just finished the last Control DLC, got the plat and the expeditions costume. Might go back for the Shüm one but i'm tired of playing rn
For all its flaws, the one thing Final Fantasy XV does right is the dynamic between Noctis, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis. The bond of brotherhood between the four boys is the emotional core of the game, and its impressive how the player is still able to feel something for them by the end despite how fractured the rest of the experience is.
The opening scene with the four boys exchanging banter while pushing the Regalia down the highway as Stand By Me plays in the background is one of the strongest introductions to any video game, but the fact that the game has three different opening scenes (Ifrit flashfoward, Insomnia prologue) reveals how much of a mess it is.
Agreed, and the abundance of dialogue is axtually pretty amazing as well. I got around 80-100 hours on my PS4 playthrough and Im still hearing new lines here and there. As for the intro, I think it wouldve been fine with the departure and car pushing scenes. Its only the flashforward that seems unnecessary and out of place.
Riding in the Regalia across the map is also very relaxing. It is one of the best looking games of its kind and easily the most convincing developing, eventful world full of life. Still room for improvement like with anything else, but still superbly executed.
And man playing at night is exciting. Im doing every quest and hunt before advancing the story and I always have to think about if I have the gas to make a long treck, where the closest camp is to my next objective, am I buffed from eating, do I have sufficient curatives, are my spell slots filled, is my party wearing the right gear, are there any other quests along the way to hit up, etc. Theres so much decision making involved and I love it.
Still disappointing that we didnt get the epic setpieces that were teased from the trailers... but I still like what we got.
Just finished FF7. Gonna go back to TLOU2 now and finally start up my Grounded playthrough.
Agreed, and the abundance of dialogue is axtually pretty amazing as well. I got around 80-100 hours on my PS4 playthrough and Im still hearing new lines here and there. As for the intro, I think it wouldve been fine with the departure and car pushing scenes. Its only the flashforward that seems unnecessary and out of place.
Riding in the Regalia across the map is also very relaxing. It is one of the best looking games of its kind and easily the most convincing developing, eventful world full of life. Still room for improvement like with anything else, but still superbly executed.
And man playing at night is exciting. Im doing every quest and hunt before advancing the story and I always have to think about if I have the gas to make a long treck, where the closest camp is to my next objective, am I buffed from eating, do I have sufficient curatives, are my spell slots filled, is my party wearing the right gear, are there any other quests along the way to hit up, etc. Theres so much decision making involved and I love it.
Still disappointing that we didnt get the epic setpieces that were teased from the trailers... but I still like what we got.
One of my bigger issues with XV is actually its open world design. The game is trying to deliver the fantasy of a road trip adventure, but most of your time in the car is spent driving in circles around the map. Road trips have a definitive beginning and end point, and I think a more linear world design with restricted backtracking (sort of like Final Fantasy X) would have been better able to deliver that fantasy.
For the longest, I was forcing myself to only play one game at a time to get through my backlog and actually finish games, but rn?
Yakuza Kiwami 2
THPS 1+2
Katana Zero and Luigi’s Mansion 3 casually
Finished kotor for the 1st time today. Pretty good game overall but desperately needs a remaster or remake. The dialogue was cheesy as hell and The Star forge was one of the worst final levels i ever experienced.
Finished kotor for the 1st time today. Pretty good game overall but desperately needs a remaster or remake. The dialogue was cheesy as hell and The Star forge was one of the worst final levels i ever experienced.
yoooo i'm playing kotor right now! i'm at the undercity and holy s*** mission's voice actor is terrible. and the dialogue options are ass tbh but it's that fun kinda jank
Just started playing the first Deus Ex. So far so good, seems to have aged nicely.
Gonna play the entire series while waiting for Cyberpunk
Just finished, this game has aged incredible well (it came out in 2000). It had a wild story and super fun gameplay.
I really enjoyed how there's very little hand holding, you're told an objective and you need to figure it out on your own. No map markers or anything like that.
I for sure recommend playing it if you're interested.
Now I'll be skipping the second game (Deus Ex: Invisible World) since I've seen it being recommended to skip it and start the third (Deus Ex: Human Revolution)
rdr2 but this game feels like a chore
How far in are you? The first few hours def drag a lot but once you get past it the game picks up a lot. Amazing game that’s held back by its outdated gameplay imo.
yoooo i'm playing kotor right now! i'm at the undercity and holy s*** mission's voice actor is terrible. and the dialogue options are ass tbh but it's that fun kinda jank
The dialogue options and some of the voice acting are corny af but at the same time it gives it a charm.
How far in are you? The first few hours def drag a lot but once you get past it the game picks up a lot. Amazing game that’s held back by its outdated gameplay imo.
In the epilogue where you're literally doing all the chores lol. These missions just seem all the same. I think what annoys me the most is how slow it is to travel to one area to another. I've been using cinematic camera to help alleviate it but it's still annoying.
Desperados III - 7/10
Fun stealth game. In the 27 hours I spent with this game, I used my F5 and F8 keys more than I ever have during the rest of my life combined because of how much quick save/quick load trial and error there was in this game.
I was a little disappointed with how uncreative the character abilities were: they're literally just reskinned versions of the characters from Blades of the Shogun. Shout-out to Isabelle though: her abilities were completely new and unique compared to anything in the previous game and allowed for lots of crazy interactions which opened up lots of ways to use it creatively.
The addition of guns were fun too since it lets you blast your way through an area in a second if you queue up the actions properly. Some people might say it takes away from the stealth aspect but if you don't stealthily kill off the surrounding enemies first, they'll hear your gunshots and you'll have the entire map hunting your ass down within seconds. I don't mind being rewarded with a free shootout if I did my due diligence to make sure the area is clear, especially in a game involving cowboys.
Just finished replaying Pyre. It’s easily Supergiant’s weirdest game, combining sports gameplay with RPG systems in a high fantasy setting. The art direction, soundtrack, and worldbuilding are on par with the studio’s previous work, and I enjoy the novel way that it incorporates player failure in to its gameplay and narrative.
I'm looking forward to playing Hades once it's out of early access.
Necrobarista - 10/10
I had so many screenshots I could have chosen for this game: it's shot composition is just straight up really good and interesting. The developers seemed to be influenced by Bakemonogatari and Time of Eve quite a bit when it comes to how they framed a lot of scenes.
The characters have some great conversations with each other about interesting topics like death, loss, and learning to move on. It's really well written and I loved how touching and sincere it was.
Got my ps2 and only had enough for 2 games (Crash Twinsanity and Persona 4) and crash hasn’t arrived so I’m now playing persona 4 along side persona 3 portable
Just finished Hyper Light Drifter. I enjoyed the rich atmosphere of the game, with its neon environments accented by a sparse and synth-heavy soundtrack. There's a lot of striking visuals in the game, and I love the way it communicates its narrative purely through visuals (without dialogue or prose).
Just beat Ghost of Tsushima and Yakuza 0
Playing Shadow of Colossus for indie game to break up gameplay between AAA Titles.
Playing 2k20, Fifa 20 and Animal Crossing casually
Stuck between deciding to play Breath of The Wild or Final Fantasy XV. Loved final fantasy 7 remake and looking for those vibes again but have had BOW in backlog for years.
Last of us deuce on NG+
And spiderman side quests and DLCs so i can platinum