This is a man that is as close as you can possibly get to the definitive greatest of all time, yet a lot will say he didn’t have the ‘technical’ ability to warrant that status.
Personally, he has always been and will always be my favourite rapper ever. Does he have the technicality of a GZA or a Rakin or a Koop G Rap? No. Does he have the lyricism of Nas? No. But he has so much more. His energy, voice, charisma, delivery, etc. make him so iconic to me. He transcends all of these considerations for me. He’s a force. When I listen to his music, I’m captivated by him. When he has guests, he always steals the show. There’s just something about Pac that defies logic and typical measurement.
What do you think?
“Pac specifically wrote music for black people but his writing was so honest other races and ethnicities could also relate.
There was a level of vulnerability and soul in his music that touched the listeners heart and soul that i don’t think most artists fail to achieve not only rappers. You FEEL everything he said.
I think about what Shock G said about Pacs rapping style. He compared it to MLK delivery. I don’t think there was a coincidence. Nas and Jay are the GOATS to me and Lupe and Future are my favorite rappers but I don’t mention Pac because there’s no word I can describe that are so great to do it.
To compel to the minds and hearts of us regulars and still give inspiration to millions and touch spirits with words 30 years later is something that no other rapper has done
He will forever be amazing”
he’s the whole package
everything i like about my favorite artists both character and sound wise ,he had
his music aged incredibly
i think the aspect that makes him stand out the most is charisma
i think the aspect that makes him stand out the most is charisma
Can’t wait to see lots of input into this thread. My rap nerd friends always try to clown me on this. But Pac the f***ing goat
his music sucks but i like how gangsta he was
Top Artists
Tory Lanez
He is the modern Rap star blueprint since AEOM
It's a alot of factors but the big ones imo are
Charisma- His personality is so dominant and charming it peers through every song and video and draws you in.
Authenticity- People often confuse Pac not being a d*** dealer or any of that for making him fake but his ability to truly portray those lives of people who were living that way and be loved by them showed his greatness. What he lacked was the experience but hearing his music you can hear his authentic emotion he truly felt those people's pain.
Confidence- His high confidence made it so he could make emotional confession most rappers even today are scared to make in his music. Pac was so confident he could sell his vulnerability without seeming "soft"
Those are three big one's for me but it's all personality we could go on for pages about the talent and worth ethic
It's a alot of factors but the big ones imo are
Charisma- His personality is so dominant and charming it peers through every song and video and draws you in.
Authenticity- People often confuse Pac not being a d*** dealer or any of that for making him fake but his ability to truly portray those lives of people who were living that way and be loved by them showed his greatness. What he lacked was the experience but hearing his music you can hear his authentic emotion he truly felt those people's pain.
Confidence- His high confidence made it so he could make emotional confession most rappers even today are scared to make in his music. Pac was so confident he could sell his vulnerability without seeming "soft"
Those are three big one's for me but it's all personality we could go on for pages about the talent and worth ethic
W post