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  • Jan 13, 2021

    I'm goin IN

  • Jan 13, 2021

    I'm goin IN

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply

    need @Vagabonds take on pacific daydream soon

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply

    oh like you mean you’re gonna catch up? all the way to today?


    Ill start with the albums i haveny listened to it. Then basically all the extras. Im assuming nowadays there's a grand resource where i can find everything hes done?

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply


    Ill start with the albums i haveny listened to it. Then basically all the extras. Im assuming nowadays there's a grand resource where i can find everything hes done?

    feelingisfirst the goat

    please do all the albums and give us your feedbacks on each! would love to chat back and forth with you about all of them and bring some contexts and trivias to give you a better overall perspective

    as for the rest that isn’t album canon one yt channel to make it easy - if you’re looking to use yt for that

    i could swear there’s another one who archives as heavily but not coming back to me

    what you need to know also is uh rivers did his website himself by learning webmastering and codding and so he set up this market place where he sells his home made demos, the alone series covering all eras with over 2,000 songs but when he originally set it up he left the dropbox public lol so ppl found it and dug thru the best s*** - it hurted his bag and made me really sad

    but as he put it on the market he started uploading more to it and covering more stuff, however because of this original accident lot of people are reluctant to upload the demos in yt to not hurt rivers covid bag

    but it’s starting to come together, some accounts are putting up the relevant material as we post it itt

    BUT if you wanna listen to it ALL at 100% you’re gonna have to go through the market store, i can try to upload you some of the stuff but it doesn’t sit right to me, no artists has ever done and shared this with its own community you know, we shouldn’t take it for granted at all he deserves the bag

    however you’re warned all the recordings are still handpicked himself there’s more we haven’t heard as 1 he only uploads stuff that doesn’t involve other ppl so no band recording or collaborations or featurings, sometimes there is some of those that do pop up but are quickly taken down by rivers himself as soon as he notices it lol there’s a cute demo he took off of him writing a song for kelly clarkson and they’re both singing on it! it’s actually a great song believe it or no

    he’s making exceptions and is working on that tho as he’s uploading demos with pat and the ozma guys as im assuming he reached out to them and they were cool with it

    but most of all whats to keep in mind is that, it’s kinda of a trash bin as in he stated these are all songs he will not be mining for from there on, so unless they’re songs that are on albums already locked before this market happened (van weezer and ok human) they are songs he’s abandoning - which means some are gems he hasn’t work out but some are stuff that didn’t go nowhere or involved into songs we got later, for example there’s a 2002 demo that are the verses of summer elaine from the white album!!! - this also means there’s probably just as much recordings as the ones available we won’t hear bc he’s saving it to work on, there’s 2 weezer albums recorded and locked ready to drop but rivers is working rn on the next 3 weezer albums to follow these up at the same time! im sure lot of the songs can be all new material as the lockdown era was most definitely prolific for him but it’s also likely he’s retouching songs he’s not revealing and selling to us

    for example he said the first of these three albums to follow up will feature the julian casablancas collaboration weve been waiting on ever since he teased us with it some 10y ago now, so naturally this is one of the (many?) demo songs he’s not putting on the market

    all the packages for each eras comes with artworks and additional comments from rivers on each songs if there is anything to say about, so it’s worth the purchase

    most importantly it’s key to remember these were never meant to be ever public, its rivers just working on his music over his entire career theyre recordings for himself alone so there’s also lot of funny or throw away and short ideas

    ok hopefully ive touched all bases and made it clear for you to navigate through that journey my brother

  • Jan 13, 2021

    @chelsea hope you had great holidays

  • Jan 13, 2021
    2 replies

    from rivers self made own wikipedia:

    next3 is the name for the album after ok human and van weezer

    next4 is the name for the album AFTER THAT

    jake is jake sinclair producer of white


    the comment on next4 being the most difficult to get right is interesting

    so grateful rivers is challenging and not going on to just make a rock album at least from what this sounds like, who knows what he means by difficult! but it must be ambitious right?

  • G Roy 🩻
    Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply

    from rivers self made own wikipedia:

    next3 is the name for the album after ok human and van weezer

    next4 is the name for the album AFTER THAT

    jake is jake sinclair producer of white


    the comment on next4 being the most difficult to get right is interesting

    so grateful rivers is challenging and not going on to just make a rock album at least from what this sounds like, who knows what he means by difficult! but it must be ambitious right?

    crazy how neither van weezer or ok human has dropped and were already speculating on the next 2
    Rivers is a creative machine with no stops

  • Jan 13, 2021
    2 replies

    What a time to be alive

  • Jan 13, 2021
    2 replies

    from rivers self made own wikipedia:

    next3 is the name for the album after ok human and van weezer

    next4 is the name for the album AFTER THAT

    jake is jake sinclair producer of white


    the comment on next4 being the most difficult to get right is interesting

    so grateful rivers is challenging and not going on to just make a rock album at least from what this sounds like, who knows what he means by difficult! but it must be ambitious right?

    Jazz Weezer coming soon

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply
    G Roy

    crazy how neither van weezer or ok human has dropped and were already speculating on the next 2
    Rivers is a creative machine with no stops

    truly my goat... love that jake is his go to man he is the best dude we could have in weezer camp, he’s really pushing rivers in his best direction and intention both making new stuff and letting him do what he wants but also really know what weezer is and sometimes need to bring back, or how to get ahold of that feeling it brings and sound

    also feel rivers going so hard is not just bc of covid but also bc he’s scared of getting old and knows time as of rn is more crucial than ever to him

  • Jan 13, 2021
    2 replies

    What a time to be alive

  • Jan 13, 2021

  • Jan 13, 2021

    Jazz Weezer coming soon


    seriously i have no clue what it could be for rivers to judge that to be so difficult to pull off

    it must be something very off field ....

  • G Roy 🩻
    Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply

    truly my goat... love that jake is his go to man he is the best dude we could have in weezer camp, he’s really pushing rivers in his best direction and intention both making new stuff and letting him do what he wants but also really know what weezer is and sometimes need to bring back, or how to get ahold of that feeling it brings and sound

    also feel rivers going so hard is not just bc of covid but also bc he’s scared of getting old and knows time as of rn is more crucial than ever to him

    agreed, Jake really has the best intentions of the legacy of the band but also the free flowing creativity at heart. Best guy to have around fr.

    also yah Rivers is going harder then ever to make sure nothing goes unsaid before he gets too old to be pumping out at this pace which i respect a lot

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply

    Jazz Weezer coming soon

    tbh you’re prolly in something bc he’s really into concept focused themed albums rn

    I REALLY HOPE he follows through with the acoustic i think he does he mentioned it a lot and when rivers mention one idea more than twice it’s that he’s working on it fr

    i think that’s what next3 is and why he doesn’t comment much on it as it was prolly super easy to put together and maybe why next4 is so “difficult” in contrast to how easy next: is if it is the acoustic album, you feel me

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply
    G Roy

    agreed, Jake really has the best intentions of the legacy of the band but also the free flowing creativity at heart. Best guy to have around fr.

    also yah Rivers is going harder then ever to make sure nothing goes unsaid before he gets too old to be pumping out at this pace which i respect a lot

    jake has the dream job dude had a weezer tribute band and is now the go to man rivers hits up

    yeah tbh it’s insane to even think and harder for me to say but i can’t wrap my head around the fact that in ten years from now rivers will be entering into sixties..

    i think it’s hitting him hard and that’s prolly why he’s being this prolific not just bc of covid, the lyrics of beginning of the end kinda tells us how he’s scared of this

  • Jan 13, 2021

    What a time to be alive

  • G Roy 🩻
    Jan 13, 2021
    2 replies

    jake has the dream job dude had a weezer tribute band and is now the go to man rivers hits up

    yeah tbh it’s insane to even think and harder for me to say but i can’t wrap my head around the fact that in ten years from now rivers will be entering into sixties..

    i think it’s hitting him hard and that’s prolly why he’s being this prolific not just bc of covid, the lyrics of beginning of the end kinda tells us how he’s scared of this

    well, there's worst things to do when going through a midlife crisis then writing classics!

  • Jan 13, 2021
    G Roy

    well, there's worst things to do when going through a midlife crisis then writing classics!

    dude casually pulling off symphonic album after doing a stadium rock album like it ain’t no thing

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply
    G Roy

    well, there's worst things to do when going through a midlife crisis then writing classics!

    also where’s your ranked songs list thingy

  • G Roy 🩻
    Jan 13, 2021
    2 replies

    also where’s your ranked songs list thingy

    oh yah lol!
    idk if i would exactly call this accurate,,,,, but hey i do indeed love all the songs that ended up in my top spots so i'll take it!! lol

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply
    G Roy

    oh yah lol!
    idk if i would exactly call this accurate,,,,, but hey i do indeed love all the songs that ended up in my top spots so i'll take it!! lol

    top 3 doesn’t have any maladroit i think you got hacked

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply

    LMAO you hate trippin this much?

  • G Roy 🩻
    Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply

    top 3 doesn’t have any maladroit i think you got hacked

    yah thats exactly why i wouldn't exactly call it accurate
    i do love those songs tho! and it was a pretty fun way to spend 30 minutes so

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