Currently Playing:
The Outer Worlds
GTA IV (almost done then moving on to the DLCs)
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc (2nd run, Chapter 6)
GTA V (Online)
Soon to play:
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (2nd run)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Steam Release)
Death Stranding (PS4 and PC)
currently playing Need for Speed Underground 2
was feeling nostalgic this game is as fun as i remembered it
PS2 classic right there
Underrail. Basically a fallout type game with a combat focus, which isometric games rarely do. Its good but has some absolute BS moments
Just finished Okami; it's a charming little adventure, and it’s aged quite well for a game from the PS2 era. The highlight was the art direction, which I'd love to see in a game developed for modern systems (ideally by Hideki Kamiya and PlatinumGames).
always was way more of a Fallout fan than Elder Scrolls but Skyrim just clicked for me and I'm having a blast
when you get an insta-kill with a bow & arrow with sneak attack bonus
call of duty (i hate myself)
probably gonna play the age of empires remaster tomorrow
Been playing Pokemon White and Outer Worlds
Haven’t played White since like 2013, I forgot how dope it was
Skyrim, waiting for CoD price to drop
Been having the itch to play Skyrim again but don’t have the time
Been having the itch to play Skyrim again but don’t have the time
been having a blast with mods, too fire, playing as an ice battlemage with two dremora lords and lydia
I gave RE2 another chance a couple days ago and now I'm one trophy away from getting plat. 4th Survivor is a b****
Almost done with my second Uncharted 4 play through rn and gonna probably replay TLOU after that too
Damn. Reading this makes me wanna do another playthrough now.. game is a masterpiece
Damn. Reading this makes me wanna do another playthrough now.. game is a masterpiece
Game aging like wine too
Just copped The Outer Worlds
Fallout New Vegas is one of my favorite games ever and I love what Obsidian did with that so I’m hyped for this
I gave RE2 another chance a couple days ago and now I'm one trophy away from getting plat. 4th Survivor is a b****
Managed to save all my grenades for the end and not take that much damage.. I damn near had a heart attack when I finally reached the front gate. I'm a Raccoon City native now
Copped Kingdom Under Fire II. Been a long ass 15yrs
Edit: This definitely getting shut down in a few years (probably less), but f*** it, at least it got it's long awaited Western release
Finishing up Outer Worlds and prob gonna finish up Rage 2 or Uncharted 3. Then Yakuza 0.
Might scoop Control on Black Friday and go through that. I’m trying to hold off on Star Wars, and I’m on the fence about Death Stranding still lol.