  • Mar 14, 2021

    My aunt committed suicide and my dad is in denial about it

    That's f***ed

  • Mar 14, 2021
    Sir Swagalot

    Im related to the godfather of one of the families in the mafia


  • Mar 15, 2021

    not a secret anymore but my uncle (on my father’s side) was extremely wealthy from running a huge hashish & cocaine trafficking operation in Europe. First time I met him was when I was 12 and my father brought me back to Morocco (home country). Mans flew us to Spain, was shopping for 5-Star hotels for his daughter’s spring break, brought us to fancy restaurants, had a chauffeur and nice beamer with bulletproof windows, etc. Anyways years later my dad told me where my uncle got his wealth from & I kid you not about 2 months later he got caught by the feds and made the national news in Holland lmao.

    Beside that all my uncles on my mom’s side done jail time, one of them for helping his homie out kidnapping & beating someone up for owing money and another one tried illegally crossing the border via boat from Morocco to Spain (a common thing over there) with 10 other guys and got surrounded by the « boat police » so he jumped from the very top of the boat hoping to land in the water but he actually just fell down to a lower level and broke his right leg