don't underestimate judo, alot of sambo pratictioners utilize judo which is why their takedowns and grappling is so lit
What...? Do you think Muay Thai guys don't utilize body strikes in their art? If anything the Muay Thai stance is definitely susceptible to takedowns, but as far as pure striking goes Muay Thai guys are usually like kryptonite for pure boxers that don't have the speed to close distance on a Muay Thai guy. But obviously this is all subjective on each persons skill level.
The line is getting blurry as far as kick boxing / muay thai as a lot of gyms kind of practice a hybrid of both these days with the main differentiating factors being elbows, knees, and clinch, but a Muay Thai guy with proper wrestling / take down defense can absolutely school Kick Boxers too
Look at guys like Petr Yan and Rafael Fiziev
Petr Yan is purely a boxer from what I see
how is judo the most lethal?
Get thrown on the ground and unable to get up
Petr Yan is purely a boxer from what I see
What? He’s known to be a Muay Thai specialist and trains at Tiger Muay Thai for his main camp braH
Get thrown on the ground and unable to get up
it's a specifically non lethal form
muay thai, utilizes elbows and knees. every blow was specifically designed to kill.
Learn Muay Thai
Most lethal
I’d say bjj. When even a puny neckbeard can literally kill you if he gets his hands on you in the right spot, I’m sorry I have to give it to them
In terms of brutality would it be like sambo or Muay Thai? I don’t know
it's a specifically non lethal form
Well bjj submissions come from judo so you can make yourself an idea
Well bjj submissions come from judo so you can make yourself an idea
Yeah I've trained BJJ for like 7 years and also specifically non lethal
muay thai, utilizes elbows and knees. every blow was specifically designed to kill.
Seen videos of them kicking steel pipes with their shin, holy s***
Muay Thai stance couldn’t last a chance against a kick boxer or even an actual boxer
Third eye laser