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  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    Should the government have the right to force a woman to keep an unwanted pregnancy or not, is a much better question. The foetus's death is ultimately an inconvenience of abortion, not the end goal.

    The end goal is convenience of the mothers right?

  • Dec 8, 2019
    2 replies

    Murder is murder.

    For those saying it should “legal and rare” that doesn’t make sense

    If there’s nothing wrong with it why should it be “rare”

    it’s cognitive dissonance. Nobody should be allowed to have control over another’s life in that manner. It’s a life. That’s it.

  • Dec 8, 2019

  • Dec 8, 2019
    2 replies

    Murder is murder.

    For those saying it should “legal and rare” that doesn’t make sense

    If there’s nothing wrong with it why should it be “rare”

    it’s cognitive dissonance. Nobody should be allowed to have control over another’s life in that manner. It’s a life. That’s it.

    smh... it's not f***ing murder.

    Getting pregnant is literally having control over one's life..
    The second you pull out you're essentially murdering children. "it's cognitive dissonance"

    F*** outta here with this pseudo intellectual bullshit. If you're not a woman you can go f*** off. It's disgusting to shame abortion like that

  • Dec 8, 2019

    Kanye should’ve been abortef

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    smh... it's not f***ing murder.

    Getting pregnant is literally having control over one's life..
    The second you pull out you're essentially murdering children. "it's cognitive dissonance"

    F*** outta here with this pseudo intellectual bullshit. If you're not a woman you can go f*** off. It's disgusting to shame abortion like that

    You’re clearly like severely uneducated chief

    Are you ending a life? Yes. It’s not “terminating a pregnancy” it’s killing a baby

    Just like people saying oh but it can’t feel anything and etc

    What about people in comas. Should we be allowed to kill them because they can’t decide what to do with their own lives?

    You’re an idiot

    Go read a book

  • Dec 8, 2019

    morally im opposed to it but speaking pragmatically it should be legal

  • Dec 8, 2019

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    You’re clearly like severely uneducated chief

    Are you ending a life? Yes. It’s not “terminating a pregnancy” it’s killing a baby

    Just like people saying oh but it can’t feel anything and etc

    What about people in comas. Should we be allowed to kill them because they can’t decide what to do with their own lives?

    You’re an idiot

    Go read a book

    piss off you rural twink. stay in the suburbs you aint on that woke s***

  • Dec 8, 2019

    piss off you rural twink. stay in the suburbs you aint on that woke s***

    I’m in NYC you f***in dork

  • Dec 8, 2019

    bbbbut it’s her body!


    so a pregnant woman has 2 hearts and 2 brains and 20 fingers


    Cmon guys.

  • Disgusting and should only be done if the mother is at risk of dying.

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    abortion is a touchy subject due to the idea of what a baby is. Imo a ''baby'' isn't really a baby until around week 12. But around week 6 is when the embryo will have a heartbeat so I can see the case being made for that point. Either way abortion should be legal during the miscarriage phase, undoubtedly.

  • Dec 8, 2019
    2 replies

    smh... it's not f***ing murder.

    Getting pregnant is literally having control over one's life..
    The second you pull out you're essentially murdering children. "it's cognitive dissonance"

    F*** outta here with this pseudo intellectual bullshit. If you're not a woman you can go f*** off. It's disgusting to shame abortion like that

    How would you feel if your mother aborted you because she didn't feel like raising a son and wanted to f*** other men?

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    abortion is a touchy subject due to the idea of what a baby is. Imo a ''baby'' isn't really a baby until around week 12. But around week 6 is when the embryo will have a heartbeat so I can see the case being made for that point. Either way abortion should be legal during the miscarriage phase, undoubtedly.

    so what happens at 12 weeks and at what point does it go from worthless to a valuable life

    Tell me please

  • Dec 8, 2019
    2 replies

    How would you feel if your mother aborted you because she didn't feel like raising a son and wanted to f*** other men?

    How would he feel anything if he didn't exist

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    How would he feel anything if he didn't exist


  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    so what happens at 12 weeks and at what point does it go from worthless to a valuable life

    Tell me please

    The vital organs form/the embryo becomes a baby b

  • Get that fetus! Kill that fetus!

  • Dec 8, 2019


    You know you can't answer that because what you said makes no f***ing sense

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    The vital organs form/the embryo becomes a baby b

    have you read up on this topic?

    I urge you to. I was pro choice my whole life until I took the time to do the homework on it and it’s f***ed up.

    trust me man

  • BillieEilishStan

    How would you feel if your mother aborted you because she didn't feel like raising a son and wanted to f*** other men?

    That's her prerogative. I wouldn't exist to even have the ability to ponder the thought.

    To think about it is overthinking it. But I'll bite.. if my mother did that, she's obviously not fit to be a very good mother. I wouldn't want her to raise me.

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    Brilliant song honestly

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    have you read up on this topic?

    I urge you to. I was pro choice my whole life until I took the time to do the homework on it and it’s f***ed up.

    trust me man

    I have. I have a 3 month old lol

  • soapmanwun

    How would he feel anything if he didn't exist

    pro life people so woat lol mfs just emotional

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