  • Aug 28, 2024
    1 reply

    I don’t agree with this. Graphically yes, but game design wise, writing wise, aethestic wise, no. 2010s did have some great games, but most were in the first half riding off the 2000s gaming wave.
    Mid 1990s-2014 was the peak gaming era
    The technological restrictions meant that games couldn’t get by on “looking good” (which is subjective and a lot of graphically powerful games are still ugly looking with just high res assets nowadays)
    They had to rely on other ways to make games great, like writing, gameplay, aesthetics, sound design etc.
    Most games nowadays are lacking on that stuff because the games will sell regardless.
    Also there were a lot more risks back then, with the smaller budgets and teams.
    2000s games laid the framework for pretty much every single successful game or genre today, it’s insane.
    There are no 2010s game (def not 2020s game) topping half life 2, wow, Warcraft 3 or bioshock. Games like that birthed gaming today.

    Wholeheartedly disagree on all fronts. The power of 2000s tech just isn’t enough to compete with what came after.

    2010s was the birth of soulsborne, yakuza, xenoblade, Bayonetta, MOBA’s, so many incredible platformers like hollow knight, etc. You mentioned Bioshock but don’t forget the best bioshock game was released in 2013

    The only thing the 2000s can really say they owned was online multiplayer shooters imo

  • Aug 28, 2024
    1 reply
    Shampoo Bracelets

    Wholeheartedly disagree on all fronts. The power of 2000s tech just isn’t enough to compete with what came after.

    2010s was the birth of soulsborne, yakuza, xenoblade, Bayonetta, MOBA’s, so many incredible platformers like hollow knight, etc. You mentioned Bioshock but don’t forget the best bioshock game was released in 2013

    The only thing the 2000s can really say they owned was online multiplayer shooters imo

    How old are you? Tech has NOTHING to do with game quality. MOBA was birthed because of Warcraft 3. Bayonetta and no infinite wasnt even close to the og.
    Nobody cares about yakuaza or xenoblade lmao

  • Aug 28, 2024
    1 reply

    We may be looking at this differently tho. Idc about influence and all that. I just care about what game is better.

    You’ll never hear me saying chrono trigger is a top 10 JRPG. Top 10 most influential? Sure. But just like as a game? Nah it’s been surpassed by dozens

  • Aug 28, 2024
    Shampoo Bracelets

    We may be looking at this differently tho. Idc about influence and all that. I just care about what game is better.

    You’ll never hear me saying chrono trigger is a top 10 JRPG. Top 10 most influential? Sure. But just like as a game? Nah it’s been surpassed by dozens

    Ok im just going to stop this conversation tbh. The devs of the biggest jrpgs of the last 20 years wouldn’t compare their games to chrono trigger. You must not have been around when these games came out, if you were I doubt you would think this.
    Videogames are definitely on a decline in everything but the amount of pixels they fit into the screen. I get it’s subjective, you can like what you like and power to you for liking what you do, but the game design of the OG games were just so genius and forward thinking nothing in the last 15 years can compare to them.
    Also the games are influential because they’re better. They were so good, others copied them as a blueprint to create the modern games people play today.

  • Aug 28, 2024
    1 reply

    Country music

    F*** no lmao

    Any Country music from the 90s and before blows whatever the f*** is on the radio now out of the water

  • Aug 28, 2024
    1 reply
    · edited

    How old are you? Tech has NOTHING to do with game quality. MOBA was birthed because of Warcraft 3. Bayonetta and no infinite wasnt even close to the og.
    Nobody cares about yakuaza or xenoblade lmao

    Tech dictates what is possible. You cannot create something if you don’t have the means to create it

    Bayonetta 1 and 2 are some of greatest action games oat. Yakuza is one of the best game series oat. Xenoblade series are some of the best JRPG ever

    Idk how anyone can scoff at such titles. What’s next? Persona 2 was better than 5? Killing me

  • Aug 28, 2024
    1 reply
    Shampoo Bracelets

    Tech dictates what is possible. You cannot create something if you don’t have the means to create it

    Bayonetta 1 and 2 are some of greatest action games oat. Yakuza is one of the best game series oat. Xenoblade series are some of the best JRPG ever

    Idk how anyone can scoff at such titles. What’s next? Persona 2 was better than 5? Killing me

    No restrictions are what creates great art. It’s the tech restrictions that made the games so great. The biggest thing the tech held back was just the amount of pixels on a screen.
    When you’re not falling back on pixels, the writing, game design, aesthetic, mechanics, music are what you have to rely on and those are the true inner workings that make good games.
    Now developers ignore all of this and just use high res assets and people go oooh pretty game. Like one of the big Nintendo guys said “Americans just want to kill stuff, in HD” it perfectly encapsulates what’s wrong with videogames today.
    Not to mention videogames today are still usually ugly as s***. Stuff clipping through armour, ugly facial animations, unreactive environments, ugly aesthetics. It’s terrible. 99% of games today are hideous compare to Yoshi’s island for example, despite the tech difference. Nobody working on hollow knight would say that game is better than super mario world, island, the old Metroid games, etc.

    Bayonetta has nothing on God of War or the big action games of that era and owe every bit of their success to them. Nobody that worked on bayonetta would think it’s better than half life or god of war or any fo the games I listed, I would bet money on it. I have never heard anyone but you claim Yakuza is the best game series of OAT lol. Which is fine, it can be your favourite. But those old games really are considered by most people, especially those that lived through both era of games being released, to be a lot better.

    Also the tech in its day was way more revolutionary than the tech is today. Progress has stagnated. Look at fallout 2 compare to fallout 3, that tech developed in 10 years. 10 years ago games look pretty much the same as they do today, with just higher resolution textures. The tech was way way more impressive than what we have today.

    Are Vr games just better than none VR game because the tech is better? Is whatever garbage action movie in theatres today better than Star Wars because the tech is better? Like the tech is irrelevant. Or at the very least, is one of many many factors that go into a game and is far from the most important one.

    Also you’re the one scoffing at literally the most important videogames ever created, not me!

    I would really suggest, if you want to have an incredible time, is put aside the pixels and play these old games. You’re very lucky to be able to play them for the first time.

  • Aug 28, 2024

    They’re still making new pinball tables?

    They never stopped but in the past 2 years they seemed to have released a lot, and like I said there's new manufacturers aside from basically just stern and William releasing noteworthy ones

    Jaws is a modern classic

  • Aug 28, 2024
    1 reply

    “With a more powerful console on the way I think gen 10 is going to be what they tried to make gen 8-9 but couldn't dut to underpowered console restraints”

    I envy your delusion. Unfortunately gamefreak don’t know how to make games, we’re talking about the same system botw and totk look great and run fine on.

    I had far more glitches and problems with botw than I ever did with sv, did you ever play sv?

    Everything I see people complain about is directly due to console restraints being far more of an issue due to the volume of what a pokemon game needs to have in it

  • Aug 28, 2024

    idk about getting better but i personally enjoy “pop” music today more than when growing up

    poptimism did a number on yall

  • Aug 28, 2024

    Video games but not cost to make or industry

  • Aug 28, 2024
    Block Muteson

    Movies, MMA, boxing, and rap are not. I'll speak for those.

    Most people seem to agree that basketball is on the incline.
    More international, deeper talent pools, bigger audience.

    Video games? Stand up comedy? Podcasts? Youtube essays? TV?

    Video games? Stand up comedy? Podcasts? Youtube essays? TV?

    worse than ever save for stand up bc I dont watch it

  • Aug 28, 2024

    its the same consumerism bs but some of these recent vinyl reissues and more merch in general is nice to see. but overall everything is on the downslide as expected and the only 'good' things one might find are mostly individually picked low-stake interests

  • Aug 28, 2024

    live shows

    since COVID ended I've seen acts i thought'd i'd never ever see live

  • Aug 28, 2024
    1 reply

    I think there's an argument for heavy/hardcore music scenes coming back, especially with a lot of local talent in certain hot spots

    Pokemon overall seems like it could be entering an era with a lot of promise due to the success of arceus and the sequel coming very soon. With a more powerful console on the way I think gen 10 is going to be what they tried to make gen 8-9 but couldn't dut to underpowered console restraints

    Idk for sure but I think board games and s*** like cataan are getting better and is in a good era but idk much about that stuff just what I've heard

    Disc golf continues to get bigger with more pro coverage and an expanding pool or pro players and courses and cups or whatever. Every year it gets bigger. Plus for casuals there's always new courses and new discs coming out constantly too

    Pinball has entered a new golden age with some new creators really killing it like spooky with Scooby Doo, whoever did jaws, and stern is going ham making dope new tables. The scene as a sport is growing as well due to Covid for some reason

    hardcore definitely back

  • Aug 28, 2024
    2 replies

    @Butters1017 @nightingalexo what hardcore bands/scenes are you f***ing with right now??

  • Aug 28, 2024
    PLO nightingale

    hardcore definitely back

    Even my non-major city got some seriously good music coming out consistently

  • Aug 28, 2024

    @Butters1017 @nightingalexo what hardcore bands/scenes are you f***ing with right now??

    Michigan has some sick stuff both east and west, which can sometimes get split to include Detroit, flint, Muskegon, Holland and grand rapids into smaller bubbles (idk how big Holland itself is I just follow a couple dope musicians rn are living there)

    Malicious destruction of property
    World of malice - had my favorite small band debut this year, some good live footage on them too
    Cherrri (she never stops recording it's insane)
    Cemetery girl
    Piss leach
    Wounded touch

    Are all newer projects I follow, lot more if I check my Instagram too lol

    Buffalo, ny has some sick s*** coming out all the time, I'm huge on spaced,I'm usually just getting recommendations from friends with this area though

    Chicago of course and I'm also trying to pay more attention to Oklahoma but idk how

    Oh and Cali, I guess LA has a lot coming out too, I have a friend from there who's always giving me stuff to hear. Candy I think is from there and they have my heavy aoty pick

    edit I forgot UK has some bands I really like, I think gasm is one but inflicter is sick as hell idk if they released anything this year but last year had good s***

  • Aug 28, 2024

    Like ballparks?

  • Aug 28, 2024

    Basketball talent is on the incline..but the NBA? Nah.. gambling and officiating messed the game up.

  • Aug 28, 2024

    live streaming when you don’t pay attention to kick

  • Aug 28, 2024

    Movies kinda over the last few years. Late 10’s was f***ing horrible

  • Aug 28, 2024

    The P word

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 28, 2024
    1 reply

    to me, movies and music

    there's never been more people alive making more things. just means you gotta be more keen in your search

  • Fever

    I think there's an argument for heavy/hardcore music scenes coming back, especially with a lot of local talent in certain hot spots

    Pokemon overall seems like it could be entering an era with a lot of promise due to the success of arceus and the sequel coming very soon. With a more powerful console on the way I think gen 10 is going to be what they tried to make gen 8-9 but couldn't dut to underpowered console restraints

    Idk for sure but I think board games and s*** like cataan are getting better and is in a good era but idk much about that stuff just what I've heard

    Disc golf continues to get bigger with more pro coverage and an expanding pool or pro players and courses and cups or whatever. Every year it gets bigger. Plus for casuals there's always new courses and new discs coming out constantly too

    Pinball has entered a new golden age with some new creators really killing it like spooky with Scooby Doo, whoever did jaws, and stern is going ham making dope new tables. The scene as a sport is growing as well due to Covid for some reason

    Metal is coming back