  • Aug 27, 2020

    FF7R + Paper Mario: The Origami King

  • Aug 28, 2020

    Cleared Deus Ex: HR; such a wonderful game

    Gonna try Mankind Divided, but first I gotta play Wasteland 3. I have such a disdain for that damn Unity engine, but I'm hopeful that everything else in the game can make up for it.

  • Aug 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Replaying mgs5 and yall gotta stop playing like that isn't easily one of the best games of the decade

  • Aug 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Replaying mgs5 and yall gotta stop playing like that isn't easily one of the best games of the decade

    I be wanting to pull the trigger on it but idk man

  • Aug 28, 2020

    Finished Ghost of Tsushima. Now I'm juggling between Division 2 and Fall Guys. Need to finish FF7R also though

  • Aug 28, 2020

    I be wanting to pull the trigger on it but idk man

    DEW IT!

  • Aug 28, 2020

    Persona 3

  • PIMP 💿
    Aug 28, 2020

    Last of Us

  • Aug 30, 2020

    Just finished replaying Bastion. Fantastic game with a rich imagination and gorgeous art style that hasn't aged a bit. It’s such a bright and colourful take on a post-apocalyptic setting, and the game’s playful presentation makes it feel wholly unique.

  • Aug 31, 2020

    been playing that stellaris lately, this game is amazing

  • Aug 31, 2020

    Cleared Deus Ex: MD. Not as good as HR, but it was alright. Non-skippable credits was a horrible decision. Jesus

    That atmosphere in these games is f***in amazing tho.

  • Anybody played this “tell me why” game?

  • just copped a one x cause i got it for an insane deal, will probably keep for a bit then eventually trade in towards XSX

    also got game pass ultimate for a month so need recommendations on what to play

  • Sep 2, 2020

    Started replaying the classic GTAs, finished III and VC.

    HOLY S*** I don’t think people fully appreciate how much of a massive leap San Andreas was. Christ, it feels like an actually playable game, whereabouts the previous two feel so f***ing ancient and archaic by comparison.

    For example, you don’t even have the ability to control the camera until SA. Shooting is a f***ing nightmare in the previous two, and the camera is so trash in any closed environment, or if an enemy manages to get behind you.

    Also, the writing I find takes a significant leap in quality in SA opposed to the other two, where is hardly even feels like there SA story and the characters and their development are so rushed it creates f***ing whiplash.

    It’s unreal, like, I understand VC is heralded so highly because of the era it’s set in, but Jesus has that game aged poorly (I give III a pass since it was the first of its kind).

    SA is the only game from the classic trilogy that I feel actually holds up pretty damn well (sans graphics of course).

  • Sep 3, 2020

    Just finished replaying Transistor (for like the fifth or sixth time). It's another richly imaginative world from Supergiant Games with a killer art style and a hybrid turn-based / action combat system that invites player experimentation. It's a concise game with a lot of depth to its various elements, from combat to world design to narrative and everything in between.

    It's a shame that so many people dismiss the game because of its deliberate vagueness, as the environmental storytelling on display is on par with Dark Souls and really highlights the unique potential of video games as a storytelling medium.

  • Sep 3, 2020

    Legend of Zelda twilight princess on the GC

    Xenoblade Chronicles DE on the switch

  • Sep 3, 2020

    Crusader Kings 3 has consumed my soul

  • Sep 4, 2020

    Wu-Tang Shaolin Style on PS1. It's always Wu-Tang Shaolin Style on PS1.

  • I’m high asl playing that resident evil 7 on ps now and wtf bro Mia damn near gave me a heart attack 😭

  • I ain’t no b**** tho so ima keep going

  • Sep 4, 2020

    Tryna play chrono trigger and earthbound soon

    Anyone got an unbiased opinion on either?

    CT soundtrack got me hooked

  • Sep 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Just started playing the first Deus Ex. So far so good, seems to have aged nicely.

    Gonna play the entire series while waiting for Cyberpunk

  • Sep 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Been on FFXV grind in the past few weeks. Havent played the game since 2016 on my PS4 and was disappointed it wasnt anything like the trailers. But I just got the PC version since it was on sale and I'm really enjoying it for what it is. Nothing beats riding around with the boys just doing quests and hunts, I could do it for hours.

  • Sep 4, 2020

    started mortal shell this morning. really fun so far

  • Sep 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Been on FFXV grind in the past few weeks. Havent played the game since 2016 on my PS4 and was disappointed it wasnt anything like the trailers. But I just got the PC version since it was on sale and I'm really enjoying it for what it is. Nothing beats riding around with the boys just doing quests and hunts, I could do it for hours.

    For all its flaws, the one thing Final Fantasy XV does right is the dynamic between Noctis, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis. The bond of brotherhood between the four boys is the emotional core of the game, and its impressive how the player is still able to feel something for them by the end despite how fractured the rest of the experience is.

    The opening scene with the four boys exchanging banter while pushing the Regalia down the highway as Stand By Me plays in the background is one of the strongest introductions to any video game, but the fact that the game has three different opening scenes (Ifrit flashfoward, Insomnia prologue) reveals how much of a mess it is.
