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  • Aug 14, 2023

    U T O P I A

  • Aug 14, 2023
    2 replies

    I don’t have anything against your preferences I just think that guy’s response was funny

    lol that's what I mean

    It's insane to me how people can get so offended by an at least coherently articulated opinion. I never asked anyone to agree with me and didn't even want to bring the topic up altogether but the hivemind hopped out.

    If you're going to make "music with a message", be about that message, or at least don't be the opposite of that message. Frankly, I'd rather you just make bangers instead unless you're part of that 1% of artists who actually know what they're talking about, can present it in musically interesting ways, and aren't blatant ideological hypocrites. If I want a "message", I'll read a book lol.

    Like if Juicy J was a Nazi I wouldn't care because dude just raps about strip clubs and d****. But if you're going to name drop the Black Panthers and then support Hitler, I'm sorry, I'm not listening to that music anymore

  • Aug 14, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    lol that's what I mean

    It's insane to me how people can get so offended by an at least coherently articulated opinion. I never asked anyone to agree with me and didn't even want to bring the topic up altogether but the hivemind hopped out.

    If you're going to make "music with a message", be about that message, or at least don't be the opposite of that message. Frankly, I'd rather you just make bangers instead unless you're part of that 1% of artists who actually know what they're talking about, can present it in musically interesting ways, and aren't blatant ideological hypocrites. If I want a "message", I'll read a book lol.

    Like if Juicy J was a Nazi I wouldn't care because dude just raps about strip clubs and d****. But if you're going to name drop the Black Panthers and then support Hitler, I'm sorry, I'm not listening to that music anymore

    You didn’t say that though—you said “04-07: too soft” lol

  • Aug 14, 2023

    It's not a bad thing at all and I can see why people still have it as their favourite trav album but I feel its his least boundary pushing album

  • X7JQ9L2MF4A8Z

    it is pretty exhausting for these dudes to hear any music that is remotely experimental/unconventional or dissonant and then immediately leap to Yeezus comparisons

    I agree but it’s all about reference point so I can’t blame people for that. I was saying this to my man’s the other day but Yeezus is a lot of people’s reference point with experimental/industrial sounding raps

  • Aug 14, 2023
    2 replies
    El Nigga

    You didn’t say that though—you said “04-07: too soft” lol

    Man I can't write out a dissertation on here

    Kanye is a genius producer and on the boards 99% of everything he touches turns to gold even to this day. No debate.

    But I just don't like how fraudulent his older music comes off in light of his longstanding fascistic views that he has never denied and in fact doubled down on supporting these rumors by publicly coming out on goddamn InfoWars to declare them as true lol. It's super insincere to me and I'm sorry but I either need you to be real about yourself or to completely fabricate your image in the most obvious and theatrical way if I'm going to listen to your music. Or you could just rap about nothing in particular and make it sound cool. It is what it is and I'm just one person that Kanye will never see, think about, or care about, who can materially do nothing to him

    I consider 08 onward to be "harder" because it's just more authentically himself, which I appreciate even if sometimes it's just too silly for my liking, a la Yeezus

  • Aug 14, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    But Kanye invented industrial hip hop bro and other than Nine Inch Nails and these underground guys called Ministry nobody was even making industrial music before Kanye

    it’s even more alienating with Carti tbh

    i was being called “the whitest black guy”, a school shooter, weirdo the whole nine yards for f***ing with punk rap and music in general, now niggas are punk fans cause of WLR

  • Aug 14, 2023
    1 reply

    Astroworld was a spectacle and the retrospective erasure people are doing on here is soooooooo lame

  • Aug 14, 2023
    fwt 2

    Astroworld was a spectacle and the retrospective erasure people are doing on here is soooooooo lame

    Still not the spectacle TLOP was tho

  • Aug 14, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    Man I can't write out a dissertation on here

    Kanye is a genius producer and on the boards 99% of everything he touches turns to gold even to this day. No debate.

    But I just don't like how fraudulent his older music comes off in light of his longstanding fascistic views that he has never denied and in fact doubled down on supporting these rumors by publicly coming out on goddamn InfoWars to declare them as true lol. It's super insincere to me and I'm sorry but I either need you to be real about yourself or to completely fabricate your image in the most obvious and theatrical way if I'm going to listen to your music. Or you could just rap about nothing in particular and make it sound cool. It is what it is and I'm just one person that Kanye will never see, think about, or care about, who can materially do nothing to him

    I consider 08 onward to be "harder" because it's just more authentically himself, which I appreciate even if sometimes it's just too silly for my liking, a la Yeezus

    The guy is bi-polar and hanging around white conservative fascist.
    See the difference between ye now and then. A lot of you guys have never dealt with ppl who are bipolar and don’t take medication. Look up Margot kidder or Nina Simone

  • Aug 14, 2023
    3 replies
    Skinn Foley

    Man I can't write out a dissertation on here

    Kanye is a genius producer and on the boards 99% of everything he touches turns to gold even to this day. No debate.

    But I just don't like how fraudulent his older music comes off in light of his longstanding fascistic views that he has never denied and in fact doubled down on supporting these rumors by publicly coming out on goddamn InfoWars to declare them as true lol. It's super insincere to me and I'm sorry but I either need you to be real about yourself or to completely fabricate your image in the most obvious and theatrical way if I'm going to listen to your music. Or you could just rap about nothing in particular and make it sound cool. It is what it is and I'm just one person that Kanye will never see, think about, or care about, who can materially do nothing to him

    I consider 08 onward to be "harder" because it's just more authentically himself, which I appreciate even if sometimes it's just too silly for my liking, a la Yeezus

    “I’m a walking contradiction”. He said it back then and he’s repeated it recently he admires Hitler’s marketing and thinks he did some good things like the inventions he came up with. How does that take away from anything he’s said before? Lol ain’t like he’s out here saying “all the Jews deserved to burn” or some wild s*** like that lol

    He clearly hates how much Jews control the industry/Hollywood and uses Hitler to bait them into flexing their power. As he said a few years ago “it’s normal to say nigga now, but if I mention Hitler watch what happens” <—that to me sounds very 04-07 Kanye but agree to disagree I dgaf what artist say outside the booth, especially when they get past 40. Ice Cube really hates the Jews frfr and loves republicans but I’ll never call Cube a sell out lol he’s just old now, it happens people change 😆

  • Aug 14, 2023

    In some ways TLOP is arguably Ye’s best produced album, and that’s really saying something

  • Aug 14, 2023


  • Aug 14, 2023

    Travis wouldn't even consider putting this on Astro

    It would be scrapped immediately and would be the weakest beat on the album


    You never heard this beat off a good speaker while blasted and it shows

  • Aug 14, 2023

    Don't even get me started on whatever this is


    A Classic.

  • Aug 14, 2023

    Another rough draft beat that would be scrapped on Astroworld and would never see the light of day


    Damn i used to like this song but it kinda sucks now lol

  • Aug 14, 2023

    Every song on astroworld is good

  • Aug 14, 2023

    Tlop by f***ing far lmao

    I don't like astroworld but understand why people love it, but the whole sound is just so condensed and s*** that I have no idea how someone would say it's better produced than tlop

    At least on tlop s*** pops. Drums sound unique to most songs and it sounds so clean overall. Lot of astroworld just sounds muddy and over-compressed to me

  • Aug 14, 2023

    Astroworld. TLOP is all over the place production wise

    I'd rather hear different production sounds than an album where every single song basically sounds the exact same

  • Aug 14, 2023

    Astroworld has always been overrated trash

    not a single memorable song on there

    Man I don't even like the album but you know sicko mode was memorable lol

    I really like astrothunder and stargazing too, definitely has some memorable cuts

  • Aug 14, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    Death Grips, M.I.A., Dizzee Rascal, and El-P are clearing Yeezus in their sleep

    Damn yeezus is a top 3 album ever for me but I'm a massive death grips stan. I wouldn't put tms or anything from them over it but I think death grips has like 4-6 masterpiece 10/10 albums still

  • Aug 14, 2023
    Skinn Foley

    2004-2007: Too soft
    2008: Ye can't carry an album's worth of singing
    2010: Best album
    2013: Corporate punk stuff
    2016: Second best album
    2018: Paint by numbers Kanye
    2019: Mid
    2021: Cool
    2022: Worst album he's ever made

    2004-2007: Too soft

    2016: second best album

    man i gotta gtfo this forum man

  • Aug 14, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    A filthy rich dork making "punk rap" by complaining about the fashion industry is just not what I want to listen to

    Yeezus to me is more like unadulterated and distilled psychopath/mania in its heaviest form

    The fashion stuff came off as societal criticism as a whole regarding race relations s*** to me too

    It's just pure frustration and hateful, but has such good self reflection on joints too. Pure emotions with 0 filtering

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