  • Dec 17, 2019

    Why is this a thing? Why, in the wealthiest nation on Earth, does a five year old have to take the initiative to pay off the lunch debt (why the f*** is this even a thing?) of her fellow classmates?

    It's a bit ridiculous and morbid how often stories like this, and cancer gofundmes etc., are on front page news showcasing the selfless nature of people and the warm hearts of our children, rather than turning a critical eye to the system that allows s*** like lunch debt to be an actual problem.

  • Dec 17, 2019
    2 replies

    She did a nice thing bro, why you trippin

  • Dec 17, 2019
    1 reply

    She did a nice thing bro, why you trippin

    She shouldn’t even have to be doing this

  • Dec 17, 2019

    gotta train them for the real world.

  • Dec 17, 2019
    2 replies

    She shouldn’t even have to be doing this

    She shouldn’t have to broadcast it to the whole world either

  • Dec 17, 2019

    Get mad at some other negative s*** out there lol

    This just scratching the surface and you mad AF

  • Dec 17, 2019

    Agree with the title

  • Dec 17, 2019
    3 replies

    You should lighten up every once in a while op. Life is beautiful

  • Dec 17, 2019
    3 replies

    You should lighten up every once in a while op. Life is beautiful

    Nothing beautiful about needing 5 year olds to pay off debts

  • Dec 17, 2019

    Nothing beautiful about needing 5 year olds to pay off debts

  • Dec 17, 2019

    it's orwellian

  • Dec 17, 2019
    1 reply

    You should lighten up every once in a while op. Life is beautiful

    eat s***

  • Dec 17, 2019
    3 replies

    Nothing beautiful about needing 5 year olds to pay off debts

    Its clearly some news promo that you chose to interpret as negative as possible. Noone put the kid to work for that neither does anyone believe it will actually happen. They decided to give a little girl some shine because she was being nice. I know you’ll wave that all away and throw out someother bleak vision to « counter » me but im not trying to argue. Theres bleak moments in the world but not all the time. And this one certainly isn’t. You just f***ing up your own life if you wanna keep looking at s*** like that

  • Dec 17, 2019
    1 reply

    eat s***

    You must be fun at parties

  • Dec 17, 2019
    1 reply

    Its clearly some news promo that you chose to interpret as negative as possible. Noone put the kid to work for that neither does anyone believe it will actually happen. They decided to give a little girl some shine because she was being nice. I know you’ll wave that all away and throw out someother bleak vision to « counter » me but im not trying to argue. Theres bleak moments in the world but not all the time. And this one certainly isn’t. You just f***ing up your own life if you wanna keep looking at s*** like that

    How is it so "heartwarming" to see a young child make sacrifices to fight injustices? I mean good for her that at least she does care about the fate of other people (unlike some others itt), but if all you take away from this is how good her individual deed was, and not the fact that this even needs to be done, then you just have a fundamentally different worldview, it has nothing to do with needing to "lighten up".

  • Dec 17, 2019
    2 replies

    Boring right-wing talking point.

    People only say this to descredit people who are against inequality within richer countries, never to actually address neocolonial exploitation of the Global South.

  • Dec 17, 2019

    And plenty of people still go through struggles in Western countries, don't project your own white upper middle class lifestyle onto everybody else.

  • Dec 17, 2019

    This is stupid OP.

  • Dec 17, 2019

    Its clearly some news promo that you chose to interpret as negative as possible. Noone put the kid to work for that neither does anyone believe it will actually happen. They decided to give a little girl some shine because she was being nice. I know you’ll wave that all away and throw out someother bleak vision to « counter » me but im not trying to argue. Theres bleak moments in the world but not all the time. And this one certainly isn’t. You just f***ing up your own life if you wanna keep looking at s*** like that

    Do you think things like this, the underlying reasons behind them, should be normal?

  • Dec 17, 2019

    yeah bro even tho lot of people live in poverty in the west, let's just focus on the postivies maaaan that's goona improve things if we ignore the enormous economic issues and inequalities
    at least i have fun at the parties dude

  • This is why we have to come together

  • Dec 17, 2019
    1 reply

    Your first reaction to this was anger?

  • Dec 17, 2019

    lol shut up autist

  • Yeah i never was impressed by these stories cause they forgetting the fact that the people were denied food in the first place at school. There's plenty of heartwarming stories that exist and this act is heartwarming, but people ignoring the fact that the school lunch debt will come back either way

  • Dec 17, 2019

    Btw f*** this Im not gonna argue with someone that’s just gonna twist my words to have a counter argument.
