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  • Ellinia 🍰
    Dec 6, 2019

    I have a lot of thoughts on this topic and I would be 100% open to civil discussion.

    The older I get the more I become pro life tbh. It's inconsistent since every state/politician has a different time frame when it can legally be performed, some up to 9 months which is absolutely insane to me. I think life begins at conception since at that point it's whole new genetic code, it's literally a new life.

    Even when it comes to rape/incest I'm kind of sceptical because why demonize a child because something terrible happened? That blame shouldn't be put onto the child because it didn't do anything. You can always consider adoption. This is something I still go back and forth on though tbh.

    I do think abortion is fine if it's absolutely necessary. I had a friend that miscarried and had to be rushed to the hospital and doctors removed the baby. But when someone miscarriries the baby is already dead so the doctors/patient aren't actively agreeing to kill it.

    I guess my biggest issue is when people talk about abortion is seems like they're pro choice because having a baby is inconvenient for them because of what they have going on like work and college. Having a child is almost always inconvenient for anyone regardless of their personal situation. Whether you wanted a baby at the time or not does not determine if it's worth living.

    You can't be out here saying it's a clumps of cells but if we find clumps of cells on Mars you'll be screaming we found life in space. Yes I'm a man and I know people say men should stay out of it but when you think of it as a human life it's a human issue and everyone should have a say. If men could get pregnant I would have the same thoughts.

    Just a question for y'all: If every abortion the patient has to watch what really happens would you think anyone would be okay with seeing a baby getting torn limb to limb and it's head crushed and brains sucked out? Just think about that for a second. If anyone out there is pregnant and doesn't want it please consider adoption, go through 9 months of "hell" to give a family a lifetime of happiness.

    Yeah, no. What the hell. A rape victim should not be forced to give birth. They had no intention of getting pregnant in the first place because they were RAPED. Imagine getting raped, then get forced to go through childbirth because of what someone else did to you, and then after every pro life nutcase got their wish you get left alone having to care for a child that will remind you of that rape, and might resemble your rapist for the next 18 years of your life. Yes it's not the childs fault, it didn't ask to be born. But it wasn't the mothers choice to give birth either.

    You pro lifers don't even give a s*** about what happens to babies once they're born. An unwanted child will not be raised in the loving environment with the stability it needs. And there's already way too many children waiting to be adopted. If anything yall are only exacerbating an already existing problem.

    And you're not even considering how traumatic putting a child up for adoption even is for many women. Carrying a child for 9 months, giving birth to it, seeing it and then having to part ways with it, knowing that's your child that you'll probably never see again is an experience that can really haunt women for the rest of their lives. So don't say "you can always consider adoption".

    Not to mention pregnancy, and giving birth comes with many risks for women. Infection, diabetes, anemia, trombosis, depression, the list goes on. There's still a large number of women that die due to giving birth.

    Women will always draw the short end of the stick because not only do they gotta give birth, they're also almost always the primary care givers for these children. The responsibility for that life rarely falls on the man that helped creating it, so at least give women the choice on wether or not they even want to put themselves up for that.

  • stay a thing, i dont want no ed baby

  • blase 🦋
    Dec 6, 2019

    It's the womans body. It's her choice. The premise of pro-choice arguments is based on the right to privacy regarding personal anatomy. Not everything is clear cut, but the "right to privacy" usually grants an individual freedom of choice to make decisions based on their own personal preferences or beliefs, rather than the overall moral consensus of society.

    Therefore, whether or not a fetus is considered human is irrelevant to the abortion discussion. A considerable amount of medical rights in the U.S. operate on the same principle of bodily autonomy as pro-choice arguments. These laws usually give the individual with right to privacy, the upperhand over anything else, including other human beings. That's one reason why arguments against abortion have failed consistently, because they violate this basic principle.

    That being said, there are several common scenarios that demonstrate the same right to privacy abortion laws are based on. One being organ donation.

    No human being in the USA is required to donate their personal organs to another person. You have the authority to exercise bodily autonomy by denying donations, even at the expense of another life. That is because, in some cases, individual rights triumph others' rights. The sentiment being, everyone has the right to life, but no one is entitled to use another's body without their consent.

    Let's say you have an adult child. There is no debate that this is a living breathing, full-blown human being. He/She is extremely sick and needs you to donate your organs, blood, etc in order to survive. Because it is your medical right to decide what happens to your body, you are not legally obligated to donate anything, even if it will save your child's life. The individual right to bodily autonomy supersedes the person in need.

    Even dead people are given these same privileges. Although it may save hundreds of lives, we do not allow medical centers to use people's bodies to "experiment" or donate organs without that person's consent. The fact that the person in question is deceased and using those organs may help another human being live, is irrelevant due to the personal liberties.

    "The United States' system for organ procurement operates under a model of expressed consent. This means that an individual will not be an organ donor unless he or she explicitly states otherwise."

    No, donating organs to someone in need is not the same as quote on quote "murdering a child" or "murdering a fetus." However, as stated earlier, it is an example of the same sentiment expressed in pro-choice arguments. In the case of abortion, it is the woman's body being used by something else. For that reason the woman has the upperhand and is another reason why both many pro-choice and pro-life advocates agree that if a woman's life is in danger, she has the right to an abortion.

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Dec 6, 2019

    Underrated Wayne song.

    As a man I have no opinion on actual abortion because it's not my decision, it's not my body to have an opinion on it. It's a woman's personal choice.

  • Dec 6, 2019

    Depends if you're not financially situated or too young, or there is rape.

  • Dec 6, 2019


  • As a man, i dont have a the best understanding on it, but i will say if its from the cases of rape, or the mother is not financially stable to raise a child than it should be considered

  • Dec 6, 2019

    if u aint a woman u really aint got a say in the matter

  • Dec 7, 2019
    Water Giver

    Abortions are better existing than not, other wise we'd have even more broken homes & like back in the day even more back yard alley clinics. And it's good for Rape or medical cases.

    Personally, if a girl gets pregnant by me, I don't want an abortion & if she does it behind my back then imma be mad af. I created that baby too & I want my baby, i should have my rights as well. I'll even raise the nigga myself girl or boy if she want nothing to do with it.

    But I grew up with my mom owning her own very successful home daycare with me helping, so my perspective & ability to raise kids is not the norm.

    Abortions do exist for valid & needed reasons tho.

    Edit: this was originally a reply to someone lol, but I guess they got too spicy itt & got hit with the delete

    Mans I replied too posts really got Thanos snapped lol

  • Dec 7, 2019


    End of discussion.

  • Dec 7, 2019

    better to kill em before they have to live through 70-90 years of the almost unbearable pain of existing

  • Dec 7, 2019
    1 reply

    I am very strongly pro-life, with the three exceptions - rape, incest and protecting the life of the mother - the same position taken by Ronald Reagan.

  • Dec 7, 2019

    ^ stopped reading at "when it comes to rape/incest I'm kind of skeptical"

  • I don’t have an opinion, it’s not my body, so it’s not my place. I can feel a way, but in the end it doesn’t matter.

  • Dec 7, 2019

    not my business or my concern unless its my fault then if it is abort that baby bruh

  • Dec 7, 2019

    Of course the Pope will be anti-abortion, they love the minors at the Vatican.

  • Putting restrictions on abortions whilst keeping them legal makes troubles worse for women in lower socioeconomic classes and those living in rural areas.

  • Dec 7, 2019
    1 reply

    Do humans have the rights to choose who lives or dies?

    Think it just depends on how you answer that question

  • Dec 7, 2019

    Besides rape is the only argument for abortion convenience?

  • Dec 7, 2019

    Keep abortions legal so women don’t have to have unsafe abortions #prochoice

  • Dec 7, 2019

    I am very strongly pro-life, with the three exceptions - rape, incest and protecting the life of the mother - the same position taken by Ronald Reagan.

    Why would you unironically endorse Reagan's beliefs as an alleged African-American?
    Did that MAGA that hat fry your brains

  • Dec 7, 2019

    F*** them would be kids

  • Dec 7, 2019
    1 reply
    Jim Halpert

    Do humans have the rights to choose who lives or dies?

    Think it just depends on how you answer that question

    Should the government have the right to force a woman to keep an unwanted pregnancy or not, is a much better question. The foetus's death is ultimately an inconvenience of abortion, not the end goal.

  • Dec 7, 2019

    F*** em

  • Dec 7, 2019

    It’s ultimately her choice, and advice from her parents maybe the guys parents but other than that no weirdo strangers choices/views that’s not from that family does. not. matter.

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