Paul Schrader 🤝 outcast character with a journal
Nigga made 3 films out of that concept lol
I cant force myself to love it
Its just very frustrating, Alex Garland could do so much more if he wanted to
And worst of all is that he went on to make f***ing MEN
Very inconsistent director so far
I liked men up until the ending and on the nose breakdown of the theme
actually the remake, i have yet to see the OG. i loved Del Toro's
Oh man watch the original asap
I mean 3.5/5 is technically above average, which isn’t a bad score.
That lighthouse sequence still one of the scariest things I’ve seen recently
Garland will be goated for me for that lighthouse sequence alone already
The score that plays during that sequence is probably the most terrifying piece of music that i’ve ever heard. I actually panicked first time i watched the film. One of the rare instances where a piece of music sounded actually alien
Facts. Nightcrawler is no where near slow lol.
Character driven/study doesn’t always equal slow. Look at uncut gems
Why does the majority of people itt not even post films that are actually SLOW
my fav slow burn movie is goodfellas
I liked men up until the ending and on the nose breakdown of the theme
The priest’s monologue at the end is embarrassing
Garland will be goated for me for that lighthouse sequence alone already
The score that plays during that sequence is probably the most terrifying piece of music that i’ve ever heard. I actually panicked first time i watched the film. One of the rare instances where a piece of music sounded actually alien
I literally panicked and thought “what if that was me”…not being able to escape an A.I clone that mirrors you and is stronger than you. Hell no.
This is an interesting one.
This is all smolder.
underrated movie underrated score
I literally panicked and thought “what if that was me”…not being able to escape an A.I clone that mirrors you and is stronger than you. Hell no.
Wait why did you consider it A.I.? that thing was straight up alien, and more like a cancer
I don’t see goodfellas as slow tbh
That poster was joking obviously lmao
uncut gems
uncut gems
great picture
That poster was joking obviously lmao
this a great joke set up but ion wanna be mean^
Hereditary, Rosemary’s Baby, First Reformed, 2001/The Shining, Stalker, Vertigo, High and Low etc.
Also, pretty much all of Ozu’s work.
Wait why did you consider it A.I.? that thing was straight up alien, and more like a cancer
Yeah A.I was definitely the wrong choice of wording lol
That poster was joking obviously lmao
Oh word, I think I seen someone else say goodfellas too so wasn’t sure