When that piano goes off and we hear
“Only losers go to school”
Could mean new project
Doubt it
Me too but still loving after hours
Crazy how it’s about to be a year since Heartless + BL and they still feel fresh
Man bundled in lollipops sir
I dont see the problem with bundling lollipops. Like what about lolipops is different than any other item bundle?
Wow @The_Man gets to see our Packers And His fav artist too
So Abel is sweeping the Grammys on January 31st and then perform at the Halftime Show the next weekend
So Abel is sweeping the Grammys on January 31st and then perform at the Halftime Show the next weekend
So Abel is sweeping the Grammys on January 31st and then perform at the Halftime Show the next weekend
I hope they don’t f*** him over
Crazy how it’s about to be a year since Heartless + BL and they still feel fresh
The singles still feel fresh and After hours in Fall is better than it was new.
So Abel is sweeping the Grammys on January 31st and then perform at the Halftime Show the next weekend
So Abel is sweeping the Grammys on January 31st and then perform at the Halftime Show the next weekend
So Abel is sweeping the Grammys on January 31st and then perform at the Halftime Show the next weekend
I dont see the problem with bundling lollipops. Like what about lolipops is different than any other item bundle?
I’m just saying he sold out. Nothing wrong with that but it’s a bit delusional to think he didn’t. Not just with the bundles but also going full pop.
I’m just saying he sold out. Nothing wrong with that but it’s a bit delusional to think he didn’t. Not just with the bundles but also going full pop.
Who did he sellout to?
I’m just saying he sold out. Nothing wrong with that but it’s a bit delusional to think he didn’t. Not just with the bundles but also going full pop.