This is great man I gotta listen to this album fr
This is great man I gotta listen to this album fr
why o why o why do my flowers always die? why do they diiie? 🥀
one of the best modern =w= chunes
why o why o why do my flowers always die? why do they diiie? 🥀
one of the best modern =w= chunes
Very impressed with the singers voice
Very impressed with the singers voice
that’s why i love white album it has traditional old school =w=songs but then also counter balanced with songs like this - it was really the first time we finally had on record a fulll fletched out song with a piano driving it (rivers is an excelent classical pianist that hopefully will be greatly showcased in the next album ok human, a fully orchestrated symphonic album with no guitars)
but it was also the first time on record where rivers finally gave good amount of his falsetto, we had some seconds glimpse before but nothing where it’s a recurring hook (the only other one was a great song that never made onto any album) surely they do a lot harmonies but lead singing falsetto is different, at least at this range! maybe he was scared it would be hard to fully replicate every night at the live shows
such killer s***, rivers often holds back bc it aint sport and he just wants to make cool songs, but he’s extremely skilled on many levels - glad you noticed it frèro
Would love for them to do something with this.
!https://youtube.com/watch?v=VSEZlXv2hUE&feature=shareima relisten in a minute
you know what’s funny tho is the liner notes of the alone that has this is the way mentions Scott loves it and pushed for the song, think may imply he had a shot at doing the vocals on it? and rivers literally says the song will be on the next album
we dodged a massive bullet there
ima relisten in a minute
you know what’s funny tho is the liner notes of the alone that has this is the way mentions Scott loves it and pushed for the song, think may imply he had a shot at doing the vocals on it? and rivers literally says the song will be on the next album
we dodged a massive bullet there
Something about the way this is written, I didn’t understand it. Maybe I’m just tired from my long trip lol
Something about the way this is written, I didn’t understand it. Maybe I’m just tired from my long trip lol
how was your trip? home safe?
lol sorry my bad, so on alone 1 if you buy the physical cd there’s a booklet with liner notes that comes with some comments by rivers on the songs
and on “this is the way” which i think is awful - not only rivers thought it was good enough to be included with sftbh material but he comments on the song saying scott shriner loves it and insists rivers to use it, apparently iirc it’s mentioned scott might be the one singing on it if it were to be done with the band, but either way rivers says it will be on the next album
ofc thankfully that never happened
how was your trip? home safe?
lol sorry my bad, so on alone 1 if you buy the physical cd there’s a booklet with liner notes that comes with some comments by rivers on the songs
and on “this is the way” which i think is awful - not only rivers thought it was good enough to be included with sftbh material but he comments on the song saying scott shriner loves it and insists rivers to use it, apparently iirc it’s mentioned scott might be the one singing on it if it were to be done with the band, but either way rivers says it will be on the next album
ofc thankfully that never happened
Oh lmfao.
The trip was fun but the drive was long and exhausting. Listened to a lot of Weezer and Zerwee 2. I know y’all like the first one he did but the second one kinda overlooked. This would be a killer Weezer song.
Oh lmfao.
The trip was fun but the drive was long and exhausting. Listened to a lot of Weezer and Zerwee 2. I know y’all like the first one he did but the second one kinda overlooked. This would be a killer Weezer song.
!https://youtube.com/watch?v=735Nfz-b3O4&feature=sharegood to hear you’re back safe
this is more ozma ish to me! but good stuff
did you listen to the homie stuff?
good to hear you’re back safe
this is more ozma ish to me! but good stuff
did you listen to the homie stuff?
I did, it was very good. You were right, I dug that version of Prettiest Girl. Would have preferred Rivers vocals tho on it. He was a good vocalist tho, just doesn’t have the same punch.
I did, it was very good. You were right, I dug that version of Prettiest Girl. Would have preferred Rivers vocals tho on it. He was a good vocalist tho, just doesn’t have the same punch.
nice!!! i think they did a good enough job that im satisfied with their performances
rosemary and baby always flours me, they are on the same level of only in dreams and across the sea to me songwritting wise
nice!!! i think they did a good enough job that im satisfied with their performances
rosemary and baby always flours me, they are on the same level of only in dreams and across the sea to me songwritting wise
Yeah loved that rendition of Rosemary, much better than the demo and in that case the vocals were much better too. Rivers voice actually kinda meh to bad on the OG.
Yeah loved that rendition of Rosemary, much better than the demo and in that case the vocals were much better too. Rivers voice actually kinda meh to bad on the OG.
yeah before the demo came out all we had were live bootlegs so lots of imagination to play with, the demo definitely doesn’t live up to it but maybe that has to do with spending years listening to this beautiful cover
@DonutHole love to get your thoughts on pacific daydream
Would love for them to do something with this.
!https://youtube.com/watch?v=VSEZlXv2hUE&feature=sharehis grungy wanna be kurt voice
this aged amazingly, actually i can totally imagine this on ok human with strings pizzicato instead of those guitar notes
@DonutHole love to get your thoughts on pacific daydream
Enjoyed it on the first listen
Favorite song of this album
Honorable mentions
Beach Boys
Any friend of Diane
Easy listen overall, was actually surprised when the album was over.
Thanks for putting me on 💜🌹
Enjoyed it on the first listen
Favorite song of this album
Honorable mentions
Beach Boys
Any friend of Diane
Easy listen overall, was actually surprised when the album was over.
Thanks for putting me on 💜🌹
goat songs
i love all of them equally tbh
ugh what a perfect album
As much as I really like Sweet Mary, that song could be truly special if it was arranged differently. It’s got that Beach Boys vibe, but the emotion and energy of the song is somewhat neutered by its overtly pop exterior. Like it’s so modern and “clean” if that makes sense but it’s heart is so much older and timeless. It could easily be a beautiful orchestral track or something more in line instrumentally with Brian Wilson’s work.