  • Sep 18, 2023

    yeah that site is hipster central lmao, if it isn’t indie rock or some dad rock band it isn’t gonna be held very highly

    any hip-hop that isn’t experimental/abstract (or the opposite of a mainstream project) doesn’t get the nod either, very corny place

    good database for music discovery though

    Right like something that covered all areas regardless of popularity or not would be cool

    Like something that has Madvillainy but also Speakerboxxx or GRODT

    It really feels like a broader view like that doesn't exist on there but maybe i'm not too aware yet

  • Sep 18, 2023

    I was surprised to see MBDTF so low on the list tbh

  • Sep 18, 2023

    Wish you were here is the best concept album ever actually

    let’s relax right there

  • Sep 18, 2023

    akademiks/hard pivot to streaming double whammy

  • Sep 18, 2023

    ngl Pink Floyd is really rough for me as a band

    only could connect to DSOTM and The Wall like that honestly

    Atom Heart Mother, Meddle and WWYWH are good but never was s*** i came back to like that tbh

  • Sep 18, 2023

    it used to be that sales were only important to fans when it was apart of the narrative of the artists marketing/story

    like gunna doing close to what thug did, tyler outselling khaled, kanye vs 50, carter 3 etc

    it really makes no sense for fans rn to care so much about everyone’s sales, especially when they have zero effort to actually understand anything beyond the surface level. sales is not a surface level thing at all

  • Sep 19, 2023

    I would say those are better than clb which probably sold more?

    I'm not basing how good something is on sales, I'll take large amounts of reviews any day

    so when drake stans start spamming review then what?

  • Sep 19, 2023

    yeah that site is hipster central lmao, if it isn’t indie rock or some dad rock band it isn’t gonna be held very highly

    any hip-hop that isn’t experimental/abstract (or the opposite of a mainstream project) doesn’t get the nod either, very corny place

    good database for music discovery though

    only a certain demographic of people are going to be on music review sites rating music.

    If i pulled out the million + coted clb vs donda poll from shaderoom some people on here would be quick to disqualify it.
