this performance is everything and it was just a casual warm up on the last verse when he sings and plays the guitar finger picking at the same time oh man..
@giorno_giovanna @HeyFella
Wasn’t something supposed to drop tonight or was that just trolling in the thread earlier?
Wasn’t something supposed to drop tonight or was that just trolling in the thread earlier?
oh that’s 666 it’s his gimmick
rumor is that something might drop the 21 tho
Alright I’m finally heading back home to Mass in the morning. Gonna get some sleep for the long ride. Peace brother.
@sfsorrow rivers is working rn on the next 3 weezer albums at the same time that will follow up ok human and van weezer
he’s stated one of them will be fully acoustic and that the first one that will come so the next weezer album to follow ok human and van weezer will feature the song he collaborated with julian back in 2010-2011
here’s a video of them working on it (no tease of the actual song tho) from way back
Alright I’m finally heading back home to Mass in the morning. Gonna get some sleep for the long ride. Peace brother.
always a pleasure my brother be safe, can’t wait to get your feedback on those lists and the homie! you take care, stay hydrated and have a safe trip
this performance is everything and it was just a casual warm up on the last verse when he sings and plays the guitar finger picking at the same time oh man..
@giorno_giovanna @HeyFella
@sfsorrow rivers is working rn on the next 3 weezer albums at the same time that will follow up ok human and van weezer
he’s stated one of them will be fully acoustic and that the first one that will come so the next weezer album to follow ok human and van weezer will feature the song he collaborated with julian back in 2010-2011
here’s a video of them working on it (no tease of the actual song tho) from way back
! acoustic album could be so good bro. I hope he goes all out songwriting wise, a lot of white album songs could probably translate so well to acoustic as it is. That balance of poppy & early 2000s rivers songwriting balance on there could be perfect for that style
That acoustic album could be so good bro. I hope he goes all out songwriting wise, a lot of white album songs could probably translate so well to acoustic as it is. That balance of poppy & early 2000s rivers songwriting balance on there could be perfect for that style
dude ppl don’t know that rivers is not just a beast at shredding electric guitar but also classical trained pianist and can play amazing finger picking acoustic guitar too.. i just posted this earlier it’s some lil warmup he live-streamed before doing a show and it’s so beautiful, the way he sings the last verse while finger picking...
the acoustic album will be a home run as much as ok human will be (and van weezer is actually setting itself up to be as good as white tbh, some of the info and clips we have of the album tracks is crazy..) he can do no wrong and i feel as much as easy it is it can be very creative with it, he could try a bluesy song (piece of the pie is cool imo) or one folky, or a bluesy, one fingerpicking, one intimate à la butterfly or one with the full band in but in acoustic setting ... man it’s gonna be another classic to add to the long list brother you already know dont eve n worry about it
dude ppl don’t know that rivers is not just a beast at shredding electric guitar but also classical trained pianist and can play amazing finger picking acoustic guitar too.. i just posted this earlier it’s some lil warmup he live-streamed before doing a show and it’s so beautiful, the way he sings the last verse while finger picking...
! acoustic album will be a home run as much as ok human will be (and van weezer is actually setting itself up to be as good as white tbh, some of the info and clips we have of the album tracks is crazy..) he can do no wrong and i feel as much as easy it is it can be very creative with it, he could try a bluesy song (piece of the pie is cool imo) or one folky, or a bluesy, one fingerpicking, one intimate à la butterfly or one with the full band in but in acoustic setting ... man it’s gonna be another classic to add to the long list brother you already know dont eve n worry about it
That video is amazing, i love how his wonderful eternally youthful voice is coming out of this homer simpson esque dad in a 5th grader button up polo. Rivers is really the best man and to bring it full circle is a perfect example of all will toledo isnt. He doesn’t have an ounce of the self aware, comfortable, focused demeanor and attitude rivers has that makes the music so strong in turn bc you can hear how much he believes in his own songwriting and voice
I wanted to show you this quote i remembered from this avalanches interview a few weeks ago, first bc it speaks to rivers ability to write catchy melodies/hooks but also it’s a very ithaka observation
“Rivers is so funny. He has a spreadsheet of his best phrases he’s kicking around. His assistant sent it to us and said, ‘You can choose one’. We thought we’d get greedy. He can only say no!?” says Di Blasi.
“We chose three and he said ‘Okay’. It was the first vocal we got back for the album – that guy can write a hit. We heard ‘Running running red lights’ and automatically the hook was there,” Chater says. “I can tell he loves Brian Wilson as much as we do. We both love that melancholy. People miss that about Rivers.”
That video is amazing, i love how his wonderful eternally youthful voice is coming out of this homer simpson esque dad in a 5th grader button up polo. Rivers is really the best man and to bring it full circle is a perfect example of all will toledo isnt. He doesn’t have an ounce of the self aware, comfortable, focused demeanor and attitude rivers has that makes the music so strong in turn bc you can hear how much he believes in his own songwriting and voice
I wanted to show you this quote i remembered from this avalanches interview a few weeks ago, first bc it speaks to rivers ability to write catchy melodies/hooks but also it’s a very ithaka observation
“Rivers is so funny. He has a spreadsheet of his best phrases he’s kicking around. His assistant sent it to us and said, ‘You can choose one’. We thought we’d get greedy. He can only say no!?” says Di Blasi.
“We chose three and he said ‘Okay’. It was the first vocal we got back for the album – that guy can write a hit. We heard ‘Running running red lights’ and automatically the hook was there,” Chater says. “I can tell he loves Brian Wilson as much as we do. We both love that melancholy. People miss that about Rivers.”
bro isn’t that video ridiculous? i love how he lets his vulnerable voice come out here again unlike on albums or show where he tries to work on being more showman, nothing wrong with it but these moments are so nice, he did a lot of streams like this i remember one time he played memories and went all classical on the guitar s*** sounded brazzy
like wtf where that came from dude just casually improvises it, he’s so dedicated to his job like no one i feel, he literally wakes up everyday does his vippassana meditation (ever since he started in like 2003 after being presented to it by rick rubin he has only skipped one day of meditating it and that was bc he was in a tour bus crash) and writes a new song every day, he perfect his skills and works work to it
dead at the homer simpson comment he looks way better these days haha
aw man THANK YOU SO MUCH no one ever showed me that and i KNEW as much as wild that collaboration first sounds for outcomers it made sense to me right off the bat cause i know these mfs clicked right off the bat due to their beach boys obsession
avalanches did a mix of a deep album cut beach boys song, a serious hardcore fan pick:
and rivers well do i need to comment? from the cover of the blue album to name dropping them on the blue album b side jamie to today with the song named “beach boys”
but reading it from the avalanches bois themselves made my day!!!
that story is so amazing (loved your “ithaka observation” remark haha) and doesn’t surprise me, it’s so effortless to rivers, reminds me of how the collaboration with panic at the disco came to be:
rivers is such a force of nature (thats from elton john himself actually, called him a force of nature) of pop- people don’t realize he wrote for cee lo green for example too:
so slept on
love u tho bro thanks for the kind words
gonna listen to the blue album tonight again if i don't forget which i will probably do tbh
bro isn’t that video ridiculous? i love how he lets his vulnerable voice come out here again unlike on albums or show where he tries to work on being more showman, nothing wrong with it but these moments are so nice, he did a lot of streams like this i remember one time he played memories and went all classical on the guitar s*** sounded brazzy
like wtf where that came from dude just casually improvises it, he’s so dedicated to his job like no one i feel, he literally wakes up everyday does his vippassana meditation (ever since he started in like 2003 after being presented to it by rick rubin he has only skipped one day of meditating it and that was bc he was in a tour bus crash) and writes a new song every day, he perfect his skills and works work to it
dead at the homer simpson comment he looks way better these days haha
aw man THANK YOU SO MUCH no one ever showed me that and i KNEW as much as wild that collaboration first sounds for outcomers it made sense to me right off the bat cause i know these mfs clicked right off the bat due to their beach boys obsession
avalanches did a mix of a deep album cut beach boys song, a serious hardcore fan pick:
! rivers well do i need to comment? from the cover of the blue album to name dropping them on the blue album b side jamie to today with the song named “beach boys”
but reading it from the avalanches bois themselves made my day!!!
that story is so amazing (loved your “ithaka observation” remark haha) and doesn’t surprise me, it’s so effortless to rivers, reminds me of how the collaboration with panic at the disco came to be:
! is such a force of nature (thats from elton john himself actually, called him a force of nature) of pop- people don’t realize he wrote for cee lo green for example too:
! slept on
love u tho bro thanks for the kind words
Jesus christ that avalanches mix is amazing, i can’t believe ive never heard abt the mix that’s from. This is so interesting to hear too because they said Wildflower changed a lot over the course of all those years but this just shows you how huge Brian’s impact was on them and especially that album in its vision and sound. Maybe even more than any other sole influence. We could do a whole deep dive on that sometime tbh
And he absolute is tbh, he’s prolific. I wish more pop artists used him even for writing credits/melody work. I feel like he was on everything late 00s early 10s. And ily2 friend thanks for being one of the only ppl that actually makes it worth it to come on here to discuss music
gonna listen to the blue album tonight again if i don't forget which i will probably do tbh
u might wanna see a doctor about that
also @sfsorrow rivers played running red lights live acoustic on zoom, quality not brazzy bc zoom screen recorded but shows the layers of the beauty of the song imo:
! 6:49
The stuttering and compression with the green screen It actually makes it more charming tbh. And his voice is literally made for all the small things bro it’s insane. He could do any blink song
u might wanna see a doctor about that
u mean because of my excessive weezer listening habit in the past couple weeks?
u might be onto something doc
u mean because of my excessive weezer listening habit in the past couple weeks?
u might be onto something doc
no bc you forget a lot
new order thread tonight
The stuttering and compression with the green screen It actually makes it more charming tbh. And his voice is literally made for all the small things bro it’s insane. He could do any blink song
what are some of your fav artists im sure i can find some weezer s*** on it