  • Jan 25, 2020

    Kingdom Hearts 3
    New Super Mario Bros. Deluxe Switch
    Batman: Arkham Knight

    Keeping myself busy until Animal Crossing drops and I don’t have time for any other games for a while lololol.

  • Jan 28, 2020

    finally playing Persona 5 and im loving it so far.

    am garbage at the boss fights tho

  • Jan 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Far cry 5

  • Jan 29, 2020

    Mobile Legends
    Modern Warfare

  • Jan 29, 2020

    Got RDR2 on ps4 and too many things on pc. I got saves in bully, fallout NV and GTA4 but honestly I just wanna find a game to casually play in my free time

  • Jan 30, 2020
    1 reply

    What other s*** you played @LuJo other than No One Lives Forever? I’m intrigued because I’ve never met anyone other than me who knows that game

    Shenmue? Deus Ex?

  • Feb 1, 2020
    2 replies

    What other s*** you played @LuJo other than No One Lives Forever? I’m intrigued because I’ve never met anyone other than me who knows that game

    Shenmue? Deus Ex?

    I've played quite a lot, I love trying out older games. Deus ex is one of my favourites, I havent played Shenmue yet but I own 1+2 from a humble bundle, still need to get round to them after I've gotten through some others on my backlog.

  • Feb 1, 2020
    1 reply

    I've played quite a lot, I love trying out older games. Deus ex is one of my favourites, I havent played Shenmue yet but I own 1+2 from a humble bundle, still need to get round to them after I've gotten through some others on my backlog.

    Deus Ex and Shenmue some of my goat of oat What are the others you planning to get on from your blacklog?

  • Just started A Plague Tale, voice acting leaves a bit to be desired in some places but overall pretty great tbh, should've picked this up sooner

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Deus Ex and Shenmue some of my goat of oat What are the others you planning to get on from your blacklog?

    Deus Ex really is incredible. I need to get round to another playthrough of VTM Bloodlines, the second Stalker, the original fable aswell as Arcanum sometime. Honestly though my Backlog is massive lol

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Deus Ex really is incredible. I need to get round to another playthrough of VTM Bloodlines, the second Stalker, the original fable aswell as Arcanum sometime. Honestly though my Backlog is massive lol

    Ever did Dino Crisis or Parasite Eve?

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Needa finish KH3

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Ever did Dino Crisis or Parasite Eve?

    I have played Paradise Eve never got round to Dino Crisis though. I'll have to one day cause I've heard good things about the series

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    I have played Paradise Eve never got round to Dino Crisis though. I'll have to one day cause I've heard good things about the series

    Wifey material

    I like Parasite Eve 2 better than the first

  • Feb 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Wifey material

    I like Parasite Eve 2 better than the first

    Oh wow that's a pretty controversial opinion to many people. I respect it though, I did enjoy 2

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Oh wow that's a pretty controversial opinion to many people. I respect it though, I did enjoy 2

    F*** em nerds

    Yeh idk it’s the perfect crossover of RE and FF also I love the desert part, I don’t think we’ve ever got another horror type game in a western environment? iconic boss too

  • Feb 2, 2020

    Modern Warfare because I’m self-loathing

  • Feb 5, 2020

    Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony: 8/10

    If this is the last Danganronpa game, I couldn't ask for a better sendoff, one of the ballsiest game endings I've ever experienced. The writing has a come a long way from the first games: chapter 1 and chapter 6 were straight up cine. The game did a good job of maintaining its theme of truth vs lies and whether one should be considered more valuable over the other.

    The Scrum Debate mini-game which is one of the hypest class trial segments ever (seriously, the music for it alone puts it over the top and is another example of how far the writing has come as classmates actually take sides and debate against each other instead of just sitting there spouting false information that you have to correct.

    The game is still as stylish as ever and has a strong sense of identity. Sometimes its style goes a little too far though and reduces clarity during class trials with its sideways text forcing you to turn your head to read it, or its bright colours obscuring text. It does have brilliant moments though, such as when the word "warp" jumps around the screen or when a sentence with the word "worm" in it contracts and expands as it crawls its way across the screen.

  • Feb 6, 2020

    I had stopped gaming for about a decade and finally picked up a switch 2 years ago. I'm starting with this so y'all understand why I'm just playing the Witcher 3 right now lmao. It's so bomb I love it.

  • Feb 6, 2020

    Just finished The Outer Worlds, its good at what it does but it doesn't take any risks.

  • Feb 6, 2020

    Monster Hunter World Iceborne

  • Feb 6, 2020



    Fifa 20

  • Feb 6, 2020
    1 reply

    bought kakarot for pc and this s*** is ass b

  • Feb 6, 2020
    2 replies

    bought kakarot for pc and this s*** is ass b

    torrented it today, played for like an hour and uninstalled

    s*** seems so boring and i've already played through dbz story in other games

  • Feb 6, 2020
