Managed to save all my grenades for the end and not take that much damage.. I damn near had a heart attack when I finally reached the front gate. I'm a Raccoon City native now
Won’t let me get the platinum cuz I haven’t finished all the tofus :(
Won’t let me get the platinum cuz I haven’t finished all the tofus :(
Really? Damn. What system are you playing on
I didn't know that was a requirement.. interesting. I didn't have to play them at all
Jedi fallen order
Yakuza kiwami 2
I'll prolly finish them all in december and won't have s*** to do till FF7 and cyberpunk come out
Just finished playing Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz HD and Luigi’s Mansion 3.
Next up on the radar: Pokemon Shield, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games 2020 and Resident Evil 4.
but I have to start a new game because my dumbass didn't leave the gas mask for Chris I didn't even know he needed it
Just platinumed and 100% completed AC Odyssey. Took me 175 hours. Incredible game
Now I can finally play Red Dead 2
Cod mobile. I used to main pubg mobile but that game instantly becomes unfun when you're getting lasered by someone from 200 meters away.
i think im gonna restart my playthrough of the outer worlds lol
barely in the beginning of the game so it won't be bad
Just finished Hollow Knight; phenomenal game, definitely one of my favourites. The combat system is deep and engaging, and the intricate world design provides a constant sense of discovery (even after thirty hours). I especially enjoyed the richness of the worldbuilding and the contrast between the cute characters and the somber setting.
Here’s my Christmas break gaming list.
Uncharted series play through (already beat 1 recently so 2-4 + lost legacy)
Complete half life series play through (hopefully black Mesa xen releases soon so I can play that version)
Last of us play through
Horizon zero dawn
Spider man
Not sure what else hopefully I can fit those all in. Probably horizon last since I think it’s the longest
sonic adventure
my fav game ever, i replay it ever 2-3 years and it holds up so well
Just finished Hollow Knight; phenomenal game, definitely one of my favourites. The combat system is deep and engaging, and the intricate world design provides a constant sense of discovery (even after thirty hours). I especially enjoyed the richness of the worldbuilding and the contrast between the cute characters and the somber setting.
I wish I could experience the game again for the first time
cannot f***ing wait for Silksong
any of yall play Pathologic? just watched the hbomberguy review and I am so f***ing excited, copped the 2nd one since most people say it's easier to get into
my fav game ever, i replay it ever 2-3 years and it holds up so well
it was one of those games i loved as a child but was peer pressured out of liking later on in life lmao
i returned to my sa2b file to see i put 40 hours into that game as a child that's a lotta time for a youngster tbh, what a goat time it was
i also really wanna see a sonic adventure 3 someday, the character development along the adventure series is a crazy good balance of whimsical lightheartedness and cool self-seriousness
I wish I could experience the game again for the first time
cannot f***ing wait for Silksong
Silksong looks gorgeous. I'm excited to play as Hornet.
Finished my ending A of Nier Automata last night, I intend to play through all endings eventually
I have opinions but I know a lot of people consider it a cult classic so I’ll wait until I finish the whole thing to post em
Bought a whole bunch of s*** I probably shouldn’t have so now I need to make alotta space, so that means tying up loose ends
I think I’m probably 7 or 8 chapters away from beating Three Houses. It’s been a long time coming but I definitely want to finish before December/ by the end of the year at the most. I’ve been putting it off for way too long
I never wrapped up Crash N. Sane Trilogy somehow, so that’s going to be getting major play the next couple days.
I’m practically finished Outer Worlds, just been running through some side stuff