WDYET 🍔 | 🚶‍♂️💥🚗💨

  • nephew 🦫
    May 14, 2024

  • May 14, 2024

    Theres 1 izakaya i rly wanted to go to but they dont take foreigner res 🙃 hotel advised against going
    Still wanna go tho ☹️

    Overall i think bc of how many tourists have been going a lot of places seem overall a bit cold/slight contemptful of tourists tbh

    Like the mayo terrace sec guard was talking to someone who called me gaijin over walky talky 😭😭😭😭 and the guard like rushed to turn the volume down and referred back to me as josei (woman) instead… but the tour guide herself was so lovely
    Ramen tomita
    Hikiniku ppl seemed v over it in general regardless of where ur from

    Not rly rude (and chinese restos in the us do this too) but the horse meat resto we went to gave us an english menu that had no horse meat on it (j beef) and we were like uhhh is this the rigjt spot? Then they gave us the real menu 😭

  • May 14, 2024
    big dog giovanni

    NY Strip with a blue cheese butter, roasted potatoes, and grilled zucchini

  • May 16, 2024
    1 reply

    In shanghai now
    Hit lei garden (1 mich star hk dim sum chain. Multiple branches have 1 mich star, including hk, sg, and 3 shanghai locations). So fire, their beef chow fun is stupid good, same w their charsiu su. Beef chow fun they sometimes run out of early since they make the noodles from scratch in house, so if u go on a weekend and plan to arrive after noonish, call ahead to reserve it. Everything they make is 10/10 tho and their service is incred

    Also hit yongfu mini 甬府小鲜m.dianping.com/shopshare/H6JpjTECvq8m7Tjx also in iapm
    Spinoff branch of yongfu (1 mich star ningbo cuisine).
    A lot of shanghainese families originally come from ningbo, so theres a lot of cuisine crossover. Ningbo particularly is known for their emphasis on seafood however.
    We got raw marinated drunken crab (so good) and their yuanzi (sesame filled glutinous rice balls/mochi). These r the best yuanzi ive ever had

    Ordered ahead for “a ma handmade” 阿嬷手工
    Iapm branch was 3.5 hr wait, xintiandi branch was 1.5 hr wait
    Ordered for xtd instead. U have to do it thru wechat n need to pay using wechat pay, which limits ur ability to cop to either u havinf a chinese bank or chinese bank hookup
    Or u just order using a delivery app
    Wanted to cop last year but xtd was also 3 hr wait
    P good but honestly sweetea in nyc ktown tastes better and has no wait ever for the exact same drink (black milk tea w taro paste n mochi)

    Also finally copped shokupan from ginza nishikawa (tokyo based bakery w branches in sh and la)
    Tried last yr but it was impossible bc of all the resellers
    Resellers have calmed down since they opened 2 more sh branches
    Can walk in to buy now or order ahead still
    p good, v bouncy n light. Not as soft and pillowy as other shokupans, rhis one has a rly rly nice chew. Kinda qq texture. I think it wld b excellent for sammies.
    Its like 13usd a loaf here compared to 20-25 usd for la 😭
    7usd a load in tokyo (didnt go bc it seems u need to line up before opening or make a reservation)
    Not worth putting a significant amt of effort into since at the end of the day its just a loaf of bread lol so wld not rec goldbellying this

  • May 17, 2024
    1 reply

    Drunkenly made pizza

  • May 18, 2024
    1 reply

    Drunkenly made pizza

  • May 18, 2024

    Huh 😳

  • May 19, 2024
    1 reply

    nikmati hidangan anda

  • May 19, 2024

    Yep. Clocked

  • May 19, 2024

    selamat pagi

  • proper 🔩
    May 20, 2024
    1 reply

    pb cookie + cc pecan cookie + jezebel cookie (dark cc + almonds + dried apricots) from la farine

    cookies n cream cookie + cc cookie + cc walnut cookie + toffee chip cookie + pb cookie from anthony’s

    toffee chip cookies + 2 chocolate lace cookies from
    whole foods (tbh these were not bad at all. far from being the best but also very far from being the worst.

    cc cookies from nicks pizza. still my
    fave cookie in the east bay atm

    bonus content: sale on jenis at whole foods last week 6$ instead of 10$ a pin.. only reason i copped so many pints at one time lmfso

    (there’s also a sweet cream biscuit w peach jam pint but just forgot to include in photo )

  • May 20, 2024

    pb cookie + cc pecan cookie + jezebel cookie (dark cc + almonds + dried apricots) from la farine

    cookies n cream cookie + cc cookie + cc walnut cookie + toffee chip cookie + pb cookie from anthony’s

    toffee chip cookies + 2 chocolate lace cookies from
    whole foods (tbh these were not bad at all. far from being the best but also very far from being the worst.

    cc cookies from nicks pizza. still my
    fave cookie in the east bay atm

    bonus content: sale on jenis at whole foods last week 6$ instead of 10$ a pin.. only reason i copped so many pints at one time lmfso

    (there’s also a sweet cream biscuit w peach jam pint but just forgot to include in photo )

    Those ones frm nicks cookies look crazy

    Also the jenis peach flavors saur good

  • May 20, 2024


  • May 20, 2024

  • May 20, 2024


  • proper 🔩
    May 21, 2024
    1 reply

    damn haven’t had carne asada fries in forever

    used to eat that s*** like 2x a week when i was at college in socal lmfso

  • May 21, 2024
    1 reply

    tokyo part 1

    jal has the best econo class food, its actually edible and pleasant and they always giv u baby haagen dazs ice creams.... i also rmemeber them doing cup noodles too way back not sure if they still do.

    basai in ginza

    walked in at like 9pm no problem
    horse meat spot
    horse meat salad, horse meat sushis w diff cuts/fatiness, horse meat ochazuke (rice porridge), horse meat sukiyaki
    honestly p crazy
    horse meat itself was rly good--the leaner cuts were actually tenderer raw
    but in terms of actual sukiyaki quality the sukiyaki itself clda been a lot better IRT broth (wasnt v flavorful as if they used plain water n not dashi but still rly sweet) and method (ur supposed to like sear a few of the sukiyaki meat first then add broth to bring out the flavor but they just giv u a pot of liquid)
    pretty fun but wouldnt go again tbh, was kinda for the novelty
    if u go and dont speak great jp theyll give u the english menu which includes only beef--the jp menu is all horse instead so ask for the horse meat menu if u get the english one. there was a single lady there by herself just eating her horse sukiyaki silently we stan


    ive been rly eyeing this spot lol
    1. u have to get in line by 8:10 absolute latest, they open at 9. any later and you will not get sandwiches or pudding and will wait till like 12:30-1:30pm for basically just a drink.
    2. at 9:05 or so they let the first wave of ppl in, they seat like maybe 25 at a time. if u dont get in this wave, just go home honestly truly no joke since they wait for an entire wave to get their food pay and leave before the next wave can enter
    3. if u get in, try to be the first to order or ull have to wait like 2.25 hrs just for ur food.... i was there from 7:50 and didnt get my pudding till 11:22... and they ran out of bread evenso i cldnt order a sammy bc i ordered on the later end of my wave
    i just ate a piece of sammy from the lady that they sat me w. why does it take so long u ask? they serve food in order of who ordered it, and they seem to only have like 7 pudding glasses or something... so once the first puddings are served they wait till all 7 ppl fully eat everything they ordered pay and leave so they can get the glasses back before serving the next set of puddings, meanwhile they start making the next several drinks and sammies. bros also like 80 yrs old so hes hustling but hes not... hustling u know what i mean. like i swear bro only just put on the pot of tea for the tea i got 1.75 hrs in
    4. all tourists in line, some japanese tourists from elsewhere in japan
    5. to recap, i was physically at this spot from 7:50-11:30 am just for a drink (royal milk tea, not pictured, v good) and a pudding and i was one of the first 10 ppl in line.

    honestly of all the purins ive tried in life, this might be my fave--i just like the burntness of the caramel in particular, its nicely bitter. however, would never do this again lmao... and i fl like there ought 2 b other equiv or better purins out there in the world, as the purin itself was not super crazy, i just liked how bitter the caramel was
    i see a lot of ppl saying photography is banned now but its not--dont be up in his face but u can take videos/photos as long as ur not crazy od just b chill. royal milk tea was nice but wouldnt stand in line for it. tamago sando is far better than the 7/11 one which i, controversial opinion, dont care for. but still its just a tamago sando u know

    branche choco
    deliv only, jp only
    arrives frozen
    basically a giant cube of nama chocolate
    they do smaller versions too but i wanted the cube idk it looked exciting to me
    it was so big
    its just so rich and flavorful u rly cant eat much of it at a time lol even if u wanted too
    i fl like w royce u dont rly get the flavor of the alcohol as much but this one u rly do, and the matcha flavors rly good

  • May 21, 2024

    damn haven’t had carne asada fries in forever

    used to eat that s*** like 2x a week when i was at college in socal lmfso

    I can never eat the whole thing.

  • May 21, 2024
    1 reply

    This is my new favorite sandwich.

    Also WHITE PEOPLE!! How come y'all never told me about Dirt Pudding?! This stuff is delicious, y'all been having these at the potluck this whole time?

  • proper 🔩
    May 21, 2024
    i am sasuke
    · edited

    tokyo part 1

    jal has the best econo class food, its actually edible and pleasant and they always giv u baby haagen dazs ice creams.... i also rmemeber them doing cup noodles too way back not sure if they still do.

    basai in ginza

    walked in at like 9pm no problem
    horse meat spot
    horse meat salad, horse meat sushis w diff cuts/fatiness, horse meat ochazuke (rice porridge), horse meat sukiyaki
    honestly p crazy
    horse meat itself was rly good--the leaner cuts were actually tenderer raw
    but in terms of actual sukiyaki quality the sukiyaki itself clda been a lot better IRT broth (wasnt v flavorful as if they used plain water n not dashi but still rly sweet) and method (ur supposed to like sear a few of the sukiyaki meat first then add broth to bring out the flavor but they just giv u a pot of liquid)
    pretty fun but wouldnt go again tbh, was kinda for the novelty
    if u go and dont speak great jp theyll give u the english menu which includes only beef--the jp menu is all horse instead so ask for the horse meat menu if u get the english one. there was a single lady there by herself just eating her horse sukiyaki silently we stan


    ive been rly eyeing this spot lol
    1. u have to get in line by 8:10 absolute latest, they open at 9. any later and you will not get sandwiches or pudding and will wait till like 12:30-1:30pm for basically just a drink.
    2. at 9:05 or so they let the first wave of ppl in, they seat like maybe 25 at a time. if u dont get in this wave, just go home honestly truly no joke since they wait for an entire wave to get their food pay and leave before the next wave can enter
    3. if u get in, try to be the first to order or ull have to wait like 2.25 hrs just for ur food.... i was there from 7:50 and didnt get my pudding till 11:22... and they ran out of bread evenso i cldnt order a sammy bc i ordered on the later end of my wave
    i just ate a piece of sammy from the lady that they sat me w. why does it take so long u ask? they serve food in order of who ordered it, and they seem to only have like 7 pudding glasses or something... so once the first puddings are served they wait till all 7 ppl fully eat everything they ordered pay and leave so they can get the glasses back before serving the next set of puddings, meanwhile they start making the next several drinks and sammies. bros also like 80 yrs old so hes hustling but hes not... hustling u know what i mean. like i swear bro only just put on the pot of tea for the tea i got 1.75 hrs in
    4. all tourists in line, some japanese tourists from elsewhere in japan
    5. to recap, i was physically at this spot from 7:50-11:30 am just for a drink (royal milk tea, not pictured, v good) and a pudding and i was one of the first 10 ppl in line.

    honestly of all the purins ive tried in life, this might be my fave--i just like the burntness of the caramel in particular, its nicely bitter. however, would never do this again lmao... and i fl like there ought 2 b other equiv or better purins out there in the world, as the purin itself was not super crazy, i just liked how bitter the caramel was
    i see a lot of ppl saying photography is banned now but its not--dont be up in his face but u can take videos/photos as long as ur not crazy od just b chill. royal milk tea was nice but wouldnt stand in line for it. tamago sando is far better than the 7/11 one which i, controversial opinion, dont care for. but still its just a tamago sando u know

    branche choco
    deliv only, jp only
    arrives frozen
    basically a giant cube of nama chocolate
    they do smaller versions too but i wanted the cube idk it looked exciting to me
    it was so big
    its just so rich and flavorful u rly cant eat much of it at a time lol even if u wanted too
    i fl like w royce u dont rly get the flavor of the alcohol as much but this one u rly do, and the matcha flavors rly good

    cube chocolate