  • You are responsible for your own happiness. If you have no friends & social interactions, hate your job, it's your fault and unless you take actions to correct it

  • Foreplay is essential. You need to curl your finger in her to really get the engine going.

  • plants 🌻
    Jan 1
    Big Tobacco

    I feel like I would either pass out or have rolling panic attacks

    all the more reason to try

  • kttmz ⚰️
    Jan 1

    Dont believe every claim on the internet, especially when it comes to health.
    Question about something? Visit your doctor. There’s a reason they went a s***load of years to school.


    S*** rolls downhill so get tf outta dodge.

  • Jan 5
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    Self reflect as constantly as possible

    Learn to self reflect without s***ting on yourself

    this leads to overthinking to me tho

  • Smuchador

    this leads to overthinking to me tho

    Yeah me too lol

    I smoke weed whenever i start overthinking and it helps me collect my thoughts but idk if id recommend it for everyone lol

  • Jan 6
    1 reply

    time flies
    piss trickles downhill
    Goldeneye 64 aged worth than milk in the sun
    Everyone has the potential to be evil
    People into conspiracy got sh*t for brains
    celebrity worship woat
    The TLC Channel material is the leading cause of dementia
    S***is overrated
    Relationships have the potential to be glorious when everything hooks up correctly.
    s*** look at the time.

  • You can play the vast majority of retro ish games on phones for free. Like psp/DS/N64 and under

  • Jan 6
    1 reply

    time flies
    piss trickles downhill
    Goldeneye 64 aged worth than milk in the sun
    Everyone has the potential to be evil
    People into conspiracy got sh*t for brains
    celebrity worship woat
    The TLC Channel material is the leading cause of dementia
    S***is overrated
    Relationships have the potential to be glorious when everything hooks up correctly.
    s*** look at the time.

    I’ve been trying to play goldeneye 64 on Xbox live and it’s dog s***

  • M To the Ozu

    I’ve been trying to play goldeneye 64 on Xbox live and it’s dog s***

    just doesn't work for me on anything but using the N64 controller.

    it's a totally different experience. It's influential, but the genre has refined and made alot much better, and you expect that from a game that's nearly thirty years old.

  • Just do you man, nobody really cares unless it’s your mom or dad.

    Don’t put your faith in people, put it on God and yourself. You’ll never be let down as it’s on you

    I promise you, you aren’t missing out on a single thing and actually opening yourself up to more stress by always tryna be in the mix or can’t stand being alone

    Just lock in and build YOU. Whoever needs to find you, will find you. Fight the feeling, we all get lonely, but the longer you wallow in that the more time you take away from being a better you and place that feeling back on other people who will always let you down as you hope they’ll “hear” you.

    Be kind, share when necessary, hangout recreationally, and just lock into you for once. Imagine giving yourself a full 365 for once in your life

  • doesn't matter how much you love that person you're marrying or how much money you have, sign that prenup