Has anybody played Sifu or days gone? I’m playing it but I just don’t have the motivation to finish them. Have a couple of other games in my backlog(shenmue 2 and sekiro) that’s too hard I don’t even bother picking up
forgot to update but i finished re 1 remake like 2 weeks ago?
this was a series i thought looked cool on the outside looking in but i never gave it a chance due to me not liking horror at all. my only exposure prior was jill valentine being in MvC, RE4 through ytps (lol) and the whole chris punching a boulder meme in RE5. so for this being my first real experience with the resident evil series, i had a pretty good time with this.
despite this being a game from 2002 it held up very well visually, the fixed camera angles and lighting really captured the feeling of being lost in this haunted mansion full of all kinds of mystery and allure. all the notes you find throughout the mansion help slowly reveal the true nature and purpose of the mansion until the very end. i thought that was a very cool bit of storytelling cause on the surface level, resident evil is pretty simple story to understand. even the betrayal with wesker was pretty predictable and the way the t-virus dies at the end was very comical
gameplay wise i was certain i wasnt gonna like this at all, thinking i was probably gonna have to thug it out the whole way due to it being tank controls. surprisingly though after a while you start to get used to it, the game is also generous enough to give you auto aim whenever you try to aim your gun, so dealing with enemies wasnt a hassle (for the most part). what really held me up was the small inventory space and the amount of backtracking you have to do. ill admit for a couple moments i definitely looked up a guide to figure out where to put s***, cause a lot of times i would find or do something and have no clue what to do or where to go. not a critique on the game though i get lost very easily lmao, the few moments i actually figured something out on my own felt really rewarding.
overall i dont have any major complaints with the game i mostly enjoyed my time with it and am looking forward to playing the others in the series. i dont think im gonna play any of the remakes until i beat the ogs first. this was the only exception for me cause from my understanding the original director of the first game was also very involved with this and for the most part this game is 1 of 1 with the original aside from a few new QoL updates and mansion expansions. it also looks better than the original so yeah.
sidenote: also played the gamecube version physically so i couldnt screenshot sadly so excuse the s***ty pics
The GameCube version still looks fresh after all these years
Japanese devs are a different breed
forgot to update but i finished re 1 remake like 2 weeks ago?
this was a series i thought looked cool on the outside looking in but i never gave it a chance due to me not liking horror at all. my only exposure prior was jill valentine being in MvC, RE4 through ytps (lol) and the whole chris punching a boulder meme in RE5. so for this being my first real experience with the resident evil series, i had a pretty good time with this.
despite this being a game from 2002 it held up very well visually, the fixed camera angles and lighting really captured the feeling of being lost in this haunted mansion full of all kinds of mystery and allure. all the notes you find throughout the mansion help slowly reveal the true nature and purpose of the mansion until the very end. i thought that was a very cool bit of storytelling cause on the surface level, resident evil is pretty simple story to understand. even the betrayal with wesker was pretty predictable and the way the t-virus dies at the end was very comical
gameplay wise i was certain i wasnt gonna like this at all, thinking i was probably gonna have to thug it out the whole way due to it being tank controls. surprisingly though after a while you start to get used to it, the game is also generous enough to give you auto aim whenever you try to aim your gun, so dealing with enemies wasnt a hassle (for the most part). what really held me up was the small inventory space and the amount of backtracking you have to do. ill admit for a couple moments i definitely looked up a guide to figure out where to put s***, cause a lot of times i would find or do something and have no clue what to do or where to go. not a critique on the game though i get lost very easily lmao, the few moments i actually figured something out on my own felt really rewarding.
overall i dont have any major complaints with the game i mostly enjoyed my time with it and am looking forward to playing the others in the series. i dont think im gonna play any of the remakes until i beat the ogs first. this was the only exception for me cause from my understanding the original director of the first game was also very involved with this and for the most part this game is 1 of 1 with the original aside from a few new QoL updates and mansion expansions. it also looks better than the original so yeah.
sidenote: also played the gamecube version physically so i couldnt screenshot sadly so excuse the s***ty pics
It’s so refreshing to see people’s reactions to RE1 Remake for the first time. The new remakes are great, but the artistic vision for 1’s still beats out all of them for me. I know not everyone is a fan of fixed cameras, but they allow for so many great moments
So far i beat skies of arcadia and almost cleared kingdom hearts. Im wondering what old game to try next, thinking majoras mask?
Sorta unrelated but im wondering if grinding for the ultima weapon is worth it
finna play god of war next
decided not to go for the ultima weapon, imma beat kingdom hearts without the strongest weapons
Yeah I really liked that game but it’s not for everyone. If you like anime with seriousness and a slight bit of humor & detective stuff I’d definitely get it. Story is pretty great, while certain gameplay elements could be a turn off for some
The sequel was cool until the second half turned it to ass.
why'd they make your boss a baddie
parasite eve 1
Idk what to play next. I downloaded kingdom come deliverance, stalker, and pathfinder. Just gonna try them out i feel like playing a fantasy game
fun lil murder mystery visual novel
Nice had no idea an English version came out days ago on PlayStation, you just put me on
Nice had no idea an English version came out days ago on PlayStation, you just put me on
there’s a demo for it too
had this game as a kid but never finished it. combat is mid but the writing and art style carries hard, its probably not popular enough for a remake, which is a shame because it really is one of the most unique and funny jrpgs i’ve played
also playing dark cloud, another under the radar unique jrpg i love level 5 and this would also be another game that would be cool to see remade
controls are kinda jank but it has a weird charm to it lol miss this experimental era of gaming 😢