  • Mar 13, 2021

    you probably don't wanna admit that

    I don’t really care tbh. I never did it so no harm done

  • My dads definitely hiding something and he almost told me but said he’s tell me later . Felt like it was some espionage s*** :

  • Mar 13, 2021
    hot pancakes

    i got some s*** probably shouldn’t say on here tho

  • Mar 13, 2021

  • Mar 13, 2021

    My gramps was a Freemason

    Same and some of his boys pulled up to the funeral for some weird ritual service

  • Mar 13, 2021

    This thread dark as f***

  • Mar 13, 2021
    4 replies

    Man lmaooo, here we go.

    • My grandpa watched his own dad get beheaded by his own brothers over a land dispute.

    • My pop always been in my life, and my mother crazy loves him, but Idk what he ever did for money. He said when I’m an adult he’ll tell me, still waiting. I don’t press him cuz he old school & a man’s man. My mom knows & told me basically “fuck off” when I asked her. She crazy about him lol.

    • my mom grew up with 5 brothers, & all at some point offed somebody in self-defense.

    • My ancient lineage is VERY interesting. Has a lot to do with south-Asian mercenary tribes (for hire) that lived during the Mughal era of modern day India-Pakistan. If anyone’s interested I’ll tell ya.

  • we keep our s*** in our family

  • loading 🧊
    Mar 13, 2021

    yall got some crazy s*** going tf. basically half yall families are murderers?

  • Mar 14, 2021

    Not really a secret but my uncle on my dad's side lost his fingers in one hand after an accident at a workplace, sued them for a lot of money and lost it all to gambling and alcohol.

    He's been homeless or put into housing via the government for ages, sometimes in the hospital. He used to harass my mum and aunt (his sister) for money, nothing violent that I know of though.

    My dad said he regrets not figuring out a way to help him get better but hes too far gone now, my dad used to just give him some decent cash every so often because he felt bad even though we arent particularly well off either. Big brother has to hold it down I guess.

  • Mar 14, 2021

    My cousin made national news for an incident that happened with a popular food chain.

    I'm talking literally on CNN talking to Don Lemon type s*** lol.

    While my cousins and them were not looking for a check or anything, Im hearing that they got some sort of financial compensation on the low.

    She makes great money anyways.

  • Mar 14, 2021

    My great grandpa made moonshine for al capone but I feel like there’s more to the story then I’ve been told.

  • Mar 14, 2021

    Most of my cousins in Mexico are in cartels

  • everyone in my family knows my younger sister is gay except my dad. i wouldn’t straight up call him a homophobe, but he definitely comes from where that isn’t an unpopular opinion, and would 100% be visibly upset about it, which i’m sure would f*** my sister up to see

  • someone in my family took the scorpio chain my grandpa supposedly took as collateral from somebody and left for me.

    that's all I got for the internet

  • Mar 14, 2021

    this thread is crazy

  • Mar 14, 2021

    If I say then it's not a secret no more, now is it

  • Mar 14, 2021
    1 reply

    My aunt committed suicide and my dad is in denial about it

  • Mar 14, 2021

    One of my cousins f***ed Lola Bunny on the set of Space Jam, man.

  • Mar 14, 2021

    Man lmaooo, here we go.

    • My grandpa watched his own dad get beheaded by his own brothers over a land dispute.

    • My pop always been in my life, and my mother crazy loves him, but Idk what he ever did for money. He said when I’m an adult he’ll tell me, still waiting. I don’t press him cuz he old school & a man’s man. My mom knows & told me basically “fuck off” when I asked her. She crazy about him lol.

    • my mom grew up with 5 brothers, & all at some point offed somebody in self-defense.

    • My ancient lineage is VERY interesting. Has a lot to do with south-Asian mercenary tribes (for hire) that lived during the Mughal era of modern day India-Pakistan. If anyone’s interested I’ll tell ya.

    sounds like ur pops in the mafia

  • Mar 14, 2021
    1 reply

    My grandfather (+100 rn) offed two white men after they continuously harassed him with racial slurs and forcefully tried to kick him out of a diner.

    Buried both somewhere on one of his large properties.

  • Mar 14, 2021

    My mom had a bf that almost choked her to death while I was out of town. This was a few years ago

    you gotta beat them within an inch of their life for that wtf

  • Mar 14, 2021

    i know a guy not my family he has like 15 kids married a stripper wife an had a kid with her at age 15, an hes a granddad now at age 49 an hes gay im not trolling lol

  • Mar 14, 2021
    4 replies

    Man lmaooo, here we go.

    • My grandpa watched his own dad get beheaded by his own brothers over a land dispute.

    • My pop always been in my life, and my mother crazy loves him, but Idk what he ever did for money. He said when I’m an adult he’ll tell me, still waiting. I don’t press him cuz he old school & a man’s man. My mom knows & told me basically “fuck off” when I asked her. She crazy about him lol.

    • my mom grew up with 5 brothers, & all at some point offed somebody in self-defense.

    • My ancient lineage is VERY interesting. Has a lot to do with south-Asian mercenary tribes (for hire) that lived during the Mughal era of modern day India-Pakistan. If anyone’s interested I’ll tell ya.

    Interested in that last point