  • PIMP 💿
    Sep 16, 2021

    Rn im a dispatcher & safety department for trucks in USA but im in Germany working from home

  • PIMP 💿
    Sep 16, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm tryna apply for a cruise ship bartender job

    F***in around

  • Tadow 🥀
    Sep 16, 2021
    Twist Your Cap

    oh I gotcha, well that's a good idea with that perspective

    highly recommend you broadcast that experience, great origin story

    I'd suggest you keep in mind giving that insight while simultaneously not seeming abrasive to other people

    tbh you have to do it for the money when it's multiple people working in the business, better to make the money and then be able to put it in places that allow you to make a change

    don't do the discount man lmao; sued to oblivion

    donate to causes you support or something

    For sure. Even at my current company, I'm introducing people in their 40s, 50s & 60s to Google A***ytics, Data Studio, SEMRush and a bunch of other platforms and producing reports for them.

    I'm taking the "explain like I'm 5" approach and breaking things down as simple as possible without sounding like I'm talking down to them.

    We've all agreed that we'd keep prices low for since we all make more than enough from our day jobs. Honestly this is just a way to teach web literacy while also helping out some businesses in the process.

  • Sep 16, 2021

    I treat water for the capital

  • Sep 16, 2021

    Retail supervisor

  • Sep 16, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm tryna apply for a cruise ship bartender job

    F***in around

    with corona, a cruise ship is the last place I would wanna be

  • Sep 16, 2021
    1 reply
    bitch mob

    corner office making 125k.


  • Sep 16, 2021


  • Sep 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Admin/data entry position at a homeless shelter.

    Just an office job that actually serves a good purpose more or less.

    must be rewarding

  • Sep 16, 2021
    Twist Your Cap

    you have great marketing bro

    hot pancakes $20 an hour

    lmaooo i forgot i even said this

    must of been drunk

  • Sep 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Twist Your Cap

    what makes you like local journalism?

    Everything honestly

    Only time I’m sitting at a desk I’m writing about s*** I just saw with my own eyes, people I talked to/interviewed etc

    It’s very fast paced which I love too. If I’m producing an entire show or producing an individual story it all feels like art. Then I get interacted with on social media by the viewers. It’s like 50/50 hate vs love lol but I love all of it. I’ve had real convos with viewers who voice displeasure with certain stories we’ve run and I genuinely hear them out and they seem to really appreciate it

    Ik im rambling but the main point is that it’s fast paced and different every single day. You’re working toward a cohesive final product every day (newscast) and get to see how it comes out every day and go from there to improve.

    Running out of the newsroom with a camera and mic to go harass ppl to talk about something never gets old and ur always talking to interesting people

    I was in the Ohio statehouse while anti lockdown protestors tried to break the windows during the governor's press conference. Seeing the actual pain and anger in the eyes of people who lost their jobs cus of something out of their control really helped me empathize with people like that who I don’t normally agree with in general

    Plenty of other stories too — If you’re asking cus you’re thinking of going into news I’d be happy to talk more. Made the post u quoted while I was jobless btw but I’m back at it now covered a jail riot today

  • PIMP 💿
    Sep 16, 2021
    1 reply

    with corona, a cruise ship is the last place I would wanna be

    Yeah but im not that scared of it all.

    I wanna experience something new + go to the exotic places that i could almost never go to in life for basically zero cost cause I'll be working and they gonna be paying me instead of me them

    Worth a try

  • Sep 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah but im not that scared of it all.

    I wanna experience something new + go to the exotic places that i could almost never go to in life for basically zero cost cause I'll be working and they gonna be paying me instead of me them

    Worth a try

    I understand that, but the way they left people stranded on a boat for days makes me wanna never take a trip on one.

  • PIMP 💿
    Sep 16, 2021

    I understand that, but the way they left people stranded on a boat for days makes me wanna never take a trip on one.

    I'm the person to wanna try everything so that's why

  • Sep 16, 2021

    Door dash, I’m broke as a f*** and gotta go back to school so I can get some real money

  • Sep 16, 2021
    1 reply

    I work at a plasma center and there’s always some crazy ass s*** that goes on atleast once or twice a week. Trying to move up and work in the lab for that experience and move to some place else.

    What sort of crazy shenanigans occurred?

  • Sep 16, 2021
    1 reply

    What sort of crazy shenanigans occurred?

    They give money for plasma.

    Just think of alcoholics and the like that are just giving it just so they can get their next bottle.

  • Sep 17, 2021

    I'm a student and I started working part time in a museum

  • Sep 17, 2021
    1 reply



  • Sep 17, 2021

    Full time student and work in food services casually

    its whatever

  • Sep 17, 2021


  • Sep 17, 2021
    bitch mob


    Post in the pound

  • Zaywop 💰
    Sep 17, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    Everything honestly

    Only time I’m sitting at a desk I’m writing about s*** I just saw with my own eyes, people I talked to/interviewed etc

    It’s very fast paced which I love too. If I’m producing an entire show or producing an individual story it all feels like art. Then I get interacted with on social media by the viewers. It’s like 50/50 hate vs love lol but I love all of it. I’ve had real convos with viewers who voice displeasure with certain stories we’ve run and I genuinely hear them out and they seem to really appreciate it

    Ik im rambling but the main point is that it’s fast paced and different every single day. You’re working toward a cohesive final product every day (newscast) and get to see how it comes out every day and go from there to improve.

    Running out of the newsroom with a camera and mic to go harass ppl to talk about something never gets old and ur always talking to interesting people

    I was in the Ohio statehouse while anti lockdown protestors tried to break the windows during the governor's press conference. Seeing the actual pain and anger in the eyes of people who lost their jobs cus of something out of their control really helped me empathize with people like that who I don’t normally agree with in general

    Plenty of other stories too — If you’re asking cus you’re thinking of going into news I’d be happy to talk more. Made the post u quoted while I was jobless btw but I’m back at it now covered a jail riot today

    Your job sounds awesome lol

  • plants 🌻
    Sep 17, 2021
    1 reply

    must be rewarding

    It is
