Just google and oh lawd I know that’s not who I think it is
The whole "no such thing as a s***scene adding value to a film" take has always been bad. It was dumb 5 years ago when "progressive" journos started writing thinkpieces about it and circlejerking over it on Reddit, and it will continue being dumb until the sun burns out.
Speak for yourself OP the s***scene from The Room is one of the greatest achievements in all of cinema
Sometimes it benefits the plot but sometimes they really just wanted to get on their p***o movie vibe
Do they really make you guys that awkward
I've never understood this take
Sometimes they can be gratituous for sure but people have s***like get over it
In something like GoT all the scenes in the brothels and s*** seemed unnecessary and ott, but people seem to have more of a problem with regular ass s***which never bothered me at all
in my opinion we should not allow sex, kissing, or any display of affection on screen
iranian cinema rules lessgo
Unless it adds context to the plot or a character it’s usually pointless and awkward and makes it look like you’re watching p*** if you live wit someone else lmao
s***is a part of many people's lives. Very often a part many of those people feel very emotional about. Makes sense it's in stories.
Speak for yourself OP the s***scene from The Room is one of the greatest achievements in all of cinema
honestly tho this is a dumb discourse
some movies def dont need s***scenes but for the most part they can be legitimate story beats. ive never seen a movie ruined by a s***scene
Do they really make you guys that awkward
I've never understood this take
Sometimes they can be gratituous for sure but people have s***like get over it
In something like GoT all the scenes in the brothels and s*** seemed unnecessary and ott, but people seem to have more of a problem with regular ass s***which never bothered me at all
GOT s***scenes were some of the best forreal
Shoutout to the show Banshee for having the main character f*** almost every b**** in town and show it in the most explicit detail ever
I watched Banshee. Idk what was more over the top the s***or the violence. Pretty sure I saw a full nudity s***scene then the girl slit the guy throat. TF
I watched Banshee. Idk what was more over the top the s***or the violence. Pretty sure I saw a full nudity s***scene then the girl slit the guy throat. TF
Such a GOAT tier action show everythings just dialed up to 10