ramen for 40 meals
my niggas in the struggle know he's speaking facts
this is $23
get some vegetables, some carrots and cheese, maybe boil some eggs and this is a month's worth of dinner
my niggas in the struggle know he's speaking facts
this is $23
get some vegetables, some carrots and cheese, maybe boil some eggs and this is a month's worth of dinner
best flavor
the boss is using the tip money to pay a lower wage. if the tips she earns are below a threshold, the boss has to pay out from restaurant profits.
if its his restaurant then its different
The smoke this site has for waiters needs to be directed at barbers. They keep raising their prices for providing the same service and still ask for tips
Why would you be dining in at a restaurant if you’re so broke you have to nickel and dime the tip. S*** is dire circumstances bro you really shouldn’t be dining in at a restaurant to begin with. If all I had was $40 until next check I was never going to a restaurant to eat with the rest of the money you eat the cheapest s*** available and hold on to the rest. I mean s*** atleast do pickup and save a couple bucks. Smh you’re ignoring basic broke 101 protocol
Living in a non tipping country
Lmao this happened to me and my friend it didn’t end good
Me and him were out with some other friends it was his night to pay the bill and he had to pay for everyone so I started ordering drinks and s*** for girls at other tables telling everyone order more cause he made me pay last time he pays we leave
So I go out and this nigga is pissed behind me mad about what I did then here comes the f***ing waiter he’s like “was everything okay” we was like yeah he said then why did you not leave much for a tip then my friend tries to explain how he had to pay so much for the meal that he couldn’t this led to an argument between the waiter and my friend I ain’t gon lie I hit the waiter in his s*** with a big ass rock. This nigga go down and start twitching I can’t tell the rest of the story lmao.
But me and my friend made up and s*** cause somebody could have gotten hurt we had to squash it
I agree @op that's why I only frequent my local Chinese place nowadays. I give out a random tip with no reason. Sometimes I give 30%, sometimes 15%, sometimes nothing. There is no reason for it, it's totally random. I can see the Chinese lady who always takes my order trying to figure it out. They give me extra cookies, they act nicer, they give me faster service. But my tips are sometimes 0% and other times 30%. I have no real reason for doing this except that I don't think they paid any attention to me as a regular customer until I started doing this. Now the lady behind the counter pays extra close attention to every interaction we have. I know she's trying to figure out what the madness behind my tips is. But there isn't any. I just like to see what they'll try next to get consistent tips. I think they'd be happier with a regular who tipped only 5% every time. That would make more sense to them. B.F. Skinner said that the best reward schedule for training the behavior of a rat is a random schedule. So that's what I stick to. The rat rewarded randomly will work harder than a rat given a regular reward. I can tell the Chinese lady pays more attention to me than to any other customer. She spots me the instant I walk in the door and always pays very close attention to my orders. She'll let me skip in line now and have my order ready before other people who have been waiting. Then I tip 0%. She has no idea why. I can tell it's driving her mad but I really want to know how far I can push this before she snaps.
this s*** is frying me lmfaoo
She came up off op tho
Why would you be dining in at a restaurant if you’re so broke you have to nickel and dime the tip. S*** is dire circumstances bro you really shouldn’t be dining in at a restaurant to begin with. If all I had was $40 until next check I was never going to a restaurant to eat with the rest of the money you eat the cheapest s*** available and hold on to the rest. I mean s*** atleast do pickup and save a couple bucks. Smh you’re ignoring basic broke 101 protocol
His girl wanted to go eat and he didn’t want to look broke infront of his girl
But his girl ended up finding out in an even worse way
It’s not the servers fault that they aren’t paid properly
It is how it is… it’s not gonna change anytime soon so just have common courtesy and tip
And some people can’t “just get another job” so y’all need to stop saying that
People should work in food Atleast once in their life to know the bullshit these ppl go thru…I did that’s why I take tipping seriously
Obviously when service is bad, do whatever you gotta do but think for a moment….is it the waiter’s fault or are they just busy? Is it the cooks fault?
Most of the time it’s not even the waiter’s fault…they be trying their best
You should’ve given more but the waitress shouldn’t of pressed you tho lmao that’s wack as f***…and you shouldn’t of given her more after that
Also the mfers asking for a tip after the tiniest interaction are the worst lol