we've seen the differences in the charts, spotify users dont listen to the same stuff as apple music. how would u guys characterize that difference? which culture do u prefer?
apple music is for people who listen to the hot 100 exclusively
spotify is for people with taste
local files argument for spotify is stupid because i've been adding my own music through itunes years before apple music and they work fine together
apple music is for people who listen to the hot 100 exclusively
spotify is for people with taste
Spotify Is like Android for me. Way more choices of different playlists than Apple and not to mention the seamless switching among devices
apple music is for people who listen to the hot 100 exclusively
spotify is for people with taste
literally the opposite
literally the opposite
I disagree. Started with Apple Music than moved recently to Spotify.
apple is more hip hop favoured, and more album oriented by virtue of the design i feel
apple music is for people who listen to the hot 100 exclusively
spotify is for people with taste
youtube premium >>
I disagree. Started with Apple Music than moved recently to Spotify.
u went backwards u dummy
local files argument for spotify is stupid because i've been adding my own music through itunes years before apple music and they work fine together
apple local file integration s***s on spotify so hard it's not even funny. stg it's not even close. spotify just got local files a few months ago, but i been had the entire samurai champloo ost album collection tagged n tracklisted w the album covers on my phone since high school.
apple is more hip hop favoured, and more album oriented by virtue of the design i feel
Yea even as a spotify user I realize that Am is definitely more of an album experience type deal. But Spotify users explore more due their library
spotify got the real music nerds i dont see no esoteric playlists on AM
completely the opposite actually
apple playlists are actually esoteric, which is why u haven't heard of them. spotify playlists are legitimately half payola half AI, even the niche ones 😭