The difference is Abel is a good artist and Travis sucks
Is Abel a sellout
No authentic come up
Abel would bundle in his soul if he could
Interesting you’re coming for Abel and not almost every single artist in the industry who was bundling
The difference is Abel is a good artist and Travis sucks
Shut ur hairy ass up!
Is he a sellout for doing the super bowl tho
Sure if you want to look at it like that but considering he’s climbed his way to the top all while being in control of almost everything is it really fair to say he sold out
or is he just capitalizing on the empire he’s building
Shut ur hairy ass up!
Is Abel a sellout
You asking a thread full of Canadians and crackers if a black man is a sellout that’s crazy
These same Canadians and crackers were fasho calling Travis a sellout last super bowl though
Interesting you’re coming for Abel and not almost every single artist in the industry who was bundling
Man bundled in lollipops sir
Man bundled in lollipops sir
And there has been much more egregious bundles idk why you keep hanging that over his head like it changes anything no artist was touring so they found a way to make more money
Damn . Is that one on the earliest in his career to headline a super bowl
Bruno’s first performance was off of 2 albums
Bruno’s first performance was off of 2 albums
Yo it’s actually pretty crazy how quickly Bruno blew up to where he was at
When that piano goes off and we hear
“Only losers go to school”