  • Feb 6, 2020

    torrented it today, played for like an hour and uninstalled

    s*** seems so boring and i've already played through dbz story in other games

    i havent played a dbz game since like 2007. dropped 40 on a key and immediately regretted it.
    how u make a game centered around fighting and then make the fighting complete ass?

  • Feb 7, 2020

    lost legacy

    dead by daylight

  • Feb 7, 2020
    1 reply

    torrented it today, played for like an hour and uninstalled

    s*** seems so boring and i've already played through dbz story in other games

    which website do you use?

  • Feb 7, 2020
    Too Real

    which website do you use?


  • Currently alternating between Star Wars Battlefront 2 and Need for Speed Heat.

    Gotta say I'm f***ing loving Battlefront 2. At first, I only copped because I heard they finally added bots, and that's honestly all I wanted from these new Battlefront games. But I've dabbled into online and even that s*** is hittin Very good game and I'm glad it's been improved so much. Finished the main campaign this morning and got started on Resurrection. They're okay, a lot of bullshit, but like most campaign modes in shooters, it's just the glorified training mode.

    Need for Speed Heat is pretty cool. Don't have much negative to say about it. Only thing is I feel the mini map is kinda doodoo, and I wish the GPS actually had some sort of heads up, because at night it actually becomes somewhat hard to see. Especially when you're in the sprinter races and you gotta go fast af. End up crashing right into the cops and that f***s you up in the race.

  • Couple games worth checking out if you haven't yet. Indivisible and Afterparty. Both light indie games.

    Indivisible is a turnbased pseudo-action RPG. You get a ton of party members, control their attacks and chain them with other characters in combos. Story is extremely simple, the usual "bad guys invade main character's village and the main character has to discover who did it while also finding out the truth behind their secret powers. Really a game you play more for its gameplay, surprising for a turnbased RPG. Some Metroidvania platforming in it too, so exploration and item collecting is enjoyable.

    Afterparty is a simple lil adventure game. Play as two friends who died at a graduation party and get sent to Hell. Really the draw of the game is how it looks and the character interactions. It's funny and lighthearted, has a few heavy moments the more you learn about the main characters and their lives before they died. As they try to find their way to outdrink Satan and learn that Hell isn't as bad as its made out to be. Nice coming of age story. Only warning, the game is prone to bugs. One bug I actually got in resulted in me ending up in a dead game and having to restart. That sucks, but I enjoy the dialogue and story beats enough to playthrough it again. Also, it's short. Game should take you about 8-10hrs.

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Feb 7, 2020

    Playing through bioshock series rn. 1 is a f***ing classic i forget how 2 was tho. We will find out soon

  • Feb 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Mirror's Edge Catalyst

  • Feb 9, 2020

    Gta vice city on mobile

  • Feb 10, 2020

    Been playing Hellblade

  • Feb 10, 2020

    Far cry 5

    might redownload this

  • Feb 11, 2020

    Uncharted: The Lost Legacy on PS4
    Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order on PC

  • Feb 14, 2020

    SimCity 4

    the Blade Runner PC game from 1997 (dont sleep on this)

  • Feb 15, 2020

    Doom 2016

  • Feb 16, 2020

    Halfway through Before the Storm

  • Feb 19, 2020
    1 reply


  • Feb 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Trying to beat Death Stranding & DBZ Kakarot.

    Trying to platinum Persona 5 & Fire Pro World.

    Trying to defeat Kingdom Hearts 3 data battles.

    Have time for none of this and usually only play 1 game at a time, never again

  • Feb 19, 2020


  • Feb 20, 2020

    Starting Control tonight, only heard great things

    Also beginning my run of Cindered Shadows for Fire Emblem Three Houses

  • Feb 21, 2020

    Mirror's Edge Catalyst

    is good? i played the first one and loved it

  • Feb 24, 2020

    replaying Mirror's Edge
    that game is ACTUALLY HARD

  • Feb 24, 2020

    Trying to beat Death Stranding & DBZ Kakarot.

    Trying to platinum Persona 5 & Fire Pro World.

    Trying to defeat Kingdom Hearts 3 data battles.

    Have time for none of this and usually only play 1 game at a time, never again

    i'm trying to cop DBZ: Kakarot

  • Feb 25, 2020

    Never beat Doom 3 back in the day and decided to start playing it ahead of Doom: Eternal’s release. So far it’s

  • Feb 26, 2020

    Holy s*** Control is dope af

    It’s basically SCP
