If Americans actually were educated on other cultures instead of being fed exceptionalist propaganda for their entire lives then this country would be a vastly better place
Because this is a site for english speakers
There's probably very similar communities way larger in China that speaks mandarin
Ofc, but I’m willing to bet 100% non English speakers are on this site typing in English
And ofc it’s also true to other way around
If Americans actually were educated on other cultures instead of being fed exceptionalist propaganda for their entire lives then this country would be a vastly better place
If Americans actually were educated on other cultures instead of being fed exceptionalist propaganda for their entire lives then this country would be a vastly better place
pls explain
I mean most Americans never leave america therefore no need to learn another language.
You should learn Spanish, it helps a lot
If I never knew basic Spanish I wouldn’t be able to help Spanish speaking customers which then reflects on our sales, knowing the basic Spanish goes a long way in America
You should learn Spanish, it helps a lot
If I never knew basic Spanish I wouldn’t be able to help Spanish speaking customers which then reflects on our sales, knowing the basic Spanish goes a long way in America
I feel like it your exposed to it constantly you will gradually pick up on it. I used to work with about 30 Mexicans and I picked up a lot just from hearing and trying to communicate
If Americans actually were educated on other cultures instead of being fed exceptionalist propaganda for their entire lives then this country would be a vastly better place
We do but ok
Sorry we wait to drop the truth bombs about America until the students are semi developed
There’s a reason we wait to talk about slavery and the gulf of Tonkin when you’re in high school, not third grade
We should start teaching mandarin as China becomes the world leader.
That language is way too complicated
Niggas low key arguing did Spain or Europe colonize the best
"Spain or Europe"
We do but ok
Sorry we wait to drop the truth bombs about America until the students are semi developed
There’s a reason we wait to talk about slavery and the gulf of Tonkin when you’re in high school, not third grade
3rd grade? You live in the south?
pls explain
There’s this sense of civic religion within the US which ends up leading to Americans thinking they’re the pinnacle of freedom, liberty, rights, all that stuff. They think that said pinnacle means their existence is inherently superior to all of their compatriots and competitors
This leads to a ton of misconceptions, like those that think Europe is filled with “socialist oppression” because you can’t wave racist symbols or buy firearms Willy nilly. Simultaneously, they’ll retort most criticisms of the freefalling living standards of this country by falling back on the idea that the provision of liberty is worth the s***ty living standards
This usually leads to people defending a constitution that hasn’t been revised in 60 years and is virtually unchanged overall for 250 years, which in reality isn’t a good thing
English today functions as a language of pure quantification, the qualitative meaning of words is irrelevant and the true meaning of many words that are even carried over from Latin to modern English have been expunged or rendered quantitative.
We do but ok
Sorry we wait to drop the truth bombs about America until the students are semi developed
There’s a reason we wait to talk about slavery and the gulf of Tonkin when you’re in high school, not third grade
America literally fills peoples ears with “the USA and Indians were best friends” for the first ten years of their life
And high schoolers rarely reach the post WW2 era in high school, and even then the war crimes of the USA are never elaborated upon. It’s simply dismissed as a “we lost”
3rd grade? You live in the south?
Nope, north
My school waited till we were in high school to learn about what America actually was founded on, ofc propaganda is thrown in, but schools nowadays are more honest than people ITT are leading to believe
English today functions as a language of pure quantification, the qualitative meaning of words is irrelevant and the true meaning of many words that are even carried over from Latin to modern English have been expunged or rendered quantitative.
What defines a language as qualitative vs quantitative ?
What if 2pac was still alive? What of Lil Wayne? What of him then?
i bet 2pac knew more than 1 language
what if americans had googe translate implanted into their brains?
what if americans had googe translate implanted into their brains?
Don't give elon any ideas
What defines a language as qualitative vs quantitative ?
Not the language as a thing in itself but how it is used to express meaning; we could probably trace this back to Cartesian bifurcation wherein the entire organic world is rendered mechanistic
what if americans had googe translate implanted into their brains?
Google Neuralink is dropping 2024.
Nope, north
My school waited till we were in high school to learn about what America actually was founded on, ofc propaganda is thrown in, but schools nowadays are more honest than people ITT are leading to believe
I competed in the National History Bee at 13 so I was educated on college levels of history at 13. Most of what we read is surface level propaganda bullshit that does nothing to talk about human rights violations that the US is built on