yeah all those things will just make us more efficient at wasting food
And that's a good thing
The virtuous loop of innovation
yeah all those things will just make us more efficient at wasting food
hows this a bad thing
hows this a bad thing
hey man get ur thread in order look how off topic it went
The internet was based on a government project
Nearly all the things you mentioned are only possible through public research laying the groundwork
You drank the market kool-aid and it shows
What's wrong with DARPA helping fund things and the free market developing these ideas? Lmfao you are such a f***ing weirdo bro
the ONLY thing that will stop this is INNOVATION
deal with it
Biggest problem is whenever innovation is mentioned it's only ever technological innovation, what about systemic innovation? We can't sit on our hands watching tons of food go to waste, waiting on silicon Valley to come up with a solution. There needs to be a change to how a lot of food is distributed.
What's wrong with DARPA helping fund things and the free market developing these ideas? Lmfao you are such a f***ing weirdo bro
Apparently it's not the "free market" innovating
hey man get ur thread in order look how off topic it went
Ya i lost control bro and all the mods are asleep
Hoping we can pick this discussion back up in the morning with more on topic posts
Apparently it's not the "free market" innovating
You don't even understand the basics of real economics so that's why all your arguments sound like they're coming from a f***ing 6th grader
You jump on things I'm not even arguing and thinking you "gotcha" me
There's already a private health system???
Read pages 1-3
Not gonna go back over my views but private health care isn’t what we’re referring to
You don't even understand the basics of real economics so that's why all your arguments sound like they're coming from a f***ing 6th grader
You jump on things I'm not even arguing and thinking you "gotcha" me
Sure, i dont understand highly complex austrian economics voodoo
Wow i didnt know genetic engineering can solve supply chains
And i didnt know engineering was only possible in a capitalist mode of production
Thanks for enlightening me
This worship of technological innovation needs to die already, world's gonna burn waiting for a new tech product to magically solve climate change
Biggest problem is whenever innovation is mentioned it's only ever technological innovation, what about systemic innovation? We can't sit on our hands watching tons of food go to waste, waiting on silicon Valley to come up with a solution. There needs to be a change to how a lot of food is distributed.
Society and technology's impacts have merged the last 20 years. We're now watching it play out at the same time.
That's why you see populism from both sides converging towards distributed systems and decentralization away from a centralized power structure
I agree with you, but I'd say that we are currently living through this transition period and it makes it hard to appreciate the changes in real-time
Sure, i dont understand highly complex austrian economics voodoo
You legit have a brain aneurism at the thought of someone understanding public goods and how research and development funding works in a mixed economy?
Yeah you're a child bro. Good riddance
This worship of technological innovation needs to die already, world's gonna burn waiting for a new tech product to magically solve climate change
The innovation and technologies we prioritize is a direct reflection of our sick culture
We have no one to blame except ourselves
Society and technology's impacts have merged the last 20 years. We're now watching it play out at the same time.
That's why you see populism from both sides converging towards distributed systems and decentralization away from a centralized power structure
I agree with you, but I'd say that we are currently living through this transition period and it makes it hard to appreciate the changes in real-time
Populism is a response to things going to s***, not technological innovation. More production innovation of anything as living becomes unaffordable. As corporations try to drain every lady cent out of you.
Im not sure the original basis of it but ive heard that too
I think it moreso has to do with taking back power of our health and not relying on the government for it
We can self teach surgeons and doctors and remove the government’s control on our health
Self teach surgeons???
You legit have a brain aneurism at the thought of someone understanding public goods and how research and development funding works in a mixed economy?
Yeah you're a child bro. Good riddance
Basic science is nearly entirely state-funded you bozo A bunch of fake start-ups saying they will solve food insecurity through blockchain magic so they can get funding from idiots like you while running off with the money won't solve hunger
the ONLY thing that will stop this is INNOVATION
deal with it
You're completely right, innovation is great and is totally possible under communism so
You're completely right, innovation is great and is totally possible under communism so
Yes, the ideology known for its historic misallocation of resources resulting in the death of hundreds of millions will surely allocate resources better than the free market