i dont play games much anymore but i've been playing Zelda Echoes before bed the last few days and that s*** has been giving me some crazy ass dreams
kingdom hearts phil cup is pretty difficult, i can get to the last wave but i have no potions of mana left
kingdom hearts phil cup is pretty difficult, i can get to the last wave but i have no potions of mana left
Aero is your friend
Aero is your friend
bet, jus realized i didnt have any abilities or items on donald or goofy lol
that wasnt too bad. probably the hardest part of the game so far tho id say that was harder than cerberus
Idk if its just because im early in tahe game but magic seems to suck ass in kingdom hearts
did u finish 3 yet
Just started it and the gameplay has been good so far, but it feels so empty, sad, and linear compared to 1 & 2. Which I heard was done on purpose to be a conclusion to the series and have that movie feeling. 1 definitely has the best story (and villain) so far and 2 was better in everything else (favorite ship & companions by far) Also EDI is hilarious, and Jack as a teacher
I hear complaints about ME3’s ending but it couldn’t be worse than LA Noire’s could it
Just started it and the gameplay has been good so far, but it feels so empty, sad, and linear compared to 1 & 2. Which I heard was done on purpose to be a conclusion to the series and have that movie feeling. 1 definitely has the best story (and villain) so far and 2 was better in everything else (favorite ship & companions by far) Also EDI is hilarious, and Jack as a teacher
I hear complaints about ME3’s ending but it couldn’t be worse than LA Noire’s could it
yeah agree with your points about the first two games. won't spoil the ending for 3 but make sure to play the DLC for it.
Idk if its just because im early in tahe game but magic seems to suck ass in kingdom hearts
Yeah its not really until you get the -ra & -aga variants that magic is worthwhile
1000xResist. Insane game
One of the best games I have ever played. The narrative is fantastic and the visuals and sense of art direction is one of the most beautiful things I have got to experience, I love games that will actually utilise the camera during cutscenes. I haven’t been this impressed since 13 Sentinels; the game tackles so many subjects: xenophobia, generational trauma, sacrifice… and the fact that they weaved all these subjects perfectly into this sci-fi narrative is just insane. I’m probably gonna do a write up eventually but I don’t think I can put into words the level of excellence that was achieved here
mass effect 1 and resident evil 1 remake, close to finishing uncharted 2 as well
One of the best games I have ever played. The narrative is fantastic and the visuals and sense of art direction is one of the most beautiful things I have got to experience, I love games that will actually utilise the camera during cutscenes. I haven’t been this impressed since 13 Sentinels; the game tackles so many subjects: xenophobia, generational trauma, sacrifice… and the fact that they weaved all these subjects perfectly into this sci-fi narrative is just insane. I’m probably gonna do a write up eventually but I don’t think I can put into words the level of excellence that was achieved here
Im on what I assume to be the second half of the game. Chapter 5 or 6, I forget. Really engrossed in the narrative.
Im a sucker for unconventional narrative presentation and delivery. The extensive use of camera cuts, change in perspectives, angles, color is incredible. Really makes you feel like there is an extra layer to the narrative and game. Constantly keeps you on your toes. It kinda gives games a horror-lite angle.
been playing counter strike 2 with my friends man i’m actually getting so much better when we used to play i just didn’t care and id get like 2 kills just talking or trolling but now im actually enjoying taking it more serious
Modern gaming sidequest trope.
Need to find someone
That someone is DEAD
Have to go back and tell NPC they're DEAD and we don't even bring the body back
Watch NPC mourn and weep
Suddenly kingdom hearts is hard wtf
Pegasus cup and ursula beating my ass. Im scared to pick up the sticks
just got beta access to Strinova, s***'s kinda fun tbh