idk but nigga is hella cornyyy
you made your first thread like a few minutes ago
you made your first thread like a few minutes ago
but i have 300 posts lmao, i just don’t make threads until I have a reason to
but i have 300 posts lmao, i just don’t make threads until I have a reason to
nothing cause racism isnt a real thing
I would slap you in front of your girlfriend
The only time I've experienced racism was as a kid. I got into an argument with a white kid and he called me black b******. I didn't know how to react. My best friend at the time (who's white) who was with me called them a white b******. Its been years since ive moved away from that neighbourhood but I will always remember that friend. We were like 7 or 8 years old.
Didn't happen to me but it involved me, when I was like 12. We were going to a soccer stadium with my friend who's of Argentinian origin and he was pretty tall (and looked Middle-Eastern), so he got roughed up by the security guards and they hurt him too. Then was my turn, but they didn't do anything to me, didn't even look into my bag.
Was on vacation with fam and standing on the corner with my mom while we figuring out directions. Old white church ladies in a car pull up to talk to my mom cause they thought I was selling her d****
Posted about this on here before my roommate is lowkey racist. All of this was in the past couple months.
Told me he wrote an essay for a college assignment about how Whites are victims.
Told me how the whites back then had it worse than the slaves.
When discussing crime in Chicago (I’m from Chicago) he said the best way to stop it is just to tell everyone who’s not in a gang to evacuate and then send in the feds to kill everyone that’s still there. Basically like the f***ing purge.
Told me that Jordan Peele is a racist for wanting to put other blacks in leading roles for his movies.
Has asked me multiple times if he could say the n word
( The most irritating one) Saw me looking up a Black Panther patch on amazon and immediately said “you know that’s an anti white terrorist organization right”. I told him it wasn’t. He tried to look up proof but ended up finding he was wrong yet instead of admitting it he doubled down. I got the patch in the mail and wore it for a few days with 0 complaints. I get a text to come to my drill sergeants office during lunch and they tell me that SOMEONE reported me for having a racist hate symbol on my backpack and that they TRIED TO TELL ME AND I DIDNT LISTEN... (Yet to this day he’s all buddy buddy to my face not knowing that I knew he ratted on me)
Most recently I asked about our MLK dats off in class and he’s there too and says “Yeah we get a day off because he did something soooooo important” in a sarcastic tone.
I dont have a Caucasian/"professional" voice, and while I make sure to not use slang, I basically use my normal voice and delivery everywhere, which can definitely come across as urban/street sometimes.
In my time doing Customer Service, I've had a few White people mocking my voice and trying to talk like they're from the hood as a way to insult me.
There were other situations where White People I was on the phone with weren't racist towards myself or Black People, but openly spoke about other races or groups of people (Muslims in general and the Asian agents they spoke with earlier) in what I felt was a racist way.
I used to work in suicide prevention and take calls from suicidal people and the amount of racist callers was just ridiculous. So many people saying s*** about black people to me, not knowing I'm black myself. Couldn't bring myself to talk with those people so I'd always tell them another coworker would be taking over the convo
I used to work in suicide prevention and take calls from suicidal people and the amount of racist callers was just ridiculous. So many people saying s*** about black people to me, not knowing I'm black myself. Couldn't bring myself to talk with those people so I'd always tell them another coworker would be taking over the convo
what was the pay like
what was the pay like
It was an internship so the pay was s***, but for the psychologists who worked full time the pay was around 4k a month.
I used to work in suicide prevention and take calls from suicidal people and the amount of racist callers was just ridiculous. So many people saying s*** about black people to me, not knowing I'm black myself. Couldn't bring myself to talk with those people so I'd always tell them another coworker would be taking over the convo
The worst thing is, in my case, all the calls were recorded, and the job was based on "treating the customer like a friend" so it was a constant struggle of standing my ground without really giving it up how I wanted to.
Any "friend" of mine on some racist s*** is getting checked at the least, and Ive definitely felt conflicted eating a lot of the s*** I had to when I worked there.
Posted about this on here before my roommate is lowkey racist. All of this was in the past couple months.
Told me he wrote an essay for a college assignment about how Whites are victims.
Told me how the whites back then had it worse than the slaves.
When discussing crime in Chicago (I’m from Chicago) he said the best way to stop it is just to tell everyone who’s not in a gang to evacuate and then send in the feds to kill everyone that’s still there. Basically like the f***ing purge.
Told me that Jordan Peele is a racist for wanting to put other blacks in leading roles for his movies.
Has asked me multiple times if he could say the n word
( The most irritating one) Saw me looking up a Black Panther patch on amazon and immediately said “you know that’s an anti white terrorist organization right”. I told him it wasn’t. He tried to look up proof but ended up finding he was wrong yet instead of admitting it he doubled down. I got the patch in the mail and wore it for a few days with 0 complaints. I get a text to come to my drill sergeants office during lunch and they tell me that SOMEONE reported me for having a racist hate symbol on my backpack and that they TRIED TO TELL ME AND I DIDNT LISTEN... (Yet to this day he’s all buddy buddy to my face not knowing that I knew he ratted on me)
Most recently I asked about our MLK dats off in class and he’s there too and says “Yeah we get a day off because he did something soooooo important” in a sarcastic tone.
Did you ever beat the f***ing goofy outta him?
can't actually recall anything rn that happened to me personally but i'm sure something has happened.
one time though was that a swedish airport employee told ALL white people (and my family, cause I guess she saw our passports) to go stand in the EU citizen line instead of the mixed/non-eu one for passport control. skipped every other black, asian or middle eastern in the line and kept telling the whites to go stand in the shorter line quite bizarre now that i think about it
eu citizens have open borders so if your passport is in eu it takes less time to check everything
not bizarre at all
if you go to say morocco theres a seperate line for moroccan passports too
eu citizens have open borders so if your passport is in eu it takes less time to check everything
not bizarre at all
if you go to say morocco theres a seperate line for moroccan passports too
you don't think it's bizarre and prejudiced to only tell the white people to stand in the eu/schengen citizen line and assume the minorities don't have a swedish/EU passport because they're not white?
a normal announcement would've sufficed, instead she walked down the queue and only told the white people while skipping every minority in the line
My dad is Asian but most of the people I go to school with didn’t know this. He comes and brings me lunch one day and ever since then people be making Asian eyes and calling me a dog eater
My dad is Asian but most of the people I go to school with didn’t know this. He comes and brings me lunch one day and ever since then people be making Asian eyes and calling me a dog eater
wtf where u at i will come beat them up for u