well for one Yeezus is a full on industrial rap album so I take it the abrasive and sudden beat switches is definitely more appealing then Ye's other albums. Also it's more of an amped up album. Aint nobody working out to TCD,LR, or Grad and I love all those albums.
Nobody working out to Graduation? The Graduation with Champion, Stronger, I Wonder, Good Life and Cant Tell Me Nothing to open the album? F*** are you saying right now man
Nobody working out to Graduation? The Graduation with Champion, Stronger, I Wonder, Good Life and Cant Tell Me Nothing to open the album? F*** are you saying right now man
Compare that to
On Sight
Black Skinhead
New Slaves
Blood On the Leaves
Im In It
I am a God
Send it Up
it's not close by a mile
Nobody working out to Graduation? The Graduation with Champion, Stronger, I Wonder, Good Life and Cant Tell Me Nothing to open the album? F*** are you saying right now man
who works out and gets amped to I wonder.
Plus it's a top 10 ye song btw
who works out and gets amped to I wonder.
Plus it's a top 10 ye song btw
I do because it’s inspiring
someone really called a HS class of 2014 old i’m barely 23 how young is everyone here?
MCHG > Yeezus >> WTT
Yeah you gotta flip that homie. That’s a baaad take lol
someone really called a HS class of 2014 old i’m barely 23 how young is everyone here?
17 lol
Crazy how much KTT loves Yeezus and yet its #6 at best on the list of Kanye albums and in the publics eyes is the beginning of his downfall GOAT
OP put MCHG over Yeezus and WTT?
nothing this decade is as ambitious, as mind bending, as controversial, as meticulously thought out as Yeezus
"Eatin Asian p**** all i need is sweet and sour sauce" - Hopsin
im c/o 2015 and 23. How are you c/o 14 and the same age ?
With thoughts like this, how did you graduate high school?