Sans Soleil
The Mirror
Persona has been my favorite movie ever since I first saw it maybe three-four years back, and it really brought me to watch a lot more foreign and older content in general. I've seen many great films since then, but Persona remains my #1. Though, with that being said, my appreciation for The Mirror has grown with each viewing.
Here I’ll give you my top 10:
Pulp fiction
Bicycle thieves
The departed
Dark Knight
Empire strikes back
Do the right thing
Dr. Strangelove
High and Low
Sans Soleil
The Mirror
Persona has been my favorite movie ever since I first saw it maybe three-four years back, and it really brought me to watch a lot more foreign and older content in general. I've seen many great films since then, but Persona remains my #1. Though, with that being said, my appreciation for The Mirror has grown with each viewing.
Wild Strawberries is my favorite film
Bergman is the goat
Haven’t seen persona yet either
The Place Beyond the Pines
This movie really hits all the marks for me.
any one with this answer is a friend of mine :)
Here I’ll give you my top 10:
Pulp fiction
Bicycle thieves
The departed
Dark Knight
Empire strikes back
Do the right thing
Dr. Strangelove
High and Low
Love the list fam
@twitch Dr Strangelove is in my top 10 too, and Rashomon would be my favorite Kurosawa. I greatly enjoy most of his material, but don't have any single film ranked too high. My 2nd pick would be Ran
Top 5
1. A Matter of Life and Death (1946)
2. Greed (1924)
3. Lancelot du Lac (1974)
4. The Driver (1978)
5. The Hourglass Sanatorium (1973)
Wild Strawberries is my favorite film
Bergman is the goat
Haven’t seen persona yet either
my top three Bergman is Persona, Cries and Whispers, and The Seventh Seal. Cries and Whispers could actually be my #2 favorite, but I try to spread the love just a little bit
He has so much great material of course, and it helps that most is so short. But longer projects like Scenes from a Marriage + Fanny Alexander are phenomenal too
Here I’ll give you my top 10:
Pulp fiction
Bicycle thieves
The departed
Dark Knight
Empire strikes back
Do the right thing
Dr. Strangelove
High and Low
real for high and low
my top three Bergman is Persona, Cries and Whispers, and The Seventh Seal. Cries and Whispers could actually be my #2 favorite, but I try to spread the love just a little bit
He has so much great material of course, and it helps that most is so short. But longer projects like Scenes from a Marriage + Fanny Alexander are phenomenal too
I need to get back on my s***
I have the criterion collection set of most of his movies and I was watching in semi chronological order so I’m not even there yet
The House that Jack Built
The Shining
Rosemarys baby
Boogie nights