This is also a great answer
There were eras where people didn't even know where DOOM was or what he was doing
RIP but we didn't even know he had passed until months afterwards. It's gotta be him
RIP but we didn't even know he had passed until months afterwards. It's gotta be him
One of those artists that absolutely did not care about the spotlight
Bob Dylan invented on purpose and took it to its zenith but Robert Johnson accidentally achieved it too
Sun Ra
Godspeed had crazy mystique for a while
People thought they were a left wing terrorist organization (there was precedent in Quebec) or something. At least somebody told me that once.
This is also a great answer
There were eras where people didn't even know where DOOM was or what he was doing
The fact that even FlyLo didn't know he died even after planning an EP with him still blows my mind.
remember that r&b singer him that was like a male version of her down to song titles and lyrics
September 2009 - pre Sway doesn’t have the answers/Zane Lowe I Am A God/2013 Breakfast club interview Kanye West
The pinnacle
This is also a great answer
There were eras where people didn't even know where DOOM was or what he was doing
that era when we didnt even know if DOOM was performing or if it was a stunt double