these types of posts always get LA people who get super pretentious about moving (even though they moved there themselves at one point) saying s*** like "dont bother, go home, too many people, we dont need you" etc and it is so corny
Move there if you want, HOWEVER
Music accessibility is stronger than ever, no matter where you live. There really is nothing stopping someone in Kansas, or Utah, or North Carolina, wherever, from building a little base of supporters online, shooting some basic music vids, sending your s*** to online publications and getting s*** popping to a certain degree
Even though I wont tell you not to move to LA, I feel like a lot of musicians who arent willing to do the groundwork for their own career AT HOME think that by moving to LA, the city will do the work for them.
This is not true. So you really have to think to yourself, have you done everything you can for your own career and reached the limit set by your geography? Do you have enough buzz to translate into leverage once you move? Or are you hoping that a new zip code will come with a career
nah my grandparents been lived here since before the great depression
you right about everything else in this post though
nah my grandparents been lived here since before the great depression
you right about everything else in this post though
LA been s*** since before you were alive
The cope
I’m good bro don’t know why you weirdos over there think it’s the best
Tbh this thread might seem kind of dumb but as a person who overthinks everything I lowkey wish I had that courage.
how is it dumb? this is a perfectly okay and valid question to ask fam
believe in yourself a little
You can be creative in the burbs. Most people in LA just as hive mind as everyone else, they just wear fancy clothes and do coke
if anything LA staunches true creativity lol
I’m good bro don’t know why you weirdos over there think it’s the best
congrats on 200 threads dude