Happy for you I always want to get into the figs too just not the right timing atm. I love the 40K visuals that's like bigger reason I love the IP even more than the lore lol
I still need to finish Boltgun. Really sick game. Also Space Marine 2 soon 🤤
yeah space marine 2 looks amazing
but for sure today i won’t get anything at the store since one idk if im ready for the amount ill spend if i get addicted to it plus lucky today they’re gonna have people playing when i go in so ill get to see how its played
i couldn’t even go in the store it was legit only playing time now not able to look around
i couldn’t even go in the store it was legit only playing time now not able to look around
yeah it's a commitment, im also not prepared for that side of the hobby. I love it though and admire
man i've heard stories so far, some stores the people can be wack lol
@op finally gonna get to listening to the books got a long car ride tomorrow
@op finally gonna get to listening to the books got a long car ride tomorrow
Let's go!