I tried microwave ramen for the first time last week
You ever had a microwave hamburger?
You ate horse?
It’s a good billion people on this planet that wouldn’t think twice about it
i love sushi but I tried sea urchin at a boujee spot and s*** tasted a raw egg mixed with ocean water
Yukhoe (horse meat), whale sushi, chicken butt & feet, shark fin soup
Fermented shrimp paste like the top quality one fking stinks but it's an unami bomb, normally used in stir fry
Salted egg trend I love it but once they start putting into moon cakes or any deserts it's pure silly
Not in Michigan at least. I guess sort of unusual at like a restaurant. I've eaten tons of venison but not a fan of rabbit
First thing I successfully hunted was rabbit and squirrel back to back, my grandpa cooked it that night
Speedway pepperjack cheese tornados
Or fish we caught in not so sanitary sketchy lakes/ponds then pan fried
It's funny how the most grotesque looking fishes have the most clean looking meat. I've prepared some and gutting, cut em up is a lot easier than standard fish
Pigs foot in France, was disgusting
if u eat any meat other than chicken or beef ur not gonna make it
Horse meat? You’re sick
Easily Chinese. Trying cat, dog and rabbit for the first time then vomiting when they told me what I ate
Cat? Dog? You’re sick