I was thinking about this because of Dexter. Recently watched the first four seasons and I swear to god almost every f***ing episode had one s***scene in it. I counted five in an episode once. Like... why? What do they add? It's just mad awkward most of the time and it kills the momentum of the narrative. Is it really just for the f***ing creeps on set? I can't think of one s***scene that was ever beneficial to any plot.
It’s beneficial if the story is explicitly about s***or an industry centered around it such as Eyes Wide Shut or Love or The Deuce. Like if you’re gonna tell a story about s***workers and not show sex, it just makes your show look p****.
Otherwise I mostly agree that s***isn’t needed. I will say Daenarys being forced to have s***in the first season of Game of Thrones was necessary for her character development or even the s***seen in Wolf of Wall Street but otherwise it def isn’t needed
Like the scene between Linda Hamilton and that dude in the first Terminator wasn’t necessary at all tbh. But I did enjoy that scene
some are just not necessary or take too long. Like the first episode of Breaking Bad when Walt is getting stroked by Skyler
edit: I get it
in my opinion we should not allow sex, kissing, or any display of affection on screen
some are just not necessary or take too long. Like the first episode of Breaking Bad when Walt is getting stroked by Skyler
edit: I get it
to be fair to that one, that was suppose to be example of how loveless their marriage really is.
in my opinion we should not allow sex, kissing, or any display of affection on screen
ace king
to be fair to that one, that was suppose to be example of how loveless their marriage really is.
Exactly, it paint's a clearer picture to create a more compelling storyline
in my opinion we should not allow sex, kissing, or any display of affection on screen
We shouldn’t allow murder on screen either
to be fair to that one, that was suppose to be example of how loveless their marriage really is.
yea I know I just thought of that one because it was awk to watch with my parents lol
“Three pillars of entertainment = d****, sex, violence” - jack harlow
“Three pillars of entertainment = d****, sex, violence” - jack harlow
jack harlow directorial debut when
There’s a lot of things in film that don’t need to be specifically shown, could be shown differently, or could just be implied in order to convey the same narrative. However, a lot of things are shown for the art/aesthetic of the shot. Movies aren’t just about telling stories. They’re about creating lasting and worthwhile visuals, and sometimes s***scenes create really impactful and/or quality visual art.
It's cool in movies from time to time, but gotta agree with tv shows, never seen a good one, and mfers just roll over and don't clean up, makes me dislike the characters because now I know they got poor hygiene
some are just not necessary or take too long. Like the first episode of Breaking Bad when Walt is getting stroked by Skyler
edit: I get it
Nah that was supposed to be awkward and show how timid he was lol
Shoutout to the show Banshee for having the main character f*** almost every b**** in town and show it in the most explicit detail ever