Honestly Nevermind proved that whatever genre he attempts he will approach it in a bored autopilot style because he doesn't care about music anymore
You read Marx…
I just want him to make a album that he feels like he wants to make. I feel like I grew out of Drake's new music, and I'm pretty sure there's a group as well who feel the same. But as long as he's happy with what he releases, that's what matters.
I still personally believe his prime years were 09-15 when he drop his best/my fav works from him.
Honestly Nevermind proved that whatever genre he attempts he will approach it in a bored autopilot style because he doesn't care about music anymore
you didn’t listen to Honestly Nevermind
Honestly Nevermind proved that whatever genre he attempts he will approach it in a bored autopilot style because he doesn't care about music anymore
Go listen to Her Loss rn then
He's still hungry