  • Aug 15, 2022

    Most "green" products be saying anything to look good

    Yeah definitely

    But it's even worse thsn that

    Like actually lie about the contents itself in the actual labeling itself, not the branding part, and threaten employees into doing the dirty work for em

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Aug 15, 2022

    It’s not a secret or anything but i worked with a guy who worked for a big publishing company and once he had to basically babysit Drake’s dad at a party and make sure he didn’t do anything crazy. ended up losing drake’s dad becuz buddy wandered off playing Pokémon go

    CRYINGG dennis a legend

  • Aug 15, 2022
    1 reply

    Drake defo got a ghost singer dude sounds nothing like himself live

    He had some ghost vocals on club paradise but that’s all that comes to mind

  • Aug 15, 2022
    2 replies
    free world

    I have basic health insurance

    I sprained by back and went to the hospital for 4 hours. they gave me medication and charged me $500 lol and my health care covered half. You think I can dispute it?

    Just curious of how I go about this and what my first step should be.

    (Full disclosure that I've only worked in general practice medical billing and not hospital billing, but many of the same rules apply to both sectors)

    Regardless of whether it will end with an adjustment to the overall balance, you can always dispute a bill; and just about every major healthcare facility and doctor's office will offer at least some sort of discount to you through their financial assistance program if you can't afford to pay the balance in full. Doctors want to get paid because insurance stiffs healthcare providers at every level, so if you're willing to pay any amount of the bill in installments they will usually cut you a deal - it's typical to see an adjustment on your bill of up to 25%, which is a pretty sizable amount of money. Over the phone is the best way to handle all this stuff

    Also, speak with their billing department to see if their Self-Pay rates are more or less than what you'd be paying compared to how your insurance carrier adjudicated the claim. Many healthcare facilities and offices will offer a Self-Pay price that is less than what you'd pay through insurance, and you may qualify for additional financial assistance discounts as a patient without insurance coverage. You can have a claim retracted from your insurance at any time if you choose to do so

    But to see if you have a chance at disputing it; first, check out the Explanation of Benefits that your insurance sent you and check it against the bill that you're getting from the hospital; do they match up? If there is a discrepancy between what insurance says you owe and what the hospital says you owe, that's a start (obviously, don't do this if the EOB says you should owe more than the hospital is charging you). Also, check the EOB and bill against your discharge records to make sure that all the services you were billed for actually happened. Don't let anyone slip some weird surcharge in for care you didn't actually receive service lines put to PR mean that's the Patient Responsibility. CO = Contractual Obligation

    Were you referred to the ER by a general practice healthcare provider, urgent care clinic, or other healthcare entity? Reach out to them and say "hey you guys told me to do this and now I have a bill I can't possibly afford to pay". If they are part of a Health Systems Partnership with that hospital, they have the power to have your bill discounted or waived

  • Aug 15, 2022

    Drake defo got a ghost singer dude sounds nothing like himself live

    thats not the case BUT so many peoples mic performance does not match what they have to do when performing in front of a crowd of screaming people. that's why meek mill live music translates to well. and that.s why travs live autotune works well becasue its like a direct translation. Its not like drake is an amazing studio singer but so many people who can't like SING SING dont translate well to live performance it seems even when they work at it (idk how much he works at it atm tbh)

  • Aug 15, 2022

    Drake defo got a ghost singer dude sounds nothing like himself live

    this isn't a secret cus its not true..

    what we doing in this thread @op

  • Aug 15, 2022
    1 reply
    babylon sherm

    (Full disclosure that I've only worked in general practice medical billing and not hospital billing, but many of the same rules apply to both sectors)

    Regardless of whether it will end with an adjustment to the overall balance, you can always dispute a bill; and just about every major healthcare facility and doctor's office will offer at least some sort of discount to you through their financial assistance program if you can't afford to pay the balance in full. Doctors want to get paid because insurance stiffs healthcare providers at every level, so if you're willing to pay any amount of the bill in installments they will usually cut you a deal - it's typical to see an adjustment on your bill of up to 25%, which is a pretty sizable amount of money. Over the phone is the best way to handle all this stuff

    Also, speak with their billing department to see if their Self-Pay rates are more or less than what you'd be paying compared to how your insurance carrier adjudicated the claim. Many healthcare facilities and offices will offer a Self-Pay price that is less than what you'd pay through insurance, and you may qualify for additional financial assistance discounts as a patient without insurance coverage. You can have a claim retracted from your insurance at any time if you choose to do so

    But to see if you have a chance at disputing it; first, check out the Explanation of Benefits that your insurance sent you and check it against the bill that you're getting from the hospital; do they match up? If there is a discrepancy between what insurance says you owe and what the hospital says you owe, that's a start (obviously, don't do this if the EOB says you should owe more than the hospital is charging you). Also, check the EOB and bill against your discharge records to make sure that all the services you were billed for actually happened. Don't let anyone slip some weird surcharge in for care you didn't actually receive service lines put to PR mean that's the Patient Responsibility. CO = Contractual Obligation

    Were you referred to the ER by a general practice healthcare provider, urgent care clinic, or other healthcare entity? Reach out to them and say "hey you guys told me to do this and now I have a bill I can't possibly afford to pay". If they are part of a Health Systems Partnership with that hospital, they have the power to have your bill discounted or waived

    I mean its $200 I can def pay it but 200 is a lot of for just checking vitals, doing an X-ray scan, and giving me a pain shot. Maybe that's reasonable pricing? Idk, but if I can get away with not paying or paying less I'm all for it.

  • Aug 15, 2022
    Troy Ave Stan

    Already stopped Op from making trash threads

    Stop him from posting too @​team @​KTT2

    Go ahead and snitch

  • Aug 15, 2022
    Troy Ave Stan

    Already stopped Op from making trash threads

    Stop him from posting too @​team @​KTT2

    this some b**** s*** I aint gone lie

  • they all know their companies are understaffed they just don't care bc it works #staywoke

  • 6isco 🦈
    Aug 15, 2022
    1 reply

    Taco Bell cinnamon twists are fried pasta


  • Aug 15, 2022
    free world

    I mean its $200 I can def pay it but 200 is a lot of for just checking vitals, doing an X-ray scan, and giving me a pain shot. Maybe that's reasonable pricing? Idk, but if I can get away with not paying or paying less I'm all for it.

    Hospital billing is very notoriously overpriced, if there's no error on their part that you can find evidence of the best thing you can do is call them and say you can't afford it - it hasn't hit collections right? As long as it's not in a third party billing agency's hands, they'll work with you and cut the price down

    OR you can run away from it, which also works more often than not. After 13 months without payment or update, your bill is going to be written off in 99.9% of occasions. The problem is dodging the calls and letters

  • ghosting ®️
    Aug 15, 2022
    2 replies


  • Aug 16, 2022

    in the automatic carwash business, the price you pay is almost entirely profit for the company. doesnt cost much of anything to wash your car.

  • Aug 16, 2022
    2 replies

    electric cars are actually worse for the environment due to the way the batteries have to be manufactured. the better alternative is hybrid engines, but hybrids are not "cool" and dont have the wow factor a Tesla has for example

  • Nessy 🦎
    Aug 16, 2022
    1 reply
    Will Fujiwara

    electric cars are actually worse for the environment due to the way the batteries have to be manufactured. the better alternative is hybrid engines, but hybrids are not "cool" and dont have the wow factor a Tesla has for example

    Not necessarily true depending on the country you charge your car in

    If you live in a place with relatively clean energy in the long run it will more than make up for the impact of the battery

  • Aug 16, 2022
    1 reply

    Not necessarily true depending on the country you charge your car in

    If you live in a place with relatively clean energy in the long run it will more than make up for the impact of the battery

    The battery itself is dirty, to mine the rare earth elements your you need these large open pit mines that completely destroy environment permanently

    Oil you just drill a hole

  • Aug 16, 2022

    It’s not a secret or anything but i worked with a guy who worked for a big publishing company and once he had to basically babysit Drake’s dad at a party and make sure he didn’t do anything crazy. ended up losing drake’s dad becuz buddy wandered off playing Pokémon go

    i was working security at club paradise tour 2012 and met Drake’s dad. having met him, i 100% believe this

  • Aug 16, 2022

    ppl b stupid aF. school or no school. degree or no degree. professional or not. ppl b stupid as a motherfuck

  • Aug 16, 2022
    1 reply

    bro tbh

    i still have no clue

    He wore that to Balenciaga show in May

  • Aug 16, 2022
    1 reply

    The battery itself is dirty, to mine the rare earth elements your you need these large open pit mines that completely destroy environment permanently

    Oil you just drill a hole

    "Just drill a hole" lmao

  • Aug 16, 2022

    they give you bread before your meal when you go out to a restaurant bc bread will make your body want something sweet afterwards like dessert

  • Aug 16, 2022

    Apparently the state can hire random people like me to handle all their statistics

    So when u see on record that 800000000 people died in one year that was my mistake

  • Aug 16, 2022

    "Just drill a hole" lmao

    Hydraulic engineers hate this one trick

  • Aug 16, 2022

    Calling corporate to complain typical yield you better results / compensation and saves the minimum wage worker from in the moment stress
