Mentally I feel tired like my brain is full and no more info can fit in it, I even stopped readin about certain topics, mostly educational stuff(like books, articles, news), cause it got to overwhelming. And that mental tiredness is definitely taking a toll on my emotional Availability.
Emotionally I feel like I'm not there, I just disconnects whenever somethings going on cause I don't know how to act most of the times, Wich is ironic.
So I guess I'm emotionally overwhelmed too, sometimes numb Wich is better still toxic but hey 🤷🤷🤷🤷.
Sorry for using the life sxn as my personal shrink couch, I guess I needed. Once this s*** done I'll seek professional help.
Yesterday i had like a bad d*** trip/ ego death vibes
Bad now i feel like im reborn
Emotionally I'm everywhere. Up and down. Sometimes I can't control it so I use benzos to calm me down, whether I'm too hyped up or too depressed. I have diagnosed bipolar disorder
Mentally I'm alone. So alone. I'm just incredibly alone and I dont really know what to do about it. Both go hand and hand, it just sucks. I miss having someone that I really really looked forward to talking to. I'm trying to quit the benzos and better my life but honestly I don't see a point
Same as it always is. Sad as it is, none of this really changed anything for me. Been knew the world is garbage. Everybody else jus waking up. Only difference.
Strange time in history tho.
I'm honestly in a pretty good place.
I'm cycling every day (if I can fit it in) and I'm taking up running.
bored to death. I feel bad cause I think I am gonna f*** my tests at the end of this term up. I can´t really concentrate and my sleep cycle is awful.
I just wanna do something worthwhile
98% of my family has yet to congratulate me on graduating college but can like my memes on IG
one of my cousins who i havent seen in years hit me with a "lol" after i hit her up
my mom can care less that i graduated cuz it wasnt what she wanted me to do regardless of how she tries to deny it
Yesterday i had like a bad d*** trip/ ego death vibes
Bad now i feel like im reborn
Bad trips are really enlightening if you keep an open mind.
Overtired, anxious and emotional. Too many days in a row going on 4-5 hours of sleep because of everything going on.
I think my attitude about things is pretty healthy and positive though. It's a scary but interesting time to be alive. While I would like to enjoy a sense of normalcy for the first time since February, I'm open to the idea that the new normal could be better than the old one in time.
98% of my family has yet to congratulate me on graduating college but can like my memes on IG
one of my cousins who i havent seen in years hit me with a "lol" after i hit her up
my mom can care less that i graduated cuz it wasnt what she wanted me to do regardless of how she tries to deny it
Congrats bro, you did it. Don't mind your mom she wants the best 4u but it's not her choice to make
bored to death. I feel bad cause I think I am gonna f*** my tests at the end of this term up. I can´t really concentrate and my sleep cycle is awful.
I just wanna do something worthwhile
I feel you bro, give your best still you got this b****.
Emotionally I'm everywhere. Up and down. Sometimes I can't control it so I use benzos to calm me down, whether I'm too hyped up or too depressed. I have diagnosed bipolar disorder
Mentally I'm alone. So alone. I'm just incredibly alone and I dont really know what to do about it. Both go hand and hand, it just sucks. I miss having someone that I really really looked forward to talking to. I'm trying to quit the benzos and better my life but honestly I don't see a point
Loneliness is woat, I'm here if you wanna talk I know it's not the same but still.
How's like being bipolar for you?
Congrats bro, you did it. Don't mind your mom she wants the best 4u but it's not her choice to make
if she wanted the best for me she wouldn't be giving me 2 months to move out in the middle of a pandemic
my GPA and job prospects would be so much better if i didn't help her with my brother in spite of how horrible she treated me besides basic s***(feeding me, etc. that shell eventually throw in my face)