  • Aug 4, 2020

    Lately I’ve been feeling pretty stressed. I got a lot going on 8n my life and I feel overwhelmed, stressed. and irritated because of it.

    Obviously everybody deals with their own stress and negativity in their own unique ways. So I’m just wondering how you personally deal with your own stress and s***ty feelings / Negative mind states in hopes of learning someThing new.

    So what do you do? When you feel terrible and just overwhelmed?

    Do you do something to try n make yourself feel better? If so, what?
    Do you use d**** or alcohol to cope?
    Do you try and get to the root of the problem / stress?
    Do you talk to people?
    Do you do nothing and just live life?

    What are your strategies to dealing with your stress & negative mind states?

  • Aug 4, 2020

    Am also interested in this. Need some ogs to pull up

  • Aug 4, 2020

    Listen to some good chunes like pink floyd

  • Aug 4, 2020
    1 reply

    tbh i need to have this conversation too

    been having the suicide pit in my chest going crazy recently and idk how much longer i can handle it

  • Aug 4, 2020

    been running through all types of different genres and artists looking for an album that can take my mind off it even for a second

  • Aug 4, 2020
    2 replies

    Breathing exercises helped me when my anxiety kicked up a few weeks ago

    more specifically this:

  • Tadow 🥀
    Aug 4, 2020

    Long walks, good music, friends & d****/alcohol as needed

  • 8J6 🤴🏼
    Aug 4, 2020
    1 reply

    I consult with myself by addressing it & working through it mentally and emotionally. I ask myself what's wrong and generally try and feel it out. Find out what I can do about it now and assure myself it'll work out fine. and I'll do something I enjoy to take my mind away.

    It's all a mental game. Achieving mental and emotional victory is 95% of the battle.

  • Aug 4, 2020

    Try to avoid stress in the first place by handling problems soon as they pop up, before when I was younger I would procrastinate or ignore them but that just makes things worse.

    If it’s something new to me I ask the older people I trust what they would do in my place and try to ask all the right questions

    If it’s something out of my hands I let it play out. Problems will happen all throughout our lives so we have to become efficient at solving them and reacting in time or the stress will consume you.

  • Aug 4, 2020
    Not first

    Breathing exercises helped me when my anxiety kicked up a few weeks ago

    more specifically this:


    Will try later

  • Aug 4, 2020

    I fap and then go to sleep

  • Aug 4, 2020


  • Aug 4, 2020

    The catalyst for me was reading Emotional Wellness by Osho, given to me by a friend. It led me down the road to self-awareness and stronger emotional control, and, if by continuing to research the subject and the like, I found it can lead to a new awakening in your life. Try that book if you're interested, it's a great starting point. Hope that helps

  • Aug 4, 2020

    I try to talk through it with others, although that doesn’t always work.

    Showers and exercise are usually quite good as well.

  • Aug 4, 2020
    3 replies




    SISLOVESME (don’t act like y’all don’t watch)


  • Aug 4, 2020




    SISLOVESME (don’t act like y’all don’t watch)



  • Aug 4, 2020

    meditate or go for a walk. take a breather and get out your mind, try to be present and see things for what they really are.

  • Aug 4, 2020

    Run or Cold shower.

  • Try to keep myself busy and distract my mind off from it whether it be work or school until I deal with the root of the problem.

  • loading 🧊
    Aug 4, 2020
    2 replies

    more for major depression but maybe it'll hit for someone

    i've abused drinking, smoking, gaming, really any entertainment to cope. realistically all that does is bury a deeper hole which makes bad habits/mindsets even harder to climb out of. "oh i'm stressed or sad, let me drink tonight to forget what's making me sad" but the problem is trying to forget what's making you sad or stressed. deep rooted issues aren't forgotten. soon as those issues come back so do the escapes so you have to ask yourself how long do you plan on running?

    i needed to look at my problems for what they are, take or find responsibility for where they are, accept what i am, realize what i'm capable of, then take action. in other words pinpoint the problem, understand how it got there, accept what it's made you, seriously look at what you can do to fix it, and fix it.

    people don't realize all the negative thinking, self hate going on is controllable. there were times where i couldn't go 30 seconds without thinking of offing myself. it was hell. like you're focused on something and a negative thought goes and kills everything. i had to understand that whatever i've done warrants those thoughts, and i'm the reason they're let in. "i'm such a failure" i needed to make a plan to change that. you need to override those thoughts with actual change and effort and you need to believe it. negative thou- nope better than that. plant the seed. your plan and work put in proves you're better than that. acknowledge the negative thoughts are true. then make sure what you're working for makes it false, then they're meaningless.

    it's also important to stop yourself from exploring negative thoughts. i used to connect one thing to another like a constellation. do not explore. drop it or get straight to the root and grow.

  • loading 🧊
    Aug 4, 2020
    1 reply

    i've always strived to be emotionally self reliant (has it's negatives) and what i've learned as far depression goes is brutally acknowledging your problems. and do it alone. a lot times i thought better to push it aside, not think about it, or be numb to it. that can work for some things but nothing as far long term issues. like getting a hp buff for imminent poison in an rpg. you need to cure it.

    also if you're sad and have to hit up a friend, ask yourself do you want to cry together or fix the issue. what do you want from them? different friends give different help. you could be looking for comfort and they're into giving advice and vice versa. it's important to be clear. dependency is also a problem. i think it's best to never rely on someone else's emotions for yours. you will go through a lot of pain depending on someone for something as vital as emotions.

    personally, if you're high or drunk and find yourself dwelling and constantly overthinking yourself/bad thoughts, etc. you could try sobering up for a bit. being high or drunk definitely feeds into overthinking and you will find yourself diving with your thoughts. i've found that sobriety put me back in the present. life is different when you're not in your head all the time. withdrawals? hitting a low wishing you were high? time to face it. no drink or weed to run to, all you can do is face your problem. any amount of time spent on healing yourself is time well spent. when i'm alone i'm at my safest but i can also be my most vulnerable, i can be completely honest with myself and my problems. no mask.

  • loading 🧊
    Aug 4, 2020

    also never forget to treat and appreciate yourself. if you feel slow or underachieving accept where you are. everyone on earth is taking their own path.

  • Aug 4, 2020

    I turn to Allah

  • Aug 4, 2020

    more for major depression but maybe it'll hit for someone

    i've abused drinking, smoking, gaming, really any entertainment to cope. realistically all that does is bury a deeper hole which makes bad habits/mindsets even harder to climb out of. "oh i'm stressed or sad, let me drink tonight to forget what's making me sad" but the problem is trying to forget what's making you sad or stressed. deep rooted issues aren't forgotten. soon as those issues come back so do the escapes so you have to ask yourself how long do you plan on running?

    i needed to look at my problems for what they are, take or find responsibility for where they are, accept what i am, realize what i'm capable of, then take action. in other words pinpoint the problem, understand how it got there, accept what it's made you, seriously look at what you can do to fix it, and fix it.

    people don't realize all the negative thinking, self hate going on is controllable. there were times where i couldn't go 30 seconds without thinking of offing myself. it was hell. like you're focused on something and a negative thought goes and kills everything. i had to understand that whatever i've done warrants those thoughts, and i'm the reason they're let in. "i'm such a failure" i needed to make a plan to change that. you need to override those thoughts with actual change and effort and you need to believe it. negative thou- nope better than that. plant the seed. your plan and work put in proves you're better than that. acknowledge the negative thoughts are true. then make sure what you're working for makes it false, then they're meaningless.

    it's also important to stop yourself from exploring negative thoughts. i used to connect one thing to another like a constellation. do not explore. drop it or get straight to the root and grow.

    some good s*** typed out @op this im sure is what is usually circulating your head as it is mine but to have it typed out well is great, right?

  • Aug 4, 2020

    Therapy tbh