  • Aug 4, 2020

    Play basketball or smoke weed

  • Aug 4, 2020

    Writing down my thoughts

  • Aug 4, 2020

    Go for a walk. Take photographs

  • think about bytches

  • Aug 4, 2020

    beat meat

  • Aug 4, 2020

    Talking to a trusted friend

  • Aug 4, 2020

    do things you like to do OP

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 4, 2020

    I dose with psychedelics every few months when I really need some clarity on my issues.

    Every two weeks I have a 1hr therapy session.

    Every day I do some journaling and set aside at least a few minutes of solitary quiet time. Not necessarily to meditate, but just to be alone in the stillness and observe.

    I try to stay away from d**** as a coping mechanism, this year I gave up weed and it was a truly excellent decision.

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 4, 2020

    Listening to lectures from my favorite thinkers/teachers/philosophers is also something I try and do to stay grounded and always learning/progressing.

    Reading passages from my commonplace book also helps.

  • Aug 4, 2020




    SISLOVESME (don’t act like y’all don’t watch)


  • loading

    more for major depression but maybe it'll hit for someone

    i've abused drinking, smoking, gaming, really any entertainment to cope. realistically all that does is bury a deeper hole which makes bad habits/mindsets even harder to climb out of. "oh i'm stressed or sad, let me drink tonight to forget what's making me sad" but the problem is trying to forget what's making you sad or stressed. deep rooted issues aren't forgotten. soon as those issues come back so do the escapes so you have to ask yourself how long do you plan on running?

    i needed to look at my problems for what they are, take or find responsibility for where they are, accept what i am, realize what i'm capable of, then take action. in other words pinpoint the problem, understand how it got there, accept what it's made you, seriously look at what you can do to fix it, and fix it.

    people don't realize all the negative thinking, self hate going on is controllable. there were times where i couldn't go 30 seconds without thinking of offing myself. it was hell. like you're focused on something and a negative thought goes and kills everything. i had to understand that whatever i've done warrants those thoughts, and i'm the reason they're let in. "i'm such a failure" i needed to make a plan to change that. you need to override those thoughts with actual change and effort and you need to believe it. negative thou- nope better than that. plant the seed. your plan and work put in proves you're better than that. acknowledge the negative thoughts are true. then make sure what you're working for makes it false, then they're meaningless.

    it's also important to stop yourself from exploring negative thoughts. i used to connect one thing to another like a constellation. do not explore. drop it or get straight to the root and grow.

    I needed to see this. Thank you

  • Aug 4, 2020
    1 reply

    i've always strived to be emotionally self reliant (has it's negatives) and what i've learned as far depression goes is brutally acknowledging your problems. and do it alone. a lot times i thought better to push it aside, not think about it, or be numb to it. that can work for some things but nothing as far long term issues. like getting a hp buff for imminent poison in an rpg. you need to cure it.

    also if you're sad and have to hit up a friend, ask yourself do you want to cry together or fix the issue. what do you want from them? different friends give different help. you could be looking for comfort and they're into giving advice and vice versa. it's important to be clear. dependency is also a problem. i think it's best to never rely on someone else's emotions for yours. you will go through a lot of pain depending on someone for something as vital as emotions.

    personally, if you're high or drunk and find yourself dwelling and constantly overthinking yourself/bad thoughts, etc. you could try sobering up for a bit. being high or drunk definitely feeds into overthinking and you will find yourself diving with your thoughts. i've found that sobriety put me back in the present. life is different when you're not in your head all the time. withdrawals? hitting a low wishing you were high? time to face it. no drink or weed to run to, all you can do is face your problem. any amount of time spent on healing yourself is time well spent. when i'm alone i'm at my safest but i can also be my most vulnerable, i can be completely honest with myself and my problems. no mask.

    Ngl I can't stand sobriety. I feel so raw and naked without a vice to lean on

  • I'm trying to breathe more

  • loading 🧊
    Aug 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Ngl I can't stand sobriety. I feel so raw and naked without a vice to lean on

    yeah sobriety is tough for me too. i think the key is falling in love with the perks of sobriety. it's more than just killing a vice. for me i felt like i got my lungs back, eating patterns became more routine, was able to focus on what's in front of me rather than being in auto pilot drifting in my thoughts, sleep was overall better and falling asleep was easier too. i'd trade my vices for those any day. not to say i don't fail staying sober but it always comes down to what's worth more.

  • Aug 4, 2020

    tbh i need to have this conversation too

    been having the suicide pit in my chest going crazy recently and idk how much longer i can handle it

    Sending my love 2 u fam, u shouldn't have to feel like that.

    It's going to get better

  • Aug 4, 2020




    SISLOVESME (don’t act like y’all don’t watch)


  • Aug 4, 2020

    Whenever I'm down, I listen to 6Kiss by Lil B front to back.

  • Aug 4, 2020
    Not first

    Breathing exercises helped me when my anxiety kicked up a few weeks ago

    more specifically this:


    yoooo - is this the guy that walked up Everest in a t shirt and shorts? swear I just read an article about him and Jim Carrey

  • Aug 4, 2020

    Listen to Kanye West is a go-to.

  • Aug 4, 2020
    1 reply

    ive been pretty bad recently

    honestly you have to do the things that you don't want to most

    i know it sounds vague but when i get down like this i don't want to do anything and it just becomes a cycle of terrible anxiety and depression

    being proactive about everything that's bother me (going to the doctors for health related anxiety, working out to relieve general anxiety, actually doing all my work so im not worried about my bosses)

    talking and venting helps but its a ban-aid a lot of the time

    at the very least sleeping and eating well will make me feel decent

    i drink but my anxiety definitely gets worse the day after so it doesn't help in the long run

  • sense 🍀
    Aug 4, 2020

    let it consume me until i nearly self destruct

  • Aug 4, 2020
    1 reply
    Weekend KaTeezy

    ive been pretty bad recently

    honestly you have to do the things that you don't want to most

    i know it sounds vague but when i get down like this i don't want to do anything and it just becomes a cycle of terrible anxiety and depression

    being proactive about everything that's bother me (going to the doctors for health related anxiety, working out to relieve general anxiety, actually doing all my work so im not worried about my bosses)

    talking and venting helps but its a ban-aid a lot of the time

    at the very least sleeping and eating well will make me feel decent

    i drink but my anxiety definitely gets worse the day after so it doesn't help in the long run

    yeah for real and you gotta realize that doing those annoying things like responsibilities isn't half as bad normally as just sulking and isolating and then feeling like s*** later cause you didn't do it

    It's like you're punishing yourself by not doing things that you think are too much effort. but you're hurting yourself more by sitting around and not doing it

  • loading

    yeah sobriety is tough for me too. i think the key is falling in love with the perks of sobriety. it's more than just killing a vice. for me i felt like i got my lungs back, eating patterns became more routine, was able to focus on what's in front of me rather than being in auto pilot drifting in my thoughts, sleep was overall better and falling asleep was easier too. i'd trade my vices for those any day. not to say i don't fail staying sober but it always comes down to what's worth more.

    Real s***

  • rnb sponge

    yeah for real and you gotta realize that doing those annoying things like responsibilities isn't half as bad normally as just sulking and isolating and then feeling like s*** later cause you didn't do it

    It's like you're punishing yourself by not doing things that you think are too much effort. but you're hurting yourself more by sitting around and not doing it

    yeah you're literally speaking as me

    it's so frustrating

  • Beat my meat?

    I also do that when I'm hungry or bored though...