what if americans had googe translate implanted into their brains?
Computers can’t do language well
I think I’m planning on learning mandarin next. I’ve totally lost my Russian in four years so I may do that too
I mean most Americans never leave america therefore no need to learn another language.
They better start learning spanish soon
Been with this Mandarin since 6th grade i actually recommend
picked up Spanish my last semester in college it was actually kinda harder than i expected
Been with this Mandarin since 6th grade i actually recommend
picked up Spanish my last semester in college it was actually kinda harder than i expected
I will ever figure out spanish conjugation you have to grow up with that s***
This is also why I feel Spanish is pushed as “useful” far too much
It’s really not unless you live in a heavily Hispanic area (and after a couple generations it starts getting lost) or you have an interest in a Spanish-speaking country
We speak English already, there’s not another language that’s gonna be more useful in our lifetimes, high schools should have classes in Uzbek or Lithuanian fr, personal interest
Nearly every major city in the US has Spanish speakers
Nearly every major city in the US has Spanish speakers
If you really wanna function in some areas of CA you gotta speak spanish
In my country knowing english aint s***, you have to be fluent in at least 2-3 more languages and I bet most countries are like that too
meanwhile in america....eagle lands on biden's arm like ''hola pendejo'' and he prouder than ever
I was raised in Afghanistan
Ok then u should know america is the most geographically and culturally diverse western country on earth lol
If Americans actually were educated on other cultures instead of being fed exceptionalist propaganda for their entire lives then this country would be a vastly better place