oh nvm y’all got guns down there, stay strong lil man 💪
She thought it was my cock nah ma that’s a glock
Wtf man I would've been mad pissed
My uncles and aunts were telling my dad to sue their ass but my dad didn’t want to get a lawyer smh
got called a n-gger once, nothing special
one time though somebody called me a spic, i said i wasn't hispanic, then he called me a sandn-gger muslim
i'm just black/white
im malaysian and my skin is pretty dark compared to most malaysians, when i was a kid i used to get called the n word and soy sauce
I had a black friend whose parents were military so he went to grade school in Japan and he used to get made fun of by an Okinawan kid in his class for being black and he just was like “dude you’re as black as I am wtf ”
When i was 12 yrs old i accidentally bumped into this old khak on the metro and he said smth like "you shouod be grateful that you're even in this country"
It’s always the old heads
Nahh im of ethiopian descent & grew up in the netherlands
Oromo or Amhara or?
Posted about this on here before my roommate is lowkey racist. All of this was in the past couple months.
Told me he wrote an essay for a college assignment about how Whites are victims.
Told me how the whites back then had it worse than the slaves.
When discussing crime in Chicago (I’m from Chicago) he said the best way to stop it is just to tell everyone who’s not in a gang to evacuate and then send in the feds to kill everyone that’s still there. Basically like the f***ing purge.
Told me that Jordan Peele is a racist for wanting to put other blacks in leading roles for his movies.
Has asked me multiple times if he could say the n word
( The most irritating one) Saw me looking up a Black Panther patch on amazon and immediately said “you know that’s an anti white terrorist organization right”. I told him it wasn’t. He tried to look up proof but ended up finding he was wrong yet instead of admitting it he doubled down. I got the patch in the mail and wore it for a few days with 0 complaints. I get a text to come to my drill sergeants office during lunch and they tell me that SOMEONE reported me for having a racist hate symbol on my backpack and that they TRIED TO TELL ME AND I DIDNT LISTEN... (Yet to this day he’s all buddy buddy to my face not knowing that I knew he ratted on me)
Most recently I asked about our MLK dats off in class and he’s there too and says “Yeah we get a day off because he did something soooooo important” in a sarcastic tone.
Bro u need to beat his ass
This happened when i was 14, if you dont want to read all off this, i basically got jumped by two like 2 year old skinheads and a kid that was once my „friend“
over not being german
So there was this guy in my class we where cool, we used to hang out after school, so then one time we went to his home, and we played video games or whatever, then i went to the toilet , and saw his brothers room, full of nazi s***
So i made an exscuse to leave and i barkey talked to him after that
Then he failed the school year and had to take the year again, he was mad asf at me since i barley passed it
i dont know how, someway he found out about where my parents are from,
One day im walking down this shortcut to get home from idk what, like its next to the train tracks, and then someone grabs from the back, he jumps infront of me, tells me how i betrayed him
Then i got beaten to s***, but i got no bones broken or whatever
After that i was paranoid asf and went nowhere alone, all my friends were telling me to go for revenge, but i didnt want to further escalate
Then like a few founds later , someone told me , the group was in jail now, over beating a handicapped person, which then died
The story kind of goes on but idk if i should type this
You should’ve slumped them
Did you at least tell the police?
Both actually lol but majority Amhara tho
Why do you guys do that thing where you sharply inhale in response to questions?
Why do you guys do that thing where you sharply inhale in response to questions?
Lots of jokes about "zwarte piet", people who didn't grow up in the Netherlands go google that you're in for a surprise lol
When osama was murdered, I Had a bunch of kids in middle school tell me “sorry for ur loss”
same s*** happened to me. f***ed up but its kinda funny looking back
I had a black friend whose parents were military so he went to grade school in Japan and he used to get made fun of by an Okinawan kid in his class for being black and he just was like “dude you’re as black as I am wtf ”
Whats your point
Dude spazzed on me at school. he was the maintenance guy on a school his mother owned, which I attended. Turned some petty s*** like getting to class insanely big
Was literally getting to it when mans
got all up in my face and literally said "I will f*** you up you little black brat"
the " why is it so dark in here? oh it's just you" joke was not good times in elementary school. it's funny too considering Id be called lightskin by other black people
Got called , cotton picker & monkey playing youth football and the team covered their faces with mud to mock us. We won 6-8 lol
Playing sports people will really yell the most racist s*** at you and then blame it on being really into the game
Playing sports people will really yell the most racist s*** at you and then blame it on being really into the game
yeah black footballers in europe get the worst smh scummy fans
if they do good the fans praise them but if it’s a mistake then it’s “go back to ur own country u monkey”
In fifth/sixth grade some white yeah Afrikaans kids hurled some slurs at me, tried beat me up, this happened over the space of a week after school, ended with them being expelled, because the school has a zero tolerance policy.
When I was in California for Camp Flog Gnaw I was on the elevator at my hotel and some white guy asked me what I was doing in California and I told him a music festival and with a big smile on his face he said "Oh I bet it's a rap festival huh? You people are good at that. You can probably rap too, can't you?"
I mean yes it was and yes I can but damn dude.