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  • Jan 9, 2021

    What the f*** why wasn't this finished

  • Jan 9, 2021

    Yeah definitely, the whole song took me back to Pinkerton tbh. Hook is amazing and the lyrics hit hard on this one ( simple as they are).

    Like this would easily be on my top 3 from ewbaite, Rivers HAS to be stopped at all costs

    fr it should’ve been on there

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply
  • Jan 9, 2021

    this is the version i was talking about originally @Danny


    @deepsleep @Unwound goat abandonned demo @HeyFella @Key1256

    @cotton_dockers @VizeGuy @mets this home demo is real pinkerton...

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    ok dookie im done with Pacific Daydream and god I love this album, it starts of incredible strong, transit insanely well into the middle of the album never losing my attention, it does kinda fall off towards the end but hell its a fall off thats barely noticeable .

    Feels like they perfected the poppy songs like Beach Boys and Feels like Summer while satisfying old fans with songs like QB Blitz and Sweet Mary.

    Compared to White Album I gotta go with White Album, while Pacific doesnt have any Love the USA, every other song on White Album I feel like heavily outclass Pacific, the only songs I feel like that compare to a White song is QB Blitz, and thats not cause Pacific Daydream its more of how f***ing amazing White is.

    One complaint can give which barely is a is one is that songs like Beach Boys, Feel Like Summer and Happy Hour all feel like that they follow the same formula which I honestly dont even mind CUZ IT KEEPS HITTING OVER AND OIVER AGAIN.

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    ok dookie im done with Pacific Daydream and god I love this album, it starts of incredible strong, transit insanely well into the middle of the album never losing my attention, it does kinda fall off towards the end but hell its a fall off thats barely noticeable .

    Feels like they perfected the poppy songs like Beach Boys and Feels like Summer while satisfying old fans with songs like QB Blitz and Sweet Mary.

    Compared to White Album I gotta go with White Album, while Pacific doesnt have any Love the USA, every other song on White Album I feel like heavily outclass Pacific, the only songs I feel like that compare to a White song is QB Blitz, and thats not cause Pacific Daydream its more of how f***ing amazing White is.

    One complaint can give which barely is a is one is that songs like Beach Boys, Feel Like Summer and Happy Hour all feel like that they follow the same formula which I honestly dont even mind CUZ IT KEEPS HITTING OVER AND OIVER AGAIN.


    nooo the end has bops

    plus diane

    Head bang in the crowd, dive from the stage
    With black hair and a Smiths shirt
    Meat is murder

    I asked her if she had a boyfriend, she said no
    I asked her if she had a girlfriend, she said hell I wouldn't know

    n the bridge is the best..

    Went down to the bank of the river
    And she washed my dirty hands
    I'd been hanging around in a cloud of shame
    'Til she let me taste the cold water

    agree tho fls took me some listens to get into bc it was the first single post white album and i think that’s why fans got so biased towards the album either way bc with this single it was so drastic, but it’s such a hit and great lyrics, ppl stop at the title thi king another song about summer but it’s a song about an ex he found out passed away, such great songwritting you’re right tho album has both new and old but it learns from white experience and manages to cook this in a coherent way, especially lyrically love the method he had going on there - i think he said on white in hindsight like almost all the songs had the word girl so he said ok pd he didn’t want any song with the word girl in it

    but man what a comeback run from ewbaite to pd, fans gets mad at lack of guitars but f*** them the songwritting on these three albums in a row out beats any other band in the game rn

    i feel the pattern of beach boys - fls and happy hour (prolly the most dancy weezer song love the harmonic tag at the end) is counter balanced with the pattern of weekend woman - qb blitz and sweet mary so it’s in fair game

    imo i love the album as much as blue

  • Jan 9, 2021

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    this is the version i was talking about originally @Danny


    @deepsleep @Unwound goat abandonned demo @HeyFella @Key1256

    @Womanpuncher69 @grimes @Danny

  • Jan 9, 2021
    2 replies
    · edited


    nooo the end has bops

    plus diane

    Head bang in the crowd, dive from the stage
    With black hair and a Smiths shirt
    Meat is murder

    I asked her if she had a boyfriend, she said no
    I asked her if she had a girlfriend, she said hell I wouldn't know

    n the bridge is the best..

    Went down to the bank of the river
    And she washed my dirty hands
    I'd been hanging around in a cloud of shame
    'Til she let me taste the cold water

    agree tho fls took me some listens to get into bc it was the first single post white album and i think that’s why fans got so biased towards the album either way bc with this single it was so drastic, but it’s such a hit and great lyrics, ppl stop at the title thi king another song about summer but it’s a song about an ex he found out passed away, such great songwritting you’re right tho album has both new and old but it learns from white experience and manages to cook this in a coherent way, especially lyrically love the method he had going on there - i think he said on white in hindsight like almost all the songs had the word girl so he said ok pd he didn’t want any song with the word girl in it

    but man what a comeback run from ewbaite to pd, fans gets mad at lack of guitars but f*** them the songwritting on these three albums in a row out beats any other band in the game rn

    i feel the pattern of beach boys - fls and happy hour (prolly the most dancy weezer song love the harmonic tag at the end) is counter balanced with the pattern of weekend woman - qb blitz and sweet mary so it’s in fair game

    imo i love the album as much as blue

    yessss I love Diane too, it just Get Right for me that kinda brings it down a little, but the counter balance u talked about is exactly how I felt, I just didnt know how to put into words

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    yessss I love Diane too, it just Get Right for me that kinda brings it down a little, but the counter balance u talked about is exactly how I felt, I just didnt know how to put into words

    also for me its right under blue/white tier

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    yessss I love Diane too, it just Get Right for me that kinda brings it down a little, but the counter balance u talked about is exactly how I felt, I just didnt know how to put into words

    get right was one of the first song at first took me more time but it’s only bc it was outshined by the other amazing top tier songs, it has its place into the album imo and brings the upbeat - literally no skips on this for me

    there’s such a feeling attached to the album to me, can’t put into words, so many memories attached to it

  • Jan 9, 2021

    also for me its right under blue/white tier

    choky goat

  • Jan 9, 2021

    gonna make a post soon for the white album with every performances they did of every song on it

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    get right was one of the first song at first took me more time but it’s only bc it was outshined by the other amazing top tier songs, it has its place into the album imo and brings the upbeat - literally no skips on this for me

    there’s such a feeling attached to the album to me, can’t put into words, so many memories attached to it

    I feel the exact same it isn't bad just so many other great songs, it prob gonna grow on me as well then

  • Jan 9, 2021
    1 reply

    @Womanpuncher69 @grimes @Danny

    Listened to it earlier. Attention deficit Really enjoyed this one, especially the guitar

  • Jan 9, 2021

    Listened to it earlier. Attention deficit Really enjoyed this one, especially the guitar

    the solo

  • Jan 9, 2021

    I feel the exact same it isn't bad just so many other great songs, it prob gonna grow on me as well then

    yeah with listens you always get a better hold of the album as a whole and it’s overall execution

  • Jan 10, 2021
    1 reply

    good ozzy impression by brian no? @LuJo

  • Jan 10, 2021

    mfs wrote a song about me

  • Jan 10, 2021
    1 reply

    good ozzy impression by brian no? @LuJo

    Not bad, he's clearly trying his best 💜

  • Jan 10, 2021
    1 reply

    Not bad, he's clearly trying his best 💜

    y u talking like you’re petting him

  • Jan 10, 2021
    1 reply

    y u talking like you’re petting him

    Aww, bless their hearts

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