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  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    if you want abort it before 2 months. otherwise you carry it until it is born

  • Dec 6, 2019
    2 replies

    You don’t have to agree w/ abortion but to be pro-life you’re also saying that you’re anti-women’s rights. At least that’s how I see it.

    Not agreeing in taking a life or a potential one doesn’t equate to being anti women lol

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    if you want abort it before 2 months. otherwise you carry it until it is born

    They can induce labor if it's that late into the pregnancy

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    They can induce labor if it's that late into the pregnancy

    earlier than

  • Dec 6, 2019

    Not agreeing in taking a life or a potential one doesn’t equate to being anti women lol

    It very much does, ultimately what you're doing is forcing a to be an incubator for a child she doesn't want or want to carry. You're infringing on her bodily autonomy

  • Dec 6, 2019

    Not agreeing in taking a life or a potential one doesn’t equate to being anti women lol

    I said Anti-women’s rights. Abortion at the end of the day is a medical decision that affects the woman’s body not the mans. If you’re pro-life you’re essentially saying that women should not have the right make this decision pertaining to THEIR body.

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    earlier than


  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    You've fallen into poor framing, how you value the life of the foetus is completely irrelevant. It's a matter of bodily autonomy, whether the mother wants to carry what is essentially a parasitic life in her body for 9 months. The death of the foetus is an inconvenience, and if the mother decides against having the baby late on labour is induced.
    Seriously speaking, getting an abortion isn't a decision women take lightly at all, they invest a lot of thought into it.

    Fetus and parasite are not the same thing. A parasite is going somewhere it doesn't belong, feeding off something with intentions of hurting the host. A fetus is something that develops inside the womb and it's supposed to be there. A human fetus will always develope into a human where as a parasite isn't doing that. That argument had always been inconsistent.

  • Dec 6, 2019

    This mf said he‘s skeptical towards abortion even when it’s rape or incest

    Retar d of the day winner

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply


    I'm not a native english speaker lol I always struggle with the then and than. Thought then was just for in the past like back then

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    Fetus and parasite are not the same thing. A parasite is going somewhere it doesn't belong, feeding off something with intentions of hurting the host. A fetus is something that develops inside the womb and it's supposed to be there. A human fetus will always develope into a human where as a parasite isn't doing that. That argument had always been inconsistent.

    Is that all you picked up from my post? How you view a foetus is irrelevant, we only care for the what the woman wants to do with her body, if that means terminating a foetus, than so be it.

  • Dec 6, 2019

    I don’t agree with it but I understand why someone would do it and they still should have their right to do it

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    I'm not a native english speaker lol I always struggle with the then and than. Thought then was just for in the past like back then

    Then implies a sequence.
    Than is for comparison.

    Then is "Dan," "Ik Komen, Dan Ik Gaan"

    Than in Dutch should be "as," Trappe van verlykingen or however you say it in Dutch.

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    im 25 and have never f***ed a girl raw

  • Dec 6, 2019
    2 replies

    Is that all you picked up from my post? How you view a foetus is irrelevant, we only care for the what the woman wants to do with her body, if that means terminating a foetus, than so be it.

    Because calling it a parasite is devaluing life and those aren't the right terms. Parasite is a one way street that benefits the parasite. The human body distributes nutrients so both the baby and mother survive. It's not the same. It's not a women's choice to end a life in my opinion. Even if it is developing inside of her. It has its own brain, heart, legs, hands, feet. It's literally a new human life with new genetic code and nothing can change that. You're argument is that it's a choice but mine is that it's not okay of end a life. We're not going to meet eye to eye on the situation.

  • Dec 6, 2019

    im 25 and have never f***ed a girl raw

    you missing out

  • Dec 6, 2019

    i want every kid to live, but it has to every womans own choice since its their body

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    Then implies a sequence.
    Than is for comparison.

    Then is "Dan," "Ik Komen, Dan Ik Gaan"

    Than in Dutch should be "as," Trappe van verlykingen or however you say it in Dutch.

    you south african?

  • Dec 6, 2019

    Because calling it a parasite is devaluing life and those aren't the right terms. Parasite is a one way street that benefits the parasite. The human body distributes nutrients so both the baby and mother survive. It's not the same. It's not a women's choice to end a life in my opinion. Even if it is developing inside of her. It has its own brain, heart, legs, hands, feet. It's literally a new human life with new genetic code and nothing can change that. You're argument is that it's a choice but mine is that it's not okay of end a life. We're not going to meet eye to eye on the situation.

    If I sawed my mouth on to your Johnny, because I needed your seamen to stay alive, do you think you should have a choice on the matter, or wait for however long I'll need your juices to live?

  • Dec 6, 2019

    you south african?

    That's irrelevant, right now

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    Because calling it a parasite is devaluing life and those aren't the right terms. Parasite is a one way street that benefits the parasite. The human body distributes nutrients so both the baby and mother survive. It's not the same. It's not a women's choice to end a life in my opinion. Even if it is developing inside of her. It has its own brain, heart, legs, hands, feet. It's literally a new human life with new genetic code and nothing can change that. You're argument is that it's a choice but mine is that it's not okay of end a life. We're not going to meet eye to eye on the situation.

    Virgin energy Radiating

    Why are you so intent on calling it a life ? Science shows it takes months for actual brain activity that can be considered conscious. Have you ever actually looked into this or are you just basing this off of your belief that as soon as a woman is impregnated it’s life ?

  • Dec 6, 2019
    1 reply

    Virgin energy Radiating

    Why are you so intent on calling it a life ? Science shows it takes months for actual brain activity that can be considered conscious. Have you ever actually looked into this or are you just basing this off of your belief that as soon as a woman is impregnated it’s life ?

    Yes I'm a virgin because I value life lmao dude c'mon man. The second conception happens it's a new code of DNA. Regardless of what it looks like is irrelevant. That's why so many people are not okay with late term abortion because it looks more like a human. Why a "clump of cells" isn't worth living a life is beyond me. A developing brain isn't a valid argument either because there's people with mental disabilities that aren't fully functioning. Can we just go around killing them because they're brains were never fully developed?

  • Dec 6, 2019

    Her body, her choice. Period.

  • Dec 6, 2019

    Yes I'm a virgin because I value life lmao dude c'mon man. The second conception happens it's a new code of DNA. Regardless of what it looks like is irrelevant. That's why so many people are not okay with late term abortion because it looks more like a human. Why a "clump of cells" isn't worth living a life is beyond me. A developing brain isn't a valid argument either because there's people with mental disabilities that aren't fully functioning. Can we just go around killing them because they're brains were never fully developed?

    You are deliberately missing the point.

    Your whole shtick in this thread is based on your opinion. An opinion that is not supported by the actual science backing abortion discussions. The actual science backing the conscious brain activity argument is that before that the fetus is just an organism responding to stimuli. The majority of abortions are very early term term anyway.

    It’s cool that you decided a fertilized egg is now a life that has to be brought to fruition. It’s just an opinion that nobody needs to give a s*** about because you pulled it out of your ass.

    Don’t see why you had to drag mentally disabled people into this. It simply makes you look disabled because you imply they aren’t having conscious brain activity.

  • Dec 6, 2019

    Do it all the time it’s nothing tbh

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