is fine as a more in depth but still entry text that has a lot more newer stuff in relation, whole chapter on this I believe
notice its driving her mad, thats due to resistance of certain factors and bro most likely is reinforcing the wrong behaviors anyways lol
pretty funny tho
I agree @op that's why I only frequent my local Chinese place nowadays. I give out a random tip with no reason. Sometimes I give 30%, sometimes 15%, sometimes nothing. There is no reason for it, it's totally random. I can see the Chinese lady who always takes my order trying to figure it out. They give me extra cookies, they act nicer, they give me faster service. But my tips are sometimes 0% and other times 30%. I have no real reason for doing this except that I don't think they paid any attention to me as a regular customer until I started doing this. Now the lady behind the counter pays extra close attention to every interaction we have. I know she's trying to figure out what the madness behind my tips is. But there isn't any. I just like to see what they'll try next to get consistent tips. I think they'd be happier with a regular who tipped only 5% every time. That would make more sense to them. B.F. Skinner said that the best reward schedule for training the behavior of a rat is a random schedule. So that's what I stick to. The rat rewarded randomly will work harder than a rat given a regular reward. I can tell the Chinese lady pays more attention to me than to any other customer. She spots me the instant I walk in the door and always pays very close attention to my orders. She'll let me skip in line now and have my order ready before other people who have been waiting. Then I tip 0%. She has no idea why. I can tell it's driving her mad but I really want to know how far I can push this before she snaps.
Ima need updates on this
Im a server & if you tip lower than the base amount for no reason on our part then you shouldn’t be going out to eat
you clearly can’t afford the service
Americans are so f***ing strange
Ima need updates on this
shes going to learn pretty fast its not worth it and stop even trying, theres too many variables and it fails matching law due to how variable the rates are
But I wonder if she sees the tip right away or not too, that would change the effect heavily. If so the delay reduction hyp would state she is being far more punished for low tips, if not she might not even care
Why would you be dining in at a restaurant if you’re so broke you have to nickel and dime the tip. S*** is dire circumstances bro you really shouldn’t be dining in at a restaurant to begin with. If all I had was $40 until next check I was never going to a restaurant to eat with the rest of the money you eat the cheapest s*** available and hold on to the rest. I mean s*** atleast do pickup and save a couple bucks. Smh you’re ignoring basic broke 101 protocol
Im a server & if you tip lower than the base amount for no reason on our part then you shouldn’t be going out to eat
you clearly can’t afford the service
u mfs have never stepped foot outside of america and it’s so clear
u mfs have never stepped foot outside of america and it’s so clear
in america a lot of servers make less than minimum wage, and tips are needed to cover the difference. if they dont cover it the restaurant pays it out of pocket and can fire waiters/etc as a result even
I think in better developed countries they dont even allow tips to be used like this
in america a lot of servers make less than minimum wage, and tips are needed to cover the difference. if they dont cover it the restaurant pays it out of pocket and can fire waiters/etc as a result even
I think in better developed countries they dont even allow tips to be used like this
this is an employer/employee issue, the foode industry is the only industry that actively requires the customer to compensate for their s***ty habits.
this is an employer/employee issue, the foode industry is the only industry that actively requires the customer to compensate for their s***ty habits.
yeah thats what im saying, except for the last part. It was like this when I carpet cleaned too, its a US problem from archaic laws that should just be removed regarding tips being some or most of workers pay
I agree @op that's why I only frequent my local Chinese place nowadays. I give out a random tip with no reason. Sometimes I give 30%, sometimes 15%, sometimes nothing. There is no reason for it, it's totally random. I can see the Chinese lady who always takes my order trying to figure it out. They give me extra cookies, they act nicer, they give me faster service. But my tips are sometimes 0% and other times 30%. I have no real reason for doing this except that I don't think they paid any attention to me as a regular customer until I started doing this. Now the lady behind the counter pays extra close attention to every interaction we have. I know she's trying to figure out what the madness behind my tips is. But there isn't any. I just like to see what they'll try next to get consistent tips. I think they'd be happier with a regular who tipped only 5% every time. That would make more sense to them. B.F. Skinner said that the best reward schedule for training the behavior of a rat is a random schedule. So that's what I stick to. The rat rewarded randomly will work harder than a rat given a regular reward. I can tell the Chinese lady pays more attention to me than to any other customer. She spots me the instant I walk in the door and always pays very close attention to my orders. She'll let me skip in line now and have my order ready before other people who have been waiting. Then I tip 0%. She has no idea why. I can tell it's driving her mad but I really want to know how far I can push this before she snaps.
You are legitimately psychotic bro LMFAO
One of my Favorite things about traveling is not feeling the pressure of tipping at a restaurant
I know mfs that live in million dollar homes that dont tip. Some people just dont want to because they dont believe in the s***.
If you’re a waiter/server in a college town, that’ll drive you closer to eating the rich than anything else in this life
Whole frat, come in with 50k+ trucks and SUVs, gonna be the loudest most obnoxious niggas, and they’ll leave you like a 10 dollar tip collectively
Don’t even get me started on the women lol
lowkey a pretty sloppy reference that is basically saying multiple schedules are best without specifying just one. what hes explaining is variable ratio/vr anyways (technically might be mixed most likely too, meaning it's not a singular schedule at all), it could actually be variable interval/vi in this instance, and gets a million times more complex if you get into post-skinner research, and especially if youre looking at humans instead of skinner boxed rats looking into reinforcement theory. behaviorism is a lot more than entry pavlov and skinner stuff. cooper 2020 is fine as a more in depth but still entry text that has a lot more newer stuff in relation, whole chapter on this I believe
notice its driving her mad, thats due to resistance of certain factors and bro most likely is reinforcing the wrong behaviors anyways lol
pretty funny tho
I agree @op that's why I only frequent my local Chinese place nowadays. I give out a random tip with no reason. Sometimes I give 30%, sometimes 15%, sometimes nothing. There is no reason for it, it's totally random. I can see the Chinese lady who always takes my order trying to figure it out. They give me extra cookies, they act nicer, they give me faster service. But my tips are sometimes 0% and other times 30%. I have no real reason for doing this except that I don't think they paid any attention to me as a regular customer until I started doing this. Now the lady behind the counter pays extra close attention to every interaction we have. I know she's trying to figure out what the madness behind my tips is. But there isn't any. I just like to see what they'll try next to get consistent tips. I think they'd be happier with a regular who tipped only 5% every time. That would make more sense to them. B.F. Skinner said that the best reward schedule for training the behavior of a rat is a random schedule. So that's what I stick to. The rat rewarded randomly will work harder than a rat given a regular reward. I can tell the Chinese lady pays more attention to me than to any other customer. She spots me the instant I walk in the door and always pays very close attention to my orders. She'll let me skip in line now and have my order ready before other people who have been waiting. Then I tip 0%. She has no idea why. I can tell it's driving her mad but I really want to know how far I can push this before she snaps.
Please tell me this isn't a copypasta You got a classic thread in your hands if it's not
her confusion/frustration is due to the tendency of humans to become accustomed to routine
she has an expectation of what she receives from tips and it wasn’t met with @op
the problem here is @op’s lack of assertiveness (ie the unwillingness to directly say that’s all he can afford)
I'm just pointing out it's kind of messy in relation to skinnerism with how vague that is, and you can't compare that to a skinner box. Its just framed weird
It's funny but the execution is more hilarious, and is going to cause s*** to go down lol